64 research outputs found

    An Overview of the 13:8 Mean Motion Resonance between Venus and Earth

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    It is known since the seminal study of Laskar (1989) that the inner planetary system is chaotic with respect to its orbits and even escapes are not impossible, although in time scales of billions of years. The aim of this investigation is to locate the orbits of Venus and Earth in phase space, respectively to see how close their orbits are to chaotic motion which would lead to unstable orbits for the inner planets on much shorter time scales. Therefore we did numerical experiments in different dynamical models with different initial conditions -- on one hand the couple Venus-Earth was set close to different mean motion resonances (MMR), and on the other hand Venus' orbital eccentricity (or inclination) was set to values as large as e = 0.36 (i = 40deg). The couple Venus-Earth is almost exactly in the 13:8 mean motion resonance. The stronger acting 8:5 MMR inside, and the 5:3 MMR outside the 13:8 resonance are within a small shift in the Earth's semimajor axis (only 1.5 percent). Especially Mercury is strongly affected by relatively small changes in eccentricity and/or inclination of Venus in these resonances. Even escapes for the innermost planet are possible which may happen quite rapidly.Comment: 14 pages, 11 figures, submitted to CMD

    Opening a new window to other worlds with spectropolarimetry

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    A high level of diversity has already been observed among the planets of our own Solar System. As such, one expects extrasolar planets to present a wide range of distinctive features, therefore the characterisation of Earth- and super Earth-like planets is becoming of key importance in scientific research. The SEARCH (Spectropolarimetric Exoplanet AtmospheRe CHaracerisation) mission proposal of this paper represents one possible approach to realising these objectives. The mission goals of SEARCH include the detailed characterisation of a wide variety of exoplanets, ranging from terrestrial planets to gas giants. More specifically, SEARCH will determine atmospheric properties such as cloud coverage, surface pressure and atmospheric composition, and may also be capable of identifying basic surface features. To resolve a planet with a semi major axis of down to 1.4AU and 30pc distant SEARCH will have a mirror system consisting of two segments, with elliptical rim, cut out of a parabolic mirror. This will yield an effective diameter of 9 meters along one axis. A phase mask coronagraph along with an integral spectrograph will be used to overcome the contrast ratio of star to planet light. Such a mission would provide invaluable data on the diversity present in extrasolar planetary systems and much more could be learned from the similarities and differences compared to our own Solar System. This would allow our theories of planetary formation, atmospheric accretion and evolution to be tested, and our understanding of regions such as the outer limit of the Habitable Zone to be further improved.Comment: 23 pages, accepted for publication in Experimental Astronom

    CdSe Quantum Dot (QD)-Induced Morphological and Functional Impairments to Liver in Mice

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    Quantum dots (QDs), as unique nanoparticle probes, have been used in in vivo fluorescence imaging such as cancers. Due to the novel characteristics in fluorescence, QDs represent a family of promising substances to be used in experimental and clinical imaging. Thus far, the toxicity and harmful health effects from exposure (including environmental exposure) to QDs are not recognized, but are largely concerned by the public. To assess the biological effects of QDs, we established a mouse model of acute and chronic exposure to QDs. Results from the present study suggested that QD particles could readily spread into various organs, and liver was the major organ for QD accumulation in mice from both the acute and chronic exposure. QDs caused significant impairments to livers from mice with both acute and chronic QD exposure as reflected by morphological alternation to the hepatic lobules and increased oxidative stress. Moreover, QDs remarkably induced the production of intracellular reactive oxygen species (ROS) along with cytotoxicity, as characterized by a significant increase of the malondialdehyde (MDA) level within hepatocytes. However, the increase of the MDA level in response to QD treatment could be partially blunted by the pre-treatment of cells with beta-mercaptoethanol (Ī²-ME). These data suggested ROS played a crucial role in causing oxidative stress-associated cellular damage from QD exposure; nevertheless other unidentified mediators might also be involved in QD-mediated cellular impairments. Importantly, we demonstrated that the hepatoxicity caused by QDs in vivo and in vitro was much greater than that induced by cadmium ions at a similar or even a higher dose. Taken together, the mechanism underlying QD-mediated biological influences might derive from the toxicity of QD particles themselves, and from free cadmium ions liberated from QDs as well

    Antioksidativni učinci N-acetilcisteina, lipoične kiseline, taurina i kurkumina u miÅ”ićnom tkivu Å”arana (Cyprinus carpio L.) tretiranih kadmijem

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    We investigated the muscle tissue of a teleost Cyprinus carpio L. to find out whether N-acetylcysteine (NAC), alpha-lipoic acid (LA), taurine (TAU), and curcumin (CUR) were able to counteract oxidative stress induced by acute exposure to cadmium (Cd). The muscle tissue was dissected 96 h after a single intraperitoneal injection of Cd (5 mg kg-1) and of antioxidant substances (50 mg kg-1). Using spectrophotometry, we determined the glutathione redox status, lipid peroxidation levels and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and glutathione disulphide reductase (GR). Accumulation of Cd in the muscle was analysed using inductively coupled plasma - optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES). All substances lowered Cd levels in the following order of effi ciency; LA=NAC>TAU=CUR. Cadmium increased SOD activity, but CAT activity declined, regardless of antioxidant treatment. Treatment with CUR induced GPx activity. Treatment with TAU lowered Cd due to higher total glutathione (tGSH). The most effective substances on lipid peroxidation were LA and NAC due to a greater Cd-lowering potential. It seems that the protective role of TAU, LA, and NAC is not necessarily associated with antioxidant enzymes, but rather with their own activity.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi mogu li N-acetilcistein (NAC), Ī±-lipoična kiselina (LA), taurin (TAU) i kurkumin (CUR) svojim antioksidativnim djelovanjem smanjiti razinu oksidativnog stresa u miÅ”ićnom tkivu Å”arana (Cyprinus carpio L.) akutno otrovanih kadmijem. Uzorci miÅ”ićnog tkiva skupljeni su 96 h nakon Å”to su ribama intraperitonealno injicirani kadmij (5 mg kg-1) i ispitivani antioksidansi (50 mg kg-1). Primjenom spektrofotometrijskih metoda izmjereni su redoks status glutationa, razine lipidne peroksidacije te aktivnosti enzima superoksid dismutaze (SOD), katalaze (CAT), glutation peroksidaze (GPx) i glutation disulfi d reduktaze (GR). Maseni udio kadmija u miÅ”ićnom tkivu izmjeren je s pomoću metode induktivno spregnute plazme ā€“ optičke emisijske spektrometrije (ICP-OES). Ispitivani spojevi smanjili su nakupljanje kadmija u tkivu Å”arana sljedećim redoslijedom: LA=NAC>TAU=CUR. Tretman Å”arana kadmijem izazvao je porast aktivnosti SOD, ali se aktivnost CAT smanjila bez obzira na primjenu antioksidativnih spojeva. Dodatak CUR pojačao je aktivnost GPx. Dodatak TAU povećao je razinu ukupnoga glutationa te smanjio nakupljanje kadmija. Svi spojevi osim CUR smanjili su razinu lipidne peroksidacije te pretpostavljamo da su LA i NAC pridonijeli detoksifi kaciji kadmija. Rezultati istraživanja upućuju na to da testirani spojevi, osim CUR, imaju antioksidativni učina

    Heart Valve Tissue Engineering: Concepts, Approaches, Progress, and Challenges

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    Potential applications of tissue engineering in regenerative medicine range from structural tissues to organs with complex function. This review focuses on the engineering of heart valve tissue, a goal which involves a unique combination of biological, engineering, and technological hurdles. We emphasize basic concepts, approaches and methods, progress made, and remaining challenges. To provide a framework for understanding the enabling scientific principles, we first examine the elements and features of normal heart valve functional structure, biomechanics, development, maturation, remodeling, and response to injury. Following a discussion of the fundamental principles of tissue engineering applicable to heart valves, we examine three approaches to achieving the goal of an engineered tissue heart valve: (1) cell seeding of biodegradable synthetic scaffolds, (2) cell seeding of processed tissue scaffolds, and (3) in-vivo repopulation by circulating endogenous cells of implanted substrates without prior in-vitro cell seeding. Lastly, we analyze challenges to the field and suggest future directions for both preclinical and translational (clinical) studies that will be needed to address key regulatory issues for safety and efficacy of the application of tissue engineering and regenerative approaches to heart valves. Although modest progress has been made toward the goal of a clinically useful tissue engineered heart valve, further success and ultimate human benefit will be dependent upon advances in biodegradable polymers and other scaffolds, cellular manipulation, strategies for rebuilding the extracellular matrix, and techniques to characterize and potentially non-invasively assess the speed and quality of tissue healing and remodeling

    Bioinorganic Chemistry of Alzheimerā€™s Disease

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    Metabolism of the manganese complexes of the aminopolycarboxylic acids

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