22 research outputs found

    The German Aerospace Center M-42 radiation detector—A new development for applications in mixed radiation fields

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    In the last few years, the Biophysics Working Group of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) started the development of a small low power consumption radiation detector system for the measurement of the absorbed dose to be applied in various environments, such as onboard aircraft, in space, and also as a demonstration tool for students. These so called DLR M-42 detectors are based on an electronics design, which can easily be adjusted to the user- and mission-requirements. M-42 systems were already applied for measurements in airplanes, during two MAPHEUS (Materialphysikalische Experimente unter Schwerelosigkeit) rocket missions, and are currently prepared for long term balloon experiments. In addition, they will be part of the dosimetry suite of the upcoming Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment on the NASA Artemis I mission. This paper gives an overview of the design and the testing of the DLR M-42 systems and provides highlighted results from the MAPHEUS campaigns where the detectors were tested for the first time under space flight conditions. Results clearly show that the system design enables independent measurements starting upon rocket launch due to the built-in accelerometer sensors and provides data for the relevant 6 min of μ-gravity as given for the MAPHEUS missions. These 6 min of the μ-gravity environment at altitudes between 100 and 240 km lead to a total absorbed dose of 1.21 ± 0.15 μGy being equivalent to half a day of radiation background measured with the M-42 in the laboratory at DLR, Cologne, Germany

    BIOLEX – The Biology and Lunar experiment and the LOGOS Cubes

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    BIOLEX is a concept designed for in situ science on the Moon or in its orbit. As heritage of the polar and space experiment BIOMEX (Biology and Mars Experiment) on the ISS it is a more developed concept. Measurement operations on an exposure platform as well as within a micro-greenhouse device are part of this concept. The goal is to investigate the use of lunar resources as well as to analyse the stability of biomolecules as potential biosignatures serving as reference for future space exploration missions to Mars and the icy ocean moons in the outer solar system. Astrobiological exploration of the solar system is a priority research area such as emphasized by the European Astrobiology Roadmap (AstRoMap). It is focusing on several research topics, such as "Habitability" and on "Biomarkers for the detection of life". Therefore, "space platforms and laboratories", such as the EXPOSE setup installed outside the ISS, are essential to gain more knowledge on space- and planetary environments, which might be an essential basis for improvement of the robotic and human interplanetary exploration (Moon, Mars, Encedalus, Titan and Europa). In reference to these exposure platforms a new generation of hardware is needed to be installed in the lunar orbit or directly on the Moon. The BIOLEX is representing by its LOGOS (Lunar Organisms, Geo-microbiology and Organics Space Experiment) cubes such a concept combining the life detection topics with topics relevant to autonomous life supporting systems. A combination of a sample exposure device and a microhabitat for plants and microorganisms could address a tremendous number of questions from astrobiology and life sciences. The main scientific objectives for the use of BIOLEX-LOGOS cubes are: (i) in situ measurements by spectroscopy methods (such as Raman, IR, UV/VISspectroscopy) for analysis of biosignatures and their stability what is relevant for support of future life detection missions on Mars and the icy moons in the outer solar system); (ii) in situ measurements of environmental conditions (radiation, pressure/vacuum, temperature, pH, humidity) in micro-modules or compartments in reference to planned micro-habitat experiments placed on the Moon or incorporated on an exposure facility in orbit; (iii) in situ measurements of microorganisms’ activity in micro-modules / compartments in reference to planned microhabitat experiments placed on the moon or incorporated in the exposure facility in orbit. In reference to these scientific ideas the Moon is an excellent platform to operate different space experiments which will be of relevance for astrobiology, life sciences and human space missions. BIOLEX tries to fulfil a large number of scientific investigations in reference to these disciplines. The lunar environment is much harsher compared to Mars; and tests on biomolecules in this environment could provide information on their stability and therefore on the value to be used as reference for future space missions to Mars or the icy ocean moons in the outer solar system. Resources of the Moon such as the regolith or the freely available radiation on the surface could be tested by using them in a micro-greenhouse. Within this greenhouse different filters could test the optimal spectra range of the radiation

    The impact of altered gravity and vibration on endothelial cells during a parabolic flight

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    Endothelial cells (EC) cultured under altered gravity conditions show a cytoskeletal disorganization and differential gene expression (short-term effects), as well as apoptosis in adherently growing EC or formation of tubular 3D structures (long-term effects). Methods: Investigating short-term effects of real microgravity, we exposed EC to parabolic flight maneuvers and analysed them on both protein and transcriptional level. The effects of hypergravity and vibration were studied separately. Results: Pan-actin and tubulin proteins were elevated by vibration and down-regulated by hypergravity. beta-Actin was reduced by vibration. Moesin protein was reduced by both vibration and hypergravity, ezrin potein was strongly elevated under vibration. Gene expression of ACTB, CCND1, CDC6, CDKN1A, VEGFA, FLK-1, EZR, ITBG1, OPN, CASP3, CASP8, ANXA2, and BIRC5 was reduced under vibration. With the exception of CCNA2, CCND1, MSN, RDX, OPN, BIRC5, and ACTB all investigated genes were downregulated by hypergravity. After one parabola (P) CCNA2, CCND1, CDC6, CDKN1A, EZR, MSN, OPN, VEGFA, CASP3, CASP8, ANXA1, ANXA2, and BIRC5 were up-, while FLK1 was downregulated. EZR, MSN, OPN, ANXA2, and BIRC5 were upregulated after 31P. Conclusions: Genes of the cytoskeleton, angiogenesis, extracellular matrix, apoptosis, and cell cycle regulation were affected by parabolic flight maneuvers. We show that the microgravity stimulus is stronger than hypergravity/vibration

    Is the repair kinetics of radiation induced DNA damages influenced by microgravity? Preparation of the space experiment LUX-in-Space

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    In space, all organisms are exposed to and affected by space radiation and microgravity. This applies for microorganisms, plants and animals used as components of bioregenerative life support systems, for cells, tissues and organoids investigated in scientific space experiments and for astronauts. Radiation and microgravity were identified as two of the five most important hazards for manned spaceflight. Therefore, the knowledge of biological space radiation effects as well as the impact of microgravity on enzymatic repair processes is mandatory for risk assessment, especially in view of long duration missions to Mars or permanently inhabited bases on the Moon. The repair kinetics of radiation induced DNA damages will be investigated with a bioassay, the DLR-developed SOS-Lux Test, in the space experiment LUX-in-Space on the ISS. Bacteria serve as model organisms. They possess the same type of nucleotid excision repair as all other living organisms including humans. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica (ATCC 53648) cells are transformed with the pBR322-derived plasmid pPLS-1, carrying the promoterless lux operon of Photobacterium leiognathi as the reporter element controlled by a DNA damage-dependent SOS promoter as sensor element. Due to safety issues, UV radiation was chosen for DNA damage induction. It causes defined types of DNA damage, e.g. cyclobutan pyrimidine dimers, which are among those also induced by ionising radiation. In response to exposure to radiation the SOS promoter is activated. Due to the genetic modification, the connected so-called lux genes are expressed, resulting in the emission of measurable bioluminescence proportional to the applied dose of radiation. The DNA repair kinetics are followed by bioluminescence and optical density measurements. The experiment specific hardware for the BIOLAB facility is under development by industry and the results of the rigorous testing and optimisation program will be presented. LUX-in-Space is the first space experiment where the whole series of events from DNA damage induction in metabolically active cells to the different steps of enzymatic repair will take place in real microgravity and the repair kinetics will be monitored in situ by optical measurements. The effects of microgravity will be clearly separated from other spaceflight factors by comparison with parallel samples on an onboard 1g centrifuge in the Biolab facility on the ISS and in a parallel ground control experiment with identical samples in flight-identical hardware

    The German Aerospace Center M-42 radiation detector—A new development for applications in mixed radiation fields

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    In the last few years, the Biophysics Working Group of the Institute of Aerospace Medicine of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) started the development of a small low power consumption radiation detector system for the measurement of the absorbed dose to be applied in various environments, such as onboard aircraft, in space, and also as a demonstration tool for students. These so called DLR M-42 detectors are based on an electronics design, which can easily be adjusted to the user- and mission-requirements. M-42 systems were already applied for measurements in airplanes, during two MAPHEUS (Materialphysikalische Experimente unter Schwerelosigkeit) rocket missions, and are currently prepared for long term balloon experiments. In addition, they will be part of the dosimetry suite of the upcoming Matroshka AstroRad Radiation Experiment on the NASA Artemis I mission. This paper gives an overview of the design and the testing of the DLR M-42 systems and provides highlighted results from the MAPHEUS campaigns where the detectors were tested for the first time under space flight conditions. Results clearly show that the system design enables independent measurements starting upon rocket launch due to the built-in accelerometer sensors and provides data for the relevant 6 min of μ-gravity as given for the MAPHEUS missions. These 6 min of the μ-gravity environment at altitudes between 100 and 240 km lead to a total absorbed dose of 1.21 ± 0.15 μGy being equivalent to half a day of radiation background measured with the M-42 in the laboratory at DLR, Cologne, Germany

    ARABIDOMICS—A new experimental platform for molecular analyses of plants in drop towers, on parabolic flights, and sounding rockets

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    Plants represent an essential part of future life support systems that will enable human space travel to distant planets and their colonization. Therefore, insights into changes and adaptations of plants in microgravity are of great importance. Despite considerable efforts, we still know very little about how plants respond to microgravity environments on the molecular level, partly due to a lack of sufficient hardware and flight opportunities. The plant Arabidopsis thaliana, the subject of this study, represents a well-studied model organism in gravitational biology, particularly for the analysis of transcriptional and metabolic changes. To overcome the limitations of previous plant hardware that often led to secondary effects and to allow for the extraction not only of RNA but also of phytohormones and proteins, we developed a new experimental platform, called ARABIDOMICS, for exposure and fixation under altered gravity conditions. Arabidopsis seedlings were exposed to hypergravity during launch and microgravity during the free-fall period of the MAPHEUS 5 sounding rocket. Seedlings were chemically fixed inflight at defined time points, and RNA and phytohormones were subsequently analyzed in the laboratory. RNA and phytohormones extracted from the fixed biological samples were of excellent quality. Changes in the phytohormone content of jasmonate, auxin, and several cytokinins were observed in response to hypergravity and microgravity