110 research outputs found

    Dressing preserving the fundamental group

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    In this note we consider the relationship between the dressing action and the holonomy representation in the context of constant mean curvature surfaces. We characterize dressing elements that preserve the topology of a surface and discuss dressing by simple factors as a means of adding bubbles to a class of non finite type cylinders.Comment: 36 pages, 1 figur

    Generalized DPW method and an application to isometric immersions of space forms

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    Let GG be a complex Lie group and ΛG\Lambda G denote the group of maps from the unit circle S1{\mathbb S}^1 into GG, of a suitable class. A differentiable map FF from a manifold MM into ΛG\Lambda G, is said to be of \emph{connection order (ab)(_a^b)} if the Fourier expansion in the loop parameter λ\lambda of the S1{\mathbb S}^1-family of Maurer-Cartan forms for FF, namely F_\lambda^{-1} \dd F_\lambda, is of the form i=abαiλi\sum_{i=a}^b \alpha_i \lambda^i. Most integrable systems in geometry are associated to such a map. Roughly speaking, the DPW method used a Birkhoff type splitting to reduce a harmonic map into a symmetric space, which can be represented by a certain order (11)(_{-1}^1) map, into a pair of simpler maps of order (11)(_{-1}^{-1}) and (11)(_1^1) respectively. Conversely, one could construct such a harmonic map from any pair of (11)(_{-1}^{-1}) and (11)(_1^1) maps. This allowed a Weierstrass type description of harmonic maps into symmetric spaces. We extend this method to show that, for a large class of loop groups, a connection order (ab)(_a^b) map, for a<0<ba<0<b, splits uniquely into a pair of (a1)(_a^{-1}) and (1b)(_1^b) maps. As an application, we show that constant non-zero curvature submanifolds with flat normal bundle of a sphere or hyperbolic space split into pairs of flat submanifolds, reducing the problem (at least locally) to the flat case. To extend the DPW method sufficiently to handle this problem requires a more general Iwasawa type splitting of the loop group, which we prove always holds at least locally.Comment: Some typographical correction

    Curved Flats, Pluriharmonic Maps and Constant Curvature Immersions into Pseudo-Riemannian Space Forms

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    We study two aspects of the loop group formulation for isometric immersions with flat normal bundle of space forms. The first aspect is to examine the loop group maps along different ranges of the loop parameter. This leads to various equivalences between global isometric immersion problems among different space forms and pseudo-Riemannian space forms. As a corollary, we obtain a non-immersibility theorem for spheres into certain pseudo-Riemannian spheres and hyperbolic spaces. The second aspect pursued is to clarify the relationship between the loop group formulation of isometric immersions of space forms and that of pluriharmonic maps into symmetric spaces. We show that the objects in the first class are, in the real analytic case, extended pluriharmonic maps into certain symmetric spaces which satisfy an extra reality condition along a totally real submanifold. We show how to construct such pluriharmonic maps for general symmetric spaces from curved flats, using a generalised DPW method.Comment: 21 Pages, reference adde

    Relative Ruan and Gromov-Taubes Invariants of Symplectic 4-Manifolds

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    We define relative Ruan invariants that count embedded connected symplectic submanifolds which contact a fixed stable symplectic hypersurface V in a symplectic 4-manifold (X,w) at prescribed points with prescribed contact orders (in addition to insertions on X\V) for stable V. We obtain invariants of the deformation class of (X,V,w). Two large issues must be tackled to define such invariants: (1) Curves lying in the hypersurface V and (2) genericity results for almost complex structures constrained to make V pseudo-holomorphic (or almost complex). Moreover, these invariants are refined to take into account rim tori decompositions. In the latter part of the paper, we extend the definition to disconnected submanifolds and construct relative Gromov-Taubes invariants

    Gauge transformations and symmetries of integrable systems

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    We analyze several integrable systems in zero-curvature form within the framework of SL(2,R)SL(2,\R) invariant gauge theory. In the Drienfeld-Sokolov gauge we derive a two-parameter family of nonlinear evolution equations which as special cases include the Kortweg-de Vries (KdV) and Harry Dym equations. We find residual gauge transformations which lead to infinintesimal symmetries of this family of equations. For KdV and Harry Dym equations we find an infinite hierarchy of such symmetry transformations, and we investigate their relation with local conservation laws, constants of the motion and the bi-Hamiltonian structure of the equations. Applying successive gauge transformatinos of Miura type we obtain a sequence of gauge equivalent integrable systems, among them the modified KdV and Calogero KdV equations.Comment: 18pages, no figure Journal versio

    A note on isoparametric polynomials

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    We show that any homogeneous polynomial solution of |\nabla F(x)|^2=m^2|x|^(2m-2), m>1, is either a radially symmetric polynomial F(x)=\pm |x|^m (for even m's) or it is a composition of a Chebychev polynomial and a Cartan-M\"unzner polynomial.Comment: 6 page

    Tzitz\'eica transformation is a dressing action

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    We classify the simplest rational elements in a twisted loop group, and prove that dressing actions of them on proper indefinite affine spheres give the classical Tzitz\'eica transformation and its dual. We also give the group point of view of the Permutability Theorem, construct complex Tzitz\'eica transformations, and discuss the group structure for these transformations

    Umbral Calculus, Discretization, and Quantum Mechanics on a Lattice

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    `Umbral calculus' deals with representations of the canonical commutation relations. We present a short exposition of it and discuss how this calculus can be used to discretize continuum models and to construct representations of Lie algebras on a lattice. Related ideas appeared in recent publications and we show that the examples treated there are special cases of umbral calculus. This observation then suggests various generalizations of these examples. A special umbral representation of the canonical commutation relations given in terms of the position and momentum operator on a lattice is investigated in detail.Comment: 19 pages, Late