1,705 research outputs found
The ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System: Looking Back (more than) 25 Years and Projecting Forward 25 Years
This paper has been written to mark 25 years of operational medium-range
ensemble forecasting. The origins of the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System are
outlined, including the development of the precursor real-time Met Office
monthly ensemble forecast system. In particular, the reasons for the
development of singular vectors and stochastic physics - particular features of
the ECMWF Ensemble Prediction System - are discussed. The author speculates
about the development and use of ensemble prediction in the next 25 years.Comment: Submitted to Special Issue of the Quarterly Journal of the Royal
Meteorological Society: 25 years of ensemble predictio
Positive mass theorems for asymptotically AdS spacetimes with arbitrary cosmological constant
We formulate and prove the Lorentzian version of the positive mass theorems
with arbitrary negative cosmological constant for asymptotically AdS
spacetimes. This work is the continuation of the second author's recent work on
the positive mass theorem on asymptotically hyperbolic 3-manifolds.Comment: 17 pages, final version, to appear in International Journal of
The plasmonic eigenvalue problem
A plasmon of a bounded domain is a non-trivial
bounded harmonic function on which is
continuous at and whose exterior and interior normal
derivatives at have a constant ratio. We call this ratio a
plasmonic eigenvalue of . Plasmons arise in the description of
electromagnetic waves hitting a metallic particle . We investigate
these eigenvalues and prove that they form a sequence of numbers converging to
one. Also, we prove regularity of plasmons, derive a variational
characterization, and prove a second order perturbation formula. The problem
can be reformulated in terms of Dirichlet-Neumann operators, and as a side
result we derive a formula for the shape derivative of these operators.Comment: 22 pages; replacement 8-March-14: minor corrections; to appear in
Review in Mathematical Physic
Fidelity for displaced squeezed states and the oscillator semigroup
The fidelity for two displaced squeezed thermal states is computed using the
fact that the corresponding density operators belong to the oscillator
semigroup.Comment: 3 pages, REVTEX, no figures, submitted to Journal of Physics A, May
5, 199
Unitarily localizable entanglement of Gaussian states
We consider generic -mode bipartitions of continuous variable
systems, and study the associated bisymmetric multimode Gaussian states. They
are defined as -mode Gaussian states invariant under local mode
permutations on the -mode and -mode subsystems. We prove that such states
are equivalent, under local unitary transformations, to the tensor product of a
two-mode state and of uncorrelated single-mode states. The entanglement
between the -mode and the -mode blocks can then be completely
concentrated on a single pair of modes by means of local unitary operations
alone. This result allows to prove that the PPT (positivity of the partial
transpose) condition is necessary and sufficient for the separability of -mode bisymmetric Gaussian states. We determine exactly their negativity and
identify a subset of bisymmetric states whose multimode entanglement of
formation can be computed analytically. We consider explicit examples of pure
and mixed bisymmetric states and study their entanglement scaling with the
number of modes.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure
Haar expectations of ratios of random characteristic polynomials
We compute Haar ensemble averages of ratios of random characteristic
polynomials for the classical Lie groups K = O(N), SO(N), and USp(N). To that
end, we start from the Clifford-Weyl algebera in its canonical realization on
the complex of holomorphic differential forms for a C-vector space V. From it
we construct the Fock representation of an orthosymplectic Lie superalgebra osp
associated to V. Particular attention is paid to defining Howe's oscillator
semigroup and the representation that partially exponentiates the Lie algebra
representation of sp in osp. In the process, by pushing the semigroup
representation to its boundary and arguing by continuity, we provide a
construction of the Shale-Weil-Segal representation of the metaplectic group.
To deal with a product of n ratios of characteristic polynomials, we let V =
C^n \otimes C^N where C^N is equipped with its standard K-representation, and
focus on the subspace of K-equivariant forms. By Howe duality, this is a
highest-weight irreducible representation of the centralizer g of Lie(K) in
osp. We identify the K-Haar expectation of n ratios with the character of this
g-representation, which we show to be uniquely determined by analyticity, Weyl
group invariance, certain weight constraints and a system of differential
equations coming from the Laplace-Casimir invariants of g. We find an explicit
solution to the problem posed by all these conditions. In this way we prove
that the said Haar expectations are expressed by a Weyl-type character formula
for all integers N \ge 1. This completes earlier work by Conrey, Farmer, and
Zirnbauer for the case of U(N).Comment: LaTeX, 70 pages, Complex Analysis and its Synergies (2016) 2:
The orientation-preserving diffeomorphism group of S^2 deforms to SO(3) smoothly
Smale proved that the orientation-preserving diffeomorphism group of S^2 has
a continuous strong deformation retraction to SO(3). In this paper, we
construct such a strong deformation retraction which is diffeologically smooth.Comment: 16 page
Extreme Covariant Quantum Observables in the Case of an Abelian Symmetry Group and a Transitive Value Space
We represent quantum observables as POVMs (normalized positive operator
valued measures) and consider convex sets of observables which are covariant
with respect to a unitary representation of a locally compact Abelian symmetry
group . The value space of such observables is a transitive -space. We
characterize the extreme points of covariant observables and also determine the
covariant extreme points of the larger set of all quantum observables. The
results are applied to position, position difference and time observables.Comment: 23 page
Symmetries of the finite Heisenberg group for composite systems
Symmetries of the finite Heisenberg group represent an important tool for the
study of deeper structure of finite-dimensional quantum mechanics. As is well
known, these symmetries are properly expressed in terms of certain normalizer.
This paper extends previous investigations to composite quantum systems
consisting of two subsystems - qudits - with arbitrary dimensions n and m. In
this paper we present detailed descriptions - in the group of inner
automorphisms of GL(nm,C) - of the normalizer of the Abelian subgroup generated
by tensor products of generalized Pauli matrices of orders n and m. The
symmetry group is then given by the quotient group of the normalizer.Comment: Submitted to J. Phys. A: Math. Theo
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