1,015 research outputs found

    Lost Communication: A Generative Criticism of How Parental Communication Towards Children Affects How Children Communicate with Peers

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    This study aimed to determine the effect parental communication towards three characters on the TV show Lost had on how these characters interacted with their peers. The researcher details the history of Lost and other scholarly information that led to this analysis. To determine the effect of parental communication on peer communication, the researcher coded all six seasons of Lost using a generative criticism method. This study showed that the characters Jack, Kate, and John used communication mechanisms displayed by their parents to judge their value and place in peer communications and interactions

    How does the kinase Lck phosphorylate the T cell receptor? Spatial organization as a regulatory mechanism

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    T cell signaling begins with the ligation of the T cell antigen receptor (TCR) by a cognate peptide and the phosphorylation of the receptor’s immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif domains by the kinase Lck. However, the canonical receptor model is insufficient to explain how the constitutively active kinase Lck can discriminate between non-ligated and ligated TCRs. Here, we discuss the factors that are thought to regulate the spatial distribution of the TCR and Lck, and therefore critically influence TCR signaling initiation

    Direct-laser writing for subnanometer focusing and single-molecule imaging

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    Two-photon direct laser writing is an additive fabrication process that utilizes two-photon absorption of tightly focused femtosecond laser pulses to implement spatially controlled polymerization of a liquid-phase photoresist. Two-photon direct laser writing is capable of nanofabricating arbitrary three-dimensional structures with nanometer accuracy. Here, we explore direct laser writing for high-resolution optical microscopy by fabricating unique 3D optical fiducials for single-molecule tracking and 3D single-molecule localization microscopy. By having control over the position and three-dimensional architecture of the fiducials, we improve axial discrimination and demonstrate isotropic subnanometer 3D focusing (<0.8 nm) over tens of micrometers using a standard inverted microscope. We perform 3D single-molecule acquisitions over cellular volumes, unsupervised data acquisition and live-cell single-particle tracking with nanometer accuracy

    Plasma membrane polarization during mating in yeast cells

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    The yeast mating cell provides a simple paradigm for analyzing mechanisms underlying the generation of surface polarity. Endocytic recycling and slow diffusion on the plasma membrane were shown to facilitate polarized surface distribution of Snc1p (Valdez-Taubas, J., and H.R. Pelham. 2003. Curr. Biol. 13:1636–1640). Here, we found that polarization of Fus1p, a raft-associated type I transmembrane protein involved in cell fusion, does not depend on endocytosis. Instead, Fus1p localization to the tip of the mating projection was determined by its cytosolic domain, which binds to peripheral proteins involved in mating tip polarization. Furthermore, we provide evidence that the lipid bilayer at the mating projection is more condensed than the plasma membrane enclosing the cell body, and that sphingolipids are required for this lipid organization

    Missouri commercial strawberry spray schedule, 1987

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    Double-sided ; 3 hole punches at top ; folded in half ; green ; 43 cm"1/87 1.5M""These recommendations are intended to serve as guidelines for commercial strawberry growers in Missouri. The pesticides and application rates listed for any given pest problem are based on their effectiveness, economy, safety and general integration into control programs for other pests present at or about the same time. The choice of which chemicals to use, when to use them, and how they are applied must be made by the individual grower relative to his own experience, equipment, and special problems associated with his fields. The effective and efficient use of all pesticides requires careful selection of the most appropriate material and the rate required, critical timing of the application(s), and uniform, thorough coverage of the plants."--first paragraphA.E. Gaus (Horticulture), E.W. Palm (Plant Pathology), J.W. Johnson (Entomology), J.F. Moore (Plant Pathology), H. Townsend (Entomology

    How Do Cells Make Decisions: Engineering Micro- and Nanoenvironments for Cell Migration

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    Cell migration contributes to cancer metastasis and involves cell adhesion to the extracellular matrix (ECM), force generation through the cell's cytoskeletal, and finally cell detachment. Both adhesive cues from the ECM and soluble cues from neighbouring cells and tissue trigger intracellular signalling pathways that are essential for cell migration. While the machinery of many signalling pathways is relatively well understood, how hierarchies of different and conflicting signals are established is a new area of cellular cancer research. We examine the recent advances in microfabrication, microfluidics, and nanotechnology that can be utilized to engineer micro- and nanoscaled cellular environments. Controlling both adhesive and soluble cues for migration may allow us to decipher how cells become motile, choose the direction for migration, and how oncogenic transformations influences these decision-making processes

    Missouri commercial strawberry spray schedule, 1984

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    Double-sided ; 3 hole punches at top ; folded in half ; white ; 43 cm"1/84 1.5M""These recommendations are intended to serve as guidelines for commercial strawberry growers in Missouri. The pesticides and application rates listed for any given pest problem are based on their effectiveness, economy, safety and general integration into control programs for other pests present at or about the same time. The choice of which chemicals to use, when to use them, and how they are applied must be made by the individual grower relative to his own experience, equipment, and special problems associated with his fields. The effective and efficient use of all pesticides requires careful selection of the most appropriate material and the rate required, critical timing of the application(s), and uniform, thorough coverage of the plants."--first paragraphA.E. Gaus (Horticulture), E.W. Palm (Plant Pathology), W.S. Craig (Entomology), J.F. Moore (Plant Pathology), H. Townsend (Entomology

    Missouri commercial strawberry spray schedule, 1985

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    Double-sided ; 3 hole punches at top ; folded in half ; pink ; 43 cm"1/85 1.5M""These recommendations are intended to serve as guidelines for commercial strawberry growers in Missouri. The pesticides and application rates listed for any given pest problem are based on their effectiveness, economy, safety and general integration into control programs for other pests present at or about the same time. The choice of which chemicals to use, when to use them, and how they are applied must be made by the individual grower relative to his own experience, equipment, and special problems associated with his fields. The effective and efficient use of all pesticides requires careful selection of the most appropriate material and the rate required, critical timing of the application(s), and uniform, thorough coverage of the plants."--first paragraphA.E. Gaus (Horticulture), E.W. Palm (Plant Pathology), W.S. Craig (Entomology), J.F. Moore (Plant Pathology), H. Townsend (Entomology