9,646 research outputs found

    Communication through an extra dimension

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    If our visible universe is considered a trapped shell in a five-dimensional hyper-universe, all matter in it may be connected by superluminal signals traveling through the fifth dimension. Events in the shell are still causal, however, the propagation of signals proceeds at different velocities depending on the fifth coordinate.Comment: Latex format, 12 pages. References modifie

    Doing gender and development: understanding empowerment and local gender relations

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    A major dilemma in Gender and Development (GAD) work is why it is that sometimes women may feel better off colluding with gendered structures that ensure their continued subordination rather than seeking approaches that will allow them to break free of this. Kandiyoti (1988 Gender and Society 2 274-90) has identified this apparent collusion as 'patriarchal bargains', which offer women greater advantages than they perceive can be achieved by challenging the prevailing order. Such women are therefore reluctant to engage in empowering activities that may challenge their gendered bargain. This paper explains this dilemma in the context of GAD work undertaken with Bedouin women in Southern Egypt

    Single production of new gauge bosons from the littlest Higgs model at the TeVTeV energy e−γe^{-}\gamma colliders

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    In the context of the littlest Higgs(LH) model, we study single production of the new gauge bosons BHB_{H}, ZHZ_{H} and WH±W_{H}^{\pm} via e−γe^{-}\gamma collisions and discuss the possibility of detecting these new particles in the TeVTeV energy e+e−e^{+}e^{-} collider(LCLC). We find that these new particles can not be detected via the e−ννe^{-}\nu\nu signal in all of the parameter space preferred by the electroweak precision data. However, the heavy gauge bosons BHB_{H} and ZHZ_{H} may be observed via the decay channel BH(ZH)→l+l−B_{H}(Z_{H})\to l^{+}l^{-} in wide range of the parameter space.Comment: references added, typos corrected. To be published in Phys. Rev.

    Push recovery with stepping strategy based on time-projection control

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    In this paper, we present a simple control framework for on-line push recovery with dynamic stepping properties. Due to relatively heavy legs in our robot, we need to take swing dynamics into account and thus use a linear model called 3LP which is composed of three pendulums to simulate swing and torso dynamics. Based on 3LP equations, we formulate discrete LQR controllers and use a particular time-projection method to adjust the next footstep location on-line during the motion continuously. This adjustment, which is found based on both pelvis and swing foot tracking errors, naturally takes the swing dynamics into account. Suggested adjustments are added to the Cartesian 3LP gaits and converted to joint-space trajectories through inverse kinematics. Fixed and adaptive foot lift strategies also ensure enough ground clearance in perturbed walking conditions. The proposed structure is robust, yet uses very simple state estimation and basic position tracking. We rely on the physical series elastic actuators to absorb impacts while introducing simple laws to compensate their tracking bias. Extensive experiments demonstrate the functionality of different control blocks and prove the effectiveness of time-projection in extreme push recovery scenarios. We also show self-produced and emergent walking gaits when the robot is subject to continuous dragging forces. These gaits feature dynamic walking robustness due to relatively soft springs in the ankles and avoiding any Zero Moment Point (ZMP) control in our proposed architecture.Comment: 20 pages journal pape

    Ghost Cosmology: Exact Solutions, Transitions Between Standard Cosmologies and Ghost Dark Energy/Matter Evolution

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    The recently proposed infrared modification of gravity through the introduction of a ghost scalar field results in a number of interesting cosmological and phenomenological implications. In this paper, we derive the exact cosmological solutions for a number of scenarios where at late stages, the ghost behaves like dark matter, or dark energy. The full solutions give valuable information about the non-linear regime beyond the asymptotic first order analysis presented in the literature. The generic feature is that these ghost cosmologies give rise to smooth transitions between radiation dominated phases (or more general power-law expansions) at early epochs and ghost dark matter resp. ghost dark energy dominated late epochs. The current age of our universe places us right at the non-linear transition phase. By studying the evolution backwards in time, we find that the dominance of the ghost over ordinary baryonic matter and radiative contributions persists back to the earliest times such that the Friedmann-Robertson-Walker geometry is dictated to a good approximation by the ghost alone. We also find that the Jeans instability occurs in the ghost dark energy scenario at late times, while it is absent in the ghost dark matter scenario.Comment: 31 pages, 9 figures; added references, clarified a few minor point

    Ghosts, Strong Coupling and Accidental Symmetries in Massive Gravity

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    We show that the strong self-interaction of the scalar polarization of a massive graviton can be understood in terms of the propagation of an extra ghost-like degree of freedom, thus relating strong coupling to the sixth degree of freedom discussed by Boulware and Deser in their Hamiltonian analysis of massive gravity. This enables one to understand the Vainshtein recovery of solutions of massless gravity as being due to the effect of the exchange of this ghost which gets frozen at distances larger than the Vainshtein radius. Inside this region, we can trust the two-field Lagrangian perturbatively, while at larger distances one can use the higher derivative formulation. We also compare massive gravity with other models, namely deconstructed theories of gravity, as well as DGP model. In the latter case we argue that the Vainshtein recovery process is of different nature, not involving a ghost degree of freedom.Comment: 21 page

    Supersymmetry in Slow Motion

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    We construct new theories of electroweak symmetry breaking that employ a combination of supersymmetry and discrete symmetries to stabilize the weak scale up to and beyond the energies probed by the LHC. These models exhibit conventional supersymmetric spectra but the fermion-sfermion-gaugino vertices are absent. This closes many conventional decay channels, thereby allowing several superpartners to be stable on collider time scales. This opens the door to the possibility of directly observing R-hadrons and three flavors of sleptons inside the LHC detectors.Comment: A reference added. The discussion on the Higgs sector expanded. The version accepted for publication in JHE

    Causality, Analyticity and an IR Obstruction to UV Completion

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    We argue that certain apparently consistent low-energy effective field theories described by local, Lorentz-invariant Lagrangians, secretly exhibit macroscopic non-locality and cannot be embedded in any UV theory whose S-matrix satisfies canonical analyticity constraints. The obstruction involves the signs of a set of leading irrelevant operators, which must be strictly positive to ensure UV analyticity. An IR manifestation of this restriction is that the "wrong" signs lead to superluminal fluctuations around non-trivial backgrounds, making it impossible to define local, causal evolution, and implying a surprising IR breakdown of the effective theory. Such effective theories can not arise in quantum field theories or weakly coupled string theories, whose S-matrices satisfy the usual analyticity properties. This conclusion applies to the DGP brane-world model modifying gravity in the IR, giving a simple explanation for the difficulty of embedding this model into controlled stringy backgrounds, and to models of electroweak symmetry breaking that predict negative anomalous quartic couplings for the W and Z. Conversely, any experimental support for the DGP model, or measured negative signs for anomalous quartic gauge boson couplings at future accelerators, would constitute direct evidence for the existence of superluminality and macroscopic non-locality unlike anything previously seen in physics, and almost incidentally falsify both local quantum field theory and perturbative string theory.Comment: 34 pages, 10 figures; v2: analyticity arguments improved, discussion on non-commutative theories and minor clarifications adde
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