9,970 research outputs found

    Spatial resolution of a GEM readout TPC using the charge dispersion signal

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    A large volume Time Projection Chamber (TPC) is being considered for the central charged particle tracker for the detector for the proposed International Linear Collider (ILC). To meet the ILC-TPC spatial resolution challenge of ~100 microns with a manageable number of readout pads and channels of electronics, Micro Pattern Gas Detectors (MPGD) are being developed which could use pads comparable in width to the proportional-wire/cathode-pad TPC. We have built a prototype GEM readout TPC with 2 mm x 6 mm pads using the new concept of charge dispersion in MPGDs with a resistive anode. The dependence of transverse resolution on the drift distance has been measured for small angle tracks in cosmic ray tests without a magnetic field for Ar/CO2 (90:10). The GEM-TPC resolution with charge dispersion readout is significantly better than previous measurements carried out with conventional direct charge readout techniques.Comment: 5 figures, 10 page

    Micromegas TPC studies at high magnetic fields using the charge dispersion signal

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    The International Linear Collider (ILC) Time Projection Chamber (TPC) transverse space-point resolution goal is 100 microns for all tracks including stiff 90 degree tracks with the full 2 meter drift. A Micro Pattern Gas Detector (MPGD) readout TPC can achieve the target resolution with existing techniques using 1 mm or narrower pads at the expense of increased detector cost and complexity. The new MPGD readout technique of charge dispersion can achieve good resolution without resorting to narrow pads. This has been demonstrated previously for 2 mm x 6 mm pads with GEMs and Micromegas in cosmic ray tests and in a KEK beam test in a 1 Tesla magnet. We have recently tested a Micromegas-TPC using the charge dispersion readout concept in a high field super-conducting magnet at DESY. The measured Micromegas gain was found to be constant within 0.5% for magnetic fields up to 5 Tesla. With the strong suppression of transverse diffusion at high magnetic fields, we measure a flat 50 micron resolution at 5 Tesla over the full 15 cm drift length of our prototype TPC.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Position Sensing from Charge Dispersion in Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors with a Resistive Anode

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    Micro-pattern gas detectors, such as the Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) and the Micromegas need narrow high density anode readout elements to achieve good spatial resolution. A high-density anode readout would require an unmanageable number of electronics channels for certain potential micro-detector applications such as the Time Projection Chamber. We describe below a new technique to achieve good spatial resolution without increasing the electronics channel count in a modified micro-detector outfitted with a high surface resistivity anode readout structure. The concept and preliminary measurements of spatial resolution from charge dispersion in a modified GEM detector with a resistive anode are described below.Comment: 14 pages, 8 figures, submitted to Nucl. Inst. Meth; typo in eqn 4 corrected, fig 2 updated accordingl

    Protection strategies for next generation passive optical networks -2

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    Next Generation Passive Optical Networks-2 (NGPON2) are being considered to upgrade the current PON technology to meet the ever increasing bandwidth requirements of the end users while optimizing the network operators' investment. Reliability performance of NG-PON2 is very important due to the extended reach and, consequently, large number of served customers per PON segment. On the other hand, the use of more complex and hence more failure prone components than in the current PON systems may degrade reliability performance of the network. Thus designing reliable NG-PON2 architectures is of a paramount importance. Moreover, for appropriately evaluating network reliability performance, new models are required. For example, the commonly used reliability parameter, i.e., connection availability, defined as the percentage of time for which a connection remains operable, doesn't reflect the network wide reliability performance. The network operators are often more concerned about a single failure affecting a large number of customers than many uncorrelated failures disconnecting fewer customers while leading to the same average failure time. With this view, we introduce a new parameter for reliability performance evaluation, referred to as the failure impact. In this paper, we propose several reliable architectures for two important NGPON2 candidates: wavelength division multiplexed (WDM) PON and time and wavelength division multiplexed (TWDM) PON. Furthermore, we evaluate protection coverage, availability, failure impact and cost of the proposed schemes in order to identify the most efficient protection architecture

    Circular dichroism in photoelectron angular distributions from two‐color (1+1) REMPI of NO

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    A detailed experimental and theoretical study of dichroic effects in photoelectron angular distributions is reported for (1+1), two‐color REMPI of NO via the A^ 2Σ^+, v=0 state. Optically aligned A state rotational levels are probed through ionization by circularly polarized light. Resultant photoelectron angular distributions exhibit significant left–right asymmetry, the phase and magnitude of which are shown to be related to the curvature of the excited state M_J distribution. Theoretical calculations involving a full ab initio treatment of the ionization dynamics result in circularly dichroic angular distribution (CDAD) parameters in good agreement with those derived experimentally. Additional effects including hyperfine depolarization and coherence are also discussed in relation to the observed CDAD data

    Methemoglobin formation in mutant hemoglobin α chains: electron transfer parameters and rates

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    Hemoglobin-mediated transport of dioxygen (O2) critically depends on the stability of the reduced (Fe2+) form of the heme cofactors. Some protein mutations stabilize the oxidized (Fe3+) state (methemoglobin, Hb M), causing methemoglobinemia, and can be lethal above 30%. The majority of the analyses of factors influencing Hb oxidation are retrospective and give insights only for inner-sphere mutations of heme (His58, His87). Herein, we report the first all-atom molecular dynamics simulations on both redox states and calculations of the Marcus electron transfer (ET) parameters for the α chain Hb oxidation and reduction rates for Hb M. The Hb wild-type (WT) and most of the studied α chain variants maintain globin structure except the Hb M Iwate (H87Y). The mutants forming Hb M tend to have lower redox potentials and thus stabilize the oxidized (Fe3+) state (in particular, the Hb Miyagi variant with K61E mutation). Solvent reorganization (λsolv 73–96%) makes major contributions to reorganization free energy, whereas protein reorganization (λprot) accounts for 27–30% except for the Miyagi and J-Buda variants (λprot ∌4%). Analysis of heme-solvent H-bonding interactions among variants provide insights into the role of Lys61 residue in stabilizing the Fe2+ state. Semiclassical Marcus ET theory-based calculations predict experimental kET for the Cyt b5-Hb complex and provide insights into relative reduction rates for Hb M in Hb variants. Thus, our methodology provides a rationale for the effect of mutations on the structure, stability, and Hb oxidation reduction rates and has potential for identification of mutations that result in methemoglobinemia
