162 research outputs found

    Sunbed use in children aged 11-17 in England: face to face quota sampling surveys in the National Prevalence Study and Six Cities Study

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    Objectives To quantify the use of sunbeds in young people across England, identify geographical variation, and explore patterns of use, including supervision

    Public awareness of cancer in Britain: a population-based survey of adults

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    *_Objective:_* To assess public awareness of cancer warning signs, anticipated delay, and perceived barriers to seeking medical advice in the British population. 
Methods: We carried out a population-based survey using face-to-face, computer-assisted interviews to administer the Cancer Awareness Measure (CAM), a newly-developed, validated measure of cancer awareness. The sample included 2216 adults (970 male and 1246 female) recruited as part of the Office for National Statistics Opinions Survey using stratified probability sampling.

*_Results:_* Awareness of cancer warning signs was low when open-ended (recall) questions were used and higher with closed (recognition) questions; but on either measure, awareness was lower in those who were male, younger, and from lower socioeconomic status (SES) groups or ethnic minorities. The most commonly endorsed barriers to help-seeking were difficulty making an appointment, worry about wasting the doctor’s time and worry about what would be found. Emotional barriers were more prominent in lower SES groups and practical barriers (e.g. too busy) more prominent in higher SES groups. Anticipated delay was lower in ethnic minority and lower SES groups. In multivariate analysis, higher symptom awareness was associated with lower anticipated delay, and more barriers with greater anticipated delay.

*_Conclusions:_* A combination of public education about symptoms and empowerment to seek medical advice, as well as support at primary care level, could enhance early presentation and improve cancer outcomes

    Diagnosing cancer in primary care: results from the National Cancer Diagnosis Audit

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    BACKGROUND: Continual improvements in diagnostic processes are needed to minimise the proportion of patients with cancer who experience diagnostic delays. Clinical audit is a means of achieving this. AIM: To characterise key aspects of the diagnostic process for cancer and to generate baseline measures for future re-audit. DESIGN AND SETTING: Clinical audit of cancer diagnosis in general practices in England. METHOD: Information on patient and tumour characteristics held in the English National Cancer Registry was supplemented by information from GPs in participating practices. Data items included diagnostic timepoints, patient characteristics, and clinical management. RESULTS: Data were collected on 17 042 patients with a new diagnosis of cancer during 2014 from 439 practices. Participating practices were similar to non-participating ones, particularly regarding population age, urban/rural location, and practice-based patient experience measures. The median diagnostic interval for all patients was 40 days (interquartile range [IQR] 15-86 days). Most patients were referred promptly (median primary care interval 5 days [IQR 0-27 days]). Where GPs deemed diagnostic delays to have occurred (22% of cases), patient, clinician, or system factors were responsible in 26%, 28%, and 34% of instances, respectively. Safety netting was recorded for 44% of patients. At least one primary care-led investigation was carried out for 45% of patients. Most patients (76%) had at least one existing comorbid condition; 21% had three or more. CONCLUSION: The findings identify avenues for quality improvement activity and provide a baseline for future audit of the impact of 2015 National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidance on management and referral of suspected cancer

    BRCA1 is required for maintenance of phospho-Chk1 and G<sub>2</sub>/M arrest during DNA cross-link repair in DT40 cells

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    The Fanconi anemia DNA repair pathway is pivotal for the efficient repair of DNA interstrand cross-links. Here, we show that FA-defective (Fancc(-)) DT40 cells arrest in G(2) phase following cross-link damage and trigger apoptosis. Strikingly, cell death was reduced in Fancc(-) cells by additional deletion of the BRCA1 tumor suppressor, resulting in elevated clonogenic survival. Increased resistance to cross-link damage was not due to loss of toxic BRCA1-mediated homologous recombination but rather through the loss of a G(2) checkpoint. This proapoptotic role also required the BRCA1-A complex member ABRAXAS (FAM175A). Finally, we show that BRCA1 promotes G(2) arrest and cell death by prolonging phosphorylation of Chk1 on serine 345 after DNA damage to sustain arrest. Our data imply that DNA-induced cross-link death in cells defective in the FA pathway is dependent on the ability of BRCA1 to prolong cell cycle arrest in G(2) phase

    Development of a measurement tool to assess public awareness of cancer

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    &lt;p&gt;Objective: We aimed to develop and validate a measurement tool to assess cancer awareness in the general population: the cancer awareness measure (CAM).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: Items assessing awareness of cancer warning signs, risk factors, incidence, screening programmes and attitudes towards help seeking were extracted from the literature or generated by expert groups. To determine reliability, the CAM was administered to a university participant panel (n=148), with a sub-sample (n=94) completing it again 2 weeks later. To establish construct validity, CAM scores of cancer experts (n=12) were compared with those of non-medical academics (n=21). Finally, university students (n=49) were randomly assigned to read either a cancer information leaflet or a leaflet with control information before completing the measure, to ensure the CAM was sensitive to change.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: Cognitive interviewing indicated that the CAM was being interpreted as intended. Internal reliability (Cronbach's α=0.77) and test–retest reliability (r=0.81) were high. Scores for cancer experts were significantly higher than those for non-medical academics (t(31)=6.8, P&#60;0.001). CAM scores were higher among students who received an intervention leaflet than the control leaflet (t(47)=4.8, P&#60;0.001).&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions: These studies show the psychometric properties of the CAM and support its validity as a measure of cancer awareness in the general population.&lt;/p&gt

    Awareness of cancer symptoms and anticipated help seeking among ethnic minority groups in England

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    &lt;p&gt;Objective: Little is known about ethnic differences in awareness of cancer-warning signs or help-seeking behaviour in Britain. As part of the National Awareness and Early Diagnosis Initiative (NAEDI), this study aimed to explore these factors as possible contributors to delay in cancer diagnosis.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Methods: We used quota sampling to recruit 1500 men and women from the six largest minority ethnic groups in England (Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Caribbean, African and Chinese). In face-to-face interviews, participants completed the newly developed cancer awareness measure (CAM), which includes questions about warning signs for cancer, speed of consultation for possible cancer symptoms and barriers to help seeking.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Results: Awareness of warning signs was low across all ethnic groups, especially using the open-ended (recall) question format, with lowest awareness in the African group. Women identified more emotional barriers and men more practical barriers to help seeking, with considerable ethnic variation. Anticipated delay in help seeking was higher in individuals who identified fewer warning signs and more barriers.&lt;/p&gt; &lt;p&gt;Conclusions: The study suggests the need for culturally sensitive, community-based interventions to raise awareness and encourage early presentation.&lt;/p&gt

    Epigenetic control of translation checkpoint and tumor progression via RUVBL1-EEF1A1 axis

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    Epigenetic dysregulation is reported in multiple cancers including Ewing sarcoma (EwS). However, the epigenetic networks underlying the maintenance of oncogenic signaling and therapeutic response remain unclear. Using a series of epigenetics- and complex-focused CRISPR screens, RUVBL1, the ATPase component of NuA4 histone acetyltransferase complex, is identified to be essential for EwS tumor progression. Suppression of RUVBL1 leads to attenuated tumor growth, loss of histone H4 acetylation, and ablated MYC signaling. Mechanistically, RUVBL1 controls MYC chromatin binding and modulates the MYC-driven EEF1A1 expression and thus protein synthesis. High-density CRISPR gene body scan pinpoints the critical MYC interacting residue in RUVBL1. Finally, this study reveals the synergism between RUVBL1 suppression and pharmacological inhibition of MYC in EwS xenografts and patient-derived samples. These results indicate that the dynamic interplay between chromatin remodelers, oncogenic transcription factors, and protein translation machinery can provide novel opportunities for combination cancer therapy.</p

    Is Cancer survival associated with cancer symptom awareness and barriers to seeking medical help in England? An ecological study

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    Abstract BACKGROUND: Campaigns aimed at raising cancer awareness and encouraging early presentation have been implemented in England. However, little is known about whether people with low cancer awareness and increased barriers to seeking medical help have worse cancer survival, and whether there is a geographical variation in cancer awareness and barriers in England. METHODS: From population-based surveys (n=35?308), using the Cancer Research UK Cancer Awareness Measure, we calculated the age- and sex-standardised symptom awareness and barriers scores for 52 primary care trusts (PCTs). These measures were evaluated in relation to the sex-, age-, and type of cancer-standardised cancer survival index of the corresponding PCT, from the National Cancer Registry, using linear regression. Breast, lung, and bowel cancer survival were analysed separately. RESULTS: Cancer symptom awareness and barriers scores varied greatly between geographical regions in England, with the worst scores observed in socioeconomically deprived parts of East London. Low cancer awareness score was associated with poor cancer survival at PCT level (estimated slope=1.56, 95% CI: 0.56; 2.57). The barriers score was not associated with overall cancer survival, but it was associated with breast cancer survival (estimated slope=-0.66, 95% CI: -1.20; -0.11). Specific barriers, such as embarrassment and difficulties in arranging transport to the doctor's surgery, were associated with worse breast cancer survival. CONCLUSIONS: Cancer symptom awareness and cancer survival are associated. Campaigns should focus on improving awareness about cancer symptoms, especially in socioeconomically deprived areas. Efforts should be made to alleviate barriers to seeking medical help in women with symptoms of breast cancer.British Journal of Cancer advance online publication 18 August 2016; doi:10.1038/bjc.2016.246 www.bjcancer.com

    Progress in cancer survival, mortality, and incidence in seven high-income countries 1995–2014 (ICBP SURVMARK-2): a population-based study

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    © 2019 World Health Organization Background: Population-based cancer survival estimates provide valuable insights into the effectiveness of cancer services and can reflect the prospects of cure. As part of the second phase of the International Cancer Benchmarking Partnership (ICBP), the Cancer Survival in High-Income Countries (SURVMARK-2) project aims to provide a comprehensive overview of cancer survival across seven high-income countries and a comparative assessment of corresponding incidence and mortality trends. Methods: In this longitudinal, population-based study, we collected patient-level data on 3·9 million patients with cancer from population-based cancer registries in 21 jurisdictions in seven countries (Australia, Canada, Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Norway, and the UK) for seven sites of cancer (oesophagus, stomach, colon, rectum, pancreas, lung, and ovary) diagnosed between 1995 and 2014, and followed up until Dec 31, 2015. We calculated age-standardised net survival at 1 year and 5 years after diagnosis by site, age group, and period of diagnosis. We mapped changes in incidence and mortality to changes in survival to assess progress in cancer control. Findings: In 19 eligible jurisdictions, 3 764 543 cases of cancer were eligible for inclusion in the study. In the 19 included jurisdictions, over 1995–2014, 1-year and 5-year net survival increased in each country across almost all cancer types, with, for example, 5-year rectal cancer survival increasing more than 13 percentage points in Denmark, Ireland, and the UK. For 2010–14, survival was generally higher in Australia, Canada, and Norway than in New Zealand, Denmark, Ireland, and the UK. Over the study period, larger survival improvements were observed for patients younger than 75 years at diagnosis than those aged 75 years and older, and notably for cancers with a poor prognosis (ie, oesophagus, stomach, pancreas, and lung). Progress in cancer control (ie, increased survival, decreased mortality and incidence) over the study period was evident for stomach, colon, lung (in males), and ovarian cancer. Interpretation: The joint evaluation of trends in incidence, mortality, and survival indicated progress in four of the seven studied cancers. Cancer survival continues to increase across high-income countries; however, international disparities persist. While truly valid comparisons require differences in registration practice, classification, and coding to be minimal, stage of disease at diagnosis, timely access to effective treatment, and the extent of comorbidity are likely the main determinants of patient outcomes. Future studies are needed to assess the impact of these factors to further our understanding of international disparities in cancer survival. Funding: Canadian Partnership Against Cancer; Cancer Council Victoria; Cancer Institute New South Wales; Cancer Research UK; Danish Cancer Society; National Cancer Registry Ireland; The Cancer Society of New Zealand; National Health Service England; Norwegian Cancer Society; Public Health Agency Northern Ireland, on behalf of the Northern Ireland Cancer Registry; The Scottish Government; Western Australia Department of Health; and Wales Cancer Network
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