528 research outputs found

    Boundary K-Matrices for the Six Vertex and the n(2n-1) A_{n-1} Vertex Models

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    Boundary conditions compatible with integrability are obtained for two dimensional models by solving the factorizability equations for the reflection matrices K±(θ)K^{\pm}(\theta). For the six vertex model the general solution depending on four arbitrary parameters is found. For the An1A_{n-1} models all diagonal solutions are found. The associated integrable magnetic Hamiltonians are explicitly derived.Comment: 9 pages,latex, LPTHE-PAR 92-4

    A review of the decoherent histories approach to the arrival time problem in quantum theory

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    We review recent progress in understanding the arrival time problem in quantum mechanics, from the point of view of the decoherent histories approach to quantum theory. We begin by discussing the arrival time problem, focussing in particular on the role of the probability current in the expected classical solution. After a brief introduction to decoherent histories we review the use of complex potentials in the construction of appropriate class operators. We then discuss the arrival time problem for a particle coupled to an environment, and review how the arrival time probability can be expressed in terms of a POVM in this case. We turn finally to the question of decoherence of the corresponding histories, and we show that this can be achieved for simple states in the case of a free particle, and for general states for a particle coupled to an environment.Comment: 10 pages. To appear in DICE 2010 conference proceeding

    Annihilation contribution and Ba0π,f0KB\to a_0 \pi, f_0 K decays

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    We analyze the decays B0a0±πB^0 \to a^\pm_0 \pi^\mp and B,0f0K,0B^{-,0} \to f_0 K^{-,0} and show that within the factorization approximation a phenomenological consistent picture can be obtained. We show that in this approach the O6O_6 operator provides the dominant contributions to the suppressed channel B0a0+πB^0 \to a^+_0 \pi^-. When the a0a_0 is considered a two quark state, evaluation of the annihilation form factor using Perturbative QCDQCD implies that this contribution is not negligible, and furthermore it can interfere constructively or destructively with other penguin contributions. As a consequence of this ambiguity, the positive identification of B0π+a0B^0 \to \pi^+ a_0^- can not distinguish between the two or four quark assignment of the a0a_0. According to our calculation, a best candidate to distinguish the nature of a0a_0 scalar is Br(Bπ0a0)Br(B^-\to \pi^0a_0^-) since the predictions for a four quark model is one order of magnitude smaller than for the two quark assignment. When the scalars are seen as two quarks states, simple theoretical assumptions based on SU(2) isospin symmetry provide relations between different B decays involving one scalar and one pseudoscalar meson.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    The stochastic gravitational wave background from turbulence and magnetic fields generated by a first-order phase transition

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    We analytically derive the spectrum of gravitational waves due to magneto-hydrodynamical turbulence generated by bubble collisions in a first-order phase transition. In contrast to previous studies, we take into account the fact that turbulence and magnetic fields act as sources of gravitational waves for many Hubble times after the phase transition is completed. This modifies the gravitational wave spectrum at large scales. We also model the initial stirring phase preceding the Kolmogorov cascade, while earlier works assume that the Kolmogorov spectrum sets in instantaneously. The continuity in time of the source is relevant for a correct determination of the peak position of the gravitational wave spectrum. We discuss how the results depend on assumptions about the unequal-time correlation of the source and motivate a realistic choice for it. Our treatment gives a similar peak frequency as previous analyses but the amplitude of the signal is reduced due to the use of a more realistic power spectrum for the magneto-hydrodynamical turbulence. For a strongly first-order electroweak phase transition, the signal is observable with the space interferometer LISA.Comment: 46 pages, 17 figures. Replaced with revised version accepted for publication in JCA

    Renormalization of Hamiltonian Field Theory; a non-perturbative and non-unitarity approach

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    Renormalization of Hamiltonian field theory is usually a rather painful algebraic or numerical exercise. By combining a method based on the coupled cluster method, analysed in detail by Suzuki and Okamoto, with a Wilsonian approach to renormalization, we show that a powerful and elegant method exist to solve such problems. The method is in principle non-perturbative, and is not necessarily unitary.Comment: 16 pages, version shortened and improved, references added. To appear in JHE

    Stochastic String Motion Above and Below the World Sheet Horizon

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    We study the stochastic motion of a relativistic trailing string in black hole AdS_5. The classical string solution develops a world-sheet horizon and we determine the associated Hawking radiation spectrum. The emitted radiation causes fluctuations on the string both above and below the world-sheet horizon. In contrast to standard black hole physics, the fluctuations below the horizon are causally connected with the boundary of AdS. We derive a bulk stochastic equation of motion for the dual string and use the AdS/CFT correspondence to determine the evolution a fast heavy quark in the strongly coupled N=4\N=4 plasma. We find that the kinetic mass of the quark decreases by ΔM=γλT/2\Delta M=-\sqrt{\gamma \lambda}T/2 while the correlation time of world sheet fluctuations increases by γ\sqrt{\gamma}.Comment: 27 pages, 5 figures; v2 final version, small changes, references adde

    Symmetric coupling of four spin-1/2 systems

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    We address the non-binary coupling of identical angular momenta based upon the representation theory for the symmetric group. A correspondence is pointed out between the complete set of commuting operators and the reference-frame-free subsystems. We provide a detailed analysis of the coupling of three and four spin-1/2 systems and discuss a symmetric coupling of four spin-1/2 systems.Comment: 20 pages, no figure

    Supersymmetric Axion-Neutrino Merger

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    The recently proposed supersymmetric A4A_4 model of the neutrino mass matrix is modified to merge with a previously proposed axionic solution of the strong CP problem. The resulting model has only one input scale, i.e. that of A4A_4 symmetry breaking, which determines both the seesaw neutrino mass scale and the axion decay constant. It also solves the μ\mu problem and conserves R parity automatically.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Order in glassy systems

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    A directly measurable correlation length may be defined for systems having a two-step relaxation, based on the geometric properties of density profile that remains after averaging out the fast motion. We argue that the length diverges if and when the slow timescale diverges, whatever the microscopic mechanism at the origin of the slowing down. Measuring the length amounts to determining explicitly the complexity from the observed particle configurations. One may compute in the same way the Renyi complexities K_q, their relative behavior for different q characterizes the mechanism underlying the transition. In particular, the 'Random First Order' scenario predicts that in the glass phase K_q=0 for q>x, and K_q>0 for q<x, with x the Parisi parameter. The hypothesis of a nonequilibrium effective temperature may also be directly tested directly from configurations.Comment: Typos corrected, clarifications adde

    AdS and pp-wave D-particle superalgebras

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    We derive anticommutators of supercharges with a brane charge for a D-particle in AdS(2) x S(2) and pp-wave backgrounds. A coset GL(2|2)/(GL(1))^4 and its Penrose limit are used with the supermatrix-valued coordinates for the AdS and the pp-wave spaces respectively. The brane charges have position dependence, and can be absorbed into bosonic generators by shift of momenta which results in closure of the superalgebras.Comment: 15 page