368 research outputs found

    Annual survey air quality 2001

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    The air quality for 2001 is found to strongly resemble that for 2000. The decreasing trend in concentrations seen in the nineties, is still valid on the whole. Concerning the meteorological influences, 2001 can be considered as a normal year. Widespread exceedances occurred for ozone and PM10, and in the deposition of potential acid and total nitrogen. In the urban environment, exceedances of the annual mean limit value for NO2 occurred along road length of about 2000 km. Calculations for benzene and benzo[a]pyrene showed that exceedances were incidental. This annual air quality survey provides an overview of the air quality and the load placed on soils and surface water by atmospheric deposition in the Netherlands, on the basis of measurements and model calculations. The report describes global, photochemical, acidifying, particulate and local air pollution. Special attention has been paid to the Dutch air quality in relation to the new European legislation on air quality.Als we de luchtkwaliteit over 2001 vergelijken met die van 2000 blijken deze in grote lijnen met elkaar overeen te komen. De trendmatige daling van concentraties heeft zich in grote lijnen doorgezet. 2001 was wat meteorologische invloed betreft een normaal jaar. Normoverschrijdingen op landelijke schaal hebben zich voorgedaan van ozon, zwevende deeltjes (PM10), depositie van potentieel zuur en stikstof. In de stedelijke omgeving is de jaargemiddelde norm NO2 overschreden langs een weglengte van circa 2000 km. Voor benzeen en benzo[a]pyreen geven berekeningen aan dat incidenteel overschrijdingen van grenswaarden kunnen zijn voorgekomen. In het jaaroverzicht luchtkwaliteit 2001 wordt op basis van metingen en modelberekeningen een samenvattend beeld gegeven van de luchtkwaliteit en de belasting van bodem en oppervlaktewater door atmosferische depositie in Nederland over 2001. Het rapport beschrijft de onderwerpen: mondiale, fotochemische, verzurende, deeltjesvormige en lokale luchtverontreiniging. Als extra onderwerp is een hoofdstuk opgenomen over de Nederlandse luchtkwaliteit in relatie tot de nieuwe Europese wetgeving voor luchtkwaliteit

    Performance of Oxoid Brillianceā„¢ MRSA medium for detection of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: an in vitro study

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    Oxoid Brillianceā„¢ MRSA was evaluated for its ability to identify methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. A well-defined collection of staphylococci was used (nā€‰=ā€‰788). After 20Ā h incubation, the sensitivity was 99.6% and the specificity was 97.3%. This new medium is a highly sensitive method of screening for MRSA

    Evaluation of computer-based learning material for food chemistry education

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    Digital exercises were designed and developed for food chemistry education. During the design process, design requirements were described for such exercises. The exercises were evaluated in three case studies, firstly to determine whether the exercises satisfy the design requirements with respect to studentsĀæ use and secondly to provide insight into the effect of the course structure and organisation on the value that the students attribute to the exercises. The results show that the exercises meet most of the design requirements. Students found the exercises clear and helpful, and most students confirmed that these exercises helped them in their preparations for their examinations. Despite this, participation in the programme was low when working on the exercises was not compulsory. The differences in evaluation results between the three studies can be explained by differences in the course structure and organisatio

    Balancing online and face-to-face teaching and learning activities

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    The core of university course design is the selection and combination of Teaching and Learning Activities (TLAs). TLAs may involve various types of interaction, either face-to-face or with and through media. Traditional media such as books are increasingly being supplemented with many types of online media such as short video presentations known as knowledge clips. Wageningen University introduced knowledge clips to several second-year Food Technology courses, partially shifting from face-to-face interactions to online activities that facilitate acquiring, inquiring and practicing. Student questionnaires and a student group interview were used to reveal differences in student preferences towards knowledge clips and the other TLAs. Knowledge clips seem to be valuable parts of courses and work well in general, although students prefer to combine them with some face-to-face interaction. Besides individual preference, there seem to be two main reasons for this: (1) watching a large number of clips requires a considerable amount of discipline and a face-to-face meeting during the course is an intermediate goal to work towards, and (2) when knowledge clips are more difficult and raise questions, students prefer to work in a room with access to a teache

    Low prevalence of non-typable Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in meat products in The Netherlands

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    Recently, a new clone of methicillin resistant Staphylococcus (S.) aureus (MRSA) emerged in the Netherlands that was related to pigfarming. A survey in pigs showed that nearly 40% carried this new clone. This new type is characterised by bemg untypable with pulsed field gel electrophoresis (PFGE). This study was undertaken to determme the prevalence and genetic relationship of S.aureus and MRSA in meal products

    Perspectives and Update on the Global Shortage of Verteporfin (Visudyne).

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    An ongoing global shortage of verteporfin (Visudyne <sup>Ā®</sup> ) limits the treatment possibilities for several chorioretinal diseases, including central serous chorioretinopathy, choroidal hemangioma, and polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Verteporfin is required to perform photodynamic therapy in these ocular diseases. Therefore, the current situation has a substantial impact on eye care worldwide. The worldwide supply of verteporfin appears to be manufactured by a single factory, which is situated in the United States. The distribution of verteporfin is done by different companies for different regions of the world. Official communication on the shortage by the responsible companies has been scarce and over the past years several promises with regards to resolution of the shortage have not been fulfilled. The delivery of new batches of verteporfin is at irregular intervals, unpredictable, and may not be fairly balanced between different regions or countries in the world. To ensure a fair distribution of available verteporfin within a country, several measures can be taken. In the Netherlands, a national committee, consisting of ophthalmologists, is in place to arrange this. On the European level, the European Union and European Medicine Agency have plans to monitor medicine shortages more closely and to intervene if necessary. With a more intensified monitoring and regulation of medicine supplies, future impending shortages may be prevented. Remarkably, the amount of medicine shortages is increasing, having a significant and sometimes irreversible impact on patient care. Thus, efforts should be undertaken to minimize the consequences and, whenever possible, to prevent future medicine shortages
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