63 research outputs found

    The response of Plantago major ssp pleiosperma to elevated CO2 is modulated by the formation of secondary shoots

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    The effect of elevated CO2 on the relative growth rate (RGR) of Plantago major ssp. pleiosperma was studied during the vegetative stage, in relation to plant development, by growing plants at 350 mu l l(-1) or at 700 mu l l(-1) CO2 in non-limiting nutrient solution with nitrate. To minimize interference by the accumulation of non-structural carbohydrates in the interpretation of results, RGR was expressed on a f. wt basis (RGR(FW)), as were all plant weight ratios. Stimulation of the RGR(FW) Of the whole plant by elevated CO2 was transient, and did not last longer than 8 d. At the same time a transient increase in root weight ratio (RWR) was observed. In order to investigate whether the transient effect of elevated CO2 on RGR(FW) was size-dependent, the data were plotted versus total f. wt (log(e) transformed). The transient period of stimulation of RGR(FW) and of RWR by elevated CO2 was still found, but in both CO2 treatments RGR(FW) decreased after a certain plant size had been reached. This size coincided with the stage at which secondary shoots started to develop, and was reached earlier in plants grown at elevated CO2. The RGR of these secondary shoots (RGR(see)) was Still increased when the period of whole plant stimulation of RGR(FW) had ended, indicating that the development of these new sinks took priority over a continuation of the stimulation of RWR. It is hypothesized that in this Plantago subspecies the response of the RGR(FW) of the whole plants to elevated CO2 is modulated by the formation of secondary shoots. Apparently, partitioning of the extra soluble carbohydrates at elevated CO2 to this tissue takes precedence over partitioning to the roots. resulting in a cessation of stimulation of plant RGR(FW) by elevated CO2.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Identification of Genes That Promote or Antagonize Somatic Homolog Pairing Using a High-Throughput FISH–Based Screen

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    The pairing of homologous chromosomes is a fundamental feature of the meiotic cell. In addition, a number of species exhibit homolog pairing in nonmeiotic, somatic cells as well, with evidence for its impact on both gene regulation and double-strand break (DSB) repair. An extreme example of somatic pairing can be observed in Drosophila melanogaster, where homologous chromosomes remain aligned throughout most of development. However, our understanding of the mechanism of somatic homolog pairing remains unclear, as only a few genes have been implicated in this process. In this study, we introduce a novel high-throughput fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) technology that enabled us to conduct a genome-wide RNAi screen for factors involved in the robust somatic pairing observed in Drosophila. We identified both candidate “pairing promoting genes” and candidate “anti-pairing genes,” providing evidence that pairing is a dynamic process that can be both enhanced and antagonized. Many of the genes found to be important for promoting pairing are highly enriched for functions associated with mitotic cell division, suggesting a genetic framework for a long-standing link between chromosome dynamics during mitosis and nuclear organization during interphase. In contrast, several of the candidate anti-pairing genes have known interphase functions associated with S-phase progression, DNA replication, and chromatin compaction, including several components of the condensin II complex. In combination with a variety of secondary assays, these results provide insights into the mechanism and dynamics of somatic pairing

    A trend analysis of normalized insured damage from natural disasters

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    As the world becomes wealthier over time, inflation-adjusted insured damages from natural disasters go up as well. This article analyzes whether there is still a significant upward trend once insured natural disaster loss has been normalized. By scaling up loss from past disasters, normalization adjusts for the fact that a hazard event of equal strength will typically cause more damage nowadays than in past years because of wealth accumulation over time. A trend analysis of normalized insured damage from natural disasters is not only of interest to the insurance industry, but can potentially be useful for attempts at detecting whether there has been an increase in the frequency and/or intensity of natural hazards, whether caused by natural climate variability or anthropogenic climate change. We analyze trends at the global level over the period 1990 to 2008, over the period 1980 to 2008 for West Germany and 1973 to 2008 for the United States. We find no significant trends at the global level, but we detect statistically significant upward trends in normalized insured losses from all non-geophysical disasters as well as from certain specific disaster types in the United States and West Germany