248 research outputs found

    The Nopp140 gene in Drosophila melanogaster displays length polymorphisms in its large repetitive second exon

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    Nopp140, often called the nucleolar and Cajal body phosphoprotein (NOLC1), is an evolutionarily conserved chaperone for the transcription and processing of rRNA during ribosome subunit assembly. Metazoan Nopp140 contains an amino terminal LisH dimerization domain and a highly conserved carboxyl domain. A large central domain consists of alternating basic and acidic motifs of low sequence complexity. Orthologous versions of Nopp140 contain variable numbers of repeating basic-acidic units. While vertebrate Nopp140 genes use multiple exons to encode the central domain, the Nopp140 gene in Drosophila uses exclusively exon 2 to encode the central domain. Here, we define three overlapping repeat sequence patterns (P, P\u27, and P \u27\u27) within the central domain of D. melanogaster Nopp140. These repeat patterns are poorly conserved in other Drosophila species. We also describe a length polymorphism in exon 2 that pertains specifically to the P\u27 pattern in D. melanogaster. The pattern displays either two or three 96 base pair repeats, respectively, referred to as Nopp140-Short and Nopp140-Long. Fly lines homozygous for one or the other allele, or heterozygous for both alleles, show no discernible phenotypes. PCR characterization of the long and short alleles shows a poorly defined, artifactual bias toward amplifying the long allele over the short allele. The significance of this polymorphism will be in discerning the largely unknown properties of Nopp140\u27s large central domain in rDNA transcription and ribosome biogenesis

    Mycobacterium smegmatis histone-like protein Hlp is nucleoid associated: Research Letter

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    Eubacteria encode proteins that are required for nucleoid organization and for regulation of DNA-dependent processes. Of these histone-like proteins (Hlps), Escherichia coli HU has been shown to associate with the nucleoid and to regulate processes such as DNA repair and recombination. In contrast, the divergent HU homologs encoded by mycobacteria have been variously identified as involved in the physiology of dormancy, in the response to cold shock, or as laminin-binding proteins associated with the cell envelope. We show here, contrary to previous reports that the HU-related Hlp from Mycobacterium smegmatis associates with the nucleoid in vivo. Using indirect fluorescent antibody microscopy we show that cold shock causes Hlp to accumulate in the cytoplasm of M. smegmatis. No evidence of surface-associated Hlp was found in M. smegmatis cells treated for cell wall permeabilization. Quantitative Western blots indicate that exponentially growing cells contain c. 120 molecules per cell, with upregulation of Hlp after cold shock estimated to be c. 10-fold. That Hlp associates with the nucleoid in vivo suggests functions in DNA metabolism, perhaps in adaptation to environmental stress. © 2008 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd. All rights reserved

    Plant Carbonic Anhydrases: Structures, Locations, Evolution, and Physiological Roles

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    © 2017 The Authors Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are zinc metalloenzymes that catalyze the interconversion of CO2 and HCO3− and are ubiquitous in nature. Higher plants contain three evolutionarily distinct CA families, αCAs, βCAs, and γCAs, where each family is represented by multiple isoforms in all species. Alternative splicing of CA transcripts appears common; consequently, the number of functional CA isoforms in a species may exceed the number of genes. CAs are expressed in numerous plant tissues and in different cellular locations. The most prevalent CAs are those in the chloroplast, cytosol, and mitochondria. This diversity in location is paralleled in the many physiological and biochemical roles that CAs play in plants. In this review, the number and types of CAs in C3, C4, and crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants are considered, and the roles of the α and γCAs are briefly discussed. The remainder of the review focuses on plant βCAs and includes the identification of homologs between species using phylogenetic approaches, a consideration of the inter- and intracellular localization of the proteins, along with the evidence for alternative splice forms. Current understanding of βCA tissue-specific expression patterns and what controls them are reviewed, and the physiological roles for which βCAs have been implicated are presented

    The cytoplasmic carbonic anhydrases βCA2 and βCA4 are required for optimal plant growth at low CO\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e

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    © 2016 American Society of Plant Biologists. All Rights Reserved. Carbonic anhydrases (CAs) are zinc metalloenzymes that interconvert CO2 and HCO3-. In plants, both α-and β-type CAs are present. We hypothesize that cytoplasmic bCAs are required to modulate inorganic carbon forms needed in leaf cells for carbonrequiring reactions such as photosynthesis and amino acid biosynthesis. In this report, we present evidence that βCA2 and βCA4 are the two most abundant cytoplasmic CAs in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) leaves. Previously, βCA4 was reported to be localized to the plasma membrane, but here, we show that two forms of βCA4 are expressed in a tissue-specific manner and that the two proteins encoded by βCA4 localize to two different regions of the cell. Comparing transfer DNA knockout lines with wild-type plants, there was no reduction in the growth rates of the single mutants, βca2 and βca4. However, the growth rate of the double mutant, βca2βca4, was reduced significantly when grown at 200μL L-1 CO2. The reduction in growth of the double mutant was not linked to a reduction in photosynthetic rate. The amino acid content of leaves from the double mutant showed marked reduction in aspartate when compared with the wild type and the single mutants. This suggests the cytoplasmic CAs play an important but not previously appreciated role in amino acid biosynthesis

    Carbonic anhydrases in the cell wall and plasma membrane of Arabidopsis thaliana are required for optimal plant growth on low CO2

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    Introduction: Plants have many genes encoding both alpha and beta type carbonic anhydrases. Arabidopsis has eight alpha type and six beta type carbonic anhydrase genes. Individual carbonic anhydrases are localized to specific compartments within the plant cell. In this study, we investigate the roles of αCA2 and βCA4.1 in the growth of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana under different CO2 regimes.Methods: Here, we identified the intracellular location of αCA2 and βCA4.1 by linking the coding region of each gene to a fluorescent tag. Tissue expression was determined by investigating GUS expression driven by the αCA2 and βCA4.1 promoters. Finally, the role of these proteins in plant growth and photosynthesis was tested in plants with T-DNA insertions in the αCA2 and βCA4 genes.Results: Fluorescently tagged proteins showed that αCA2 is localized to the cell wall and βCA4.1 to the plasma membrane in plant leaves. Both proteins were expressed in roots and shoots. Plants missing either αCA2 or βCA4 did not show any growth defects under the conditions tested in this study. However, if both αCA2 and βCA4 were disrupted, plants had a significantly smaller above- ground fresh weight and rosette area than Wild Type (WT) plants when grown at 200 μL L−1 CO2 but not at 400 and 1,000 μL L−1 CO2. Growth of the double mutant plants at 200 μL L−1 CO2 was restoredif either αCA2 or βCA4.1 was transformed back into the double mutant plants.Discussion: Both the cell wall and plasma membrane CAs, αCA2 and βCA4.1 had to be knocked down to produce an effect on Arabidopsis growth and only when grown in a CO2 concentration that was significantly below ambient. This indicates that αCA2 and βCA4.1 have overlapping functions since the growth of lines where only one of these CAs was knocked down was indistinguishable from WT growth. The growth results and cellular locations of the two CAs suggest that together, αCA2 and βCA4.1 play an important role in the delivery of CO2 and HCO3− to the plant cell

    The zebrafish candyfloss mutant implicates extracellular matrix adhesion failure in laminin α2-deficient congential muscular dystrophy

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    Mutations in the human laminin α2 (LAMA2) gene result in the most common form of congenital muscular dystrophy (MDC1A). There are currently three models for the molecular basis of cellular pathology in MDC1A: (i) lack of LAMA2 leads to sarcolemmal weakness and failure, followed by cellular necrosis, as is the case in Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD); (ii) loss of LAMA2-mediated signaling during the development and maintenance of muscle tissue results in myoblast proliferation and fusion defects; (iii) loss of LAMA2 from the basement membrane of the Schwann cells surrounding the peripheral nerves results in a lack of motor stimulation, leading to effective denervation atrophy. Here we show that the degenerative muscle phenotype in the zebrafish dystrophic mutant, candyfloss (caf) results from mutations in the laminin α2 (lama2) gene. In vivo time-lapse analysis of mechanically loaded fibers and membrane permeability assays suggest that, unlike DMD, fiber detachment is not initially associated with sarcolemmal rupture. Early muscle formation and myoblast fusion are normal, indicating that any deficiency in early Lama2 signaling does not lead to muscle pathology. In addition, innervation by the primary motor neurons is unaffected, and fiber detachment stems from muscle contraction, demonstrating that muscle atrophy through lack of motor neuron activity does not contribute to pathology in this system. Using these and other analyses, we present a model of lama2 function where fiber detachment external to the sarcolemma is mechanically induced, and retracted fibers with uncompromised membranes undergo subsequent apoptosis

    M6 Membrane Protein Plays an Essential Role in Drosophila Oogenesis

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    We had previously shown that the transmembrane glycoprotein M6a, a member of the proteolipid protein (PLP) family, regulates neurite/filopodium outgrowth, hence, M6a might be involved in neuronal remodeling and differentiation. In this work we focused on M6, the only PLP family member present in Drosophila, and ortholog to M6a. Unexpectedly, we found that decreased expression of M6 leads to female sterility. M6 is expressed in the membrane of the follicular epithelium in ovarioles throughout oogenesis. Phenotypes triggered by M6 downregulation in hypomorphic mutants included egg collapse and egg permeability, thus suggesting M6 involvement in eggshell biosynthesis. In addition, RNAi-mediated M6 knockdown targeted specifically to follicle cells induced an arrest of egg chamber development, revealing that M6 is essential in oogenesis. Interestingly, M6-associated phenotypes evidenced abnormal changes of the follicle cell shape and disrupted follicular epithelium in mid- and late-stage egg chambers. Therefore, we propose that M6 plays a role in follicular epithelium maintenance involving membrane cell remodeling during oogenesis in Drosophila
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