17 research outputs found

    The CPLEAR Electromagnetic Calorimeter

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    A large-acceptance lead/gas sampling electromagnetic calorimeter (ECAL) was constructed for the CPLEAR experiment to detect photons from decays of π0\pi^0s with momentum pπ0800p_{\pi^0} \le 800 MeV/c/c. The main purpose of the ECAL is to determine the decay vertex of neutral-kaon decays \ko \rightarrow \pi^0\pi^0 \rightarrow 4 \gamma and \ko \rightarrow \pi^0\pi^0\pi^0 \rightarrow 6 \gamma. This requires a position-sensitive photon detector with high spatial granularity in rr-, φ\varphi-, and zz-coordinates. The ECAL --- a barrel without end-caps located inside a magnetic field of 0.44 T --- consists of 18 identical concentric layers. Each layer of 1/31/3 radiation length (X0{_0}) contains a converter plate followed by small cross-section high-gain tubes of 2640 mm active length which are sandwiched by passive pick-up strip plates. The ECAL, with a total of 66 X0{_0}, has an energy resolution of σ(E)/E13%/E(GeV)\sigma (E)/E \approx 13\% / \sqrt{E(\mathrm{GeV})} and a position resolution of 4.5 mm for the shower foot. The shower topology allows separation of electrons from pions. The design, construction, read-out electronics, and performance of the detector are described

    The CPLEAR detector at CERN

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    The CPLEAR collaboration has constructed a detector at CERN for an extensive programme of CP-, T- and CPT-symmetry studies using K0{\rm K}^0 and Kˉ0\bar{\rm K}^0 produced by the annihilation of pˉ\bar{\rm p}'s in a hydrogen gas target. The K0{\rm K}^0 and Kˉ0\bar{\rm K}^0 are identified by their companion products of the annihilation K±π{\rm K}^{\pm} \pi^{\mp} which are tracked with multiwire proportional chambers, drift chambers and streamer tubes. Particle identification is carried out with a liquid Cherenkov detector for fast separation of pions and kaons and with scintillators which allow the measurement of time of flight and energy loss. Photons are measured with a lead/gas sampling electromagnetic calorimeter. The required antiproton annihilation modes are selected by fast online processors using the tracking chamber and particle identification information. All the detectors are mounted in a 0.44 T uniform field of an axial solenoid of diameter 2 m and length 3.6 m to form a magnetic spectrometer capable of full on-line reconstruction and selection of events. The design, operating parameters and performance of the sub-detectors are described.

    The fuel handling route of astrid at the beginning of the basic design

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    International audienceAt the beginning of the Basic Design phases of ASTRID starting in 2016, the entire fuel handling route has been challenged in order to improve some aspects like availability and investment cost. Especially, studies performed at the end of preliminary design (2010 – 2015) phase show that the availability target will be difficult to obtain with a significant risk of malfunction because of multiple handling operations in series. Two main changes have been then decided: the implementation of an in-sodium external buffer zone, similar with an insodium external storage but associated with an in-primary vessel storage to reduce its size and its allowable residual power, and the merging of the fresh subassembly storage with the spent fuel subassembly storage which allows both reduction of size and number of equipment. These new options have the first advantages to reduce drastically the number of operations that have to be done during scheduled outage and to minimize the overall Balance Of Plant. After description of the entire fuel handling route adopted for ASTRID, this paper aims at identifying the advantages of this new option and points the remaining issues or questions that will be studied in details during the current Basic Design phase

    Study of isolation valve for sodium fast reactor

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    International audienceIn the context of the ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for IndustrialDemonstration) project, the VELAN Company is involved in proposing an isolation valve concept to guarantythe confinement of the reactor block in the event of a severe accident scenario. An innovative and compactdesign for the isolation sodium valve was developed. Following the basic design phase studies on the sodiumsecondary loops, a dedicated valve concept was studied to evaluate the technical parameters. The large size ofthe valve ND 700 mm requires optimizing the mass and dimensions for cost control purposes and in response toseismic spectrum. After a description of the service conditions, the paper presents the mains outcomes of thetechnical parameters (mechanical behaviour, sealing performance, hydraulic performance) which led on severalvalve designs. Maintenance aspects are also considered and a proposal of a butterfly valve design is proposed fordetailed studies

    Caractérisation des propriétés des joints en silicone : Application au réacteur ASTRID

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    National audienceLes réacteurs de 4ème génération à neutrons rapides et a caloporteur sodium sont une des filières d'avenir des réacteurs nucléaires étudiées en France et le réacteur ASTRID doit s'en faire le démonstrateur industriel. Dans le cadre du programme de RetD TECNA, les équipes CEA et TECHNETICS Group France (TGF) du Laboratoire d'étanchéité Maestral (LE) sont impliquées dans la conception de systèmes d’étanchéité pour différentes parties du réacteur experimental ASTRID. Un des volets d'etude concerne les systèmes d’étanchéité des Bouchons Tournants (BT) d'ASTRID.Une solution testée au LE consiste a juxtaposer un joint gonflable accompagnant les phases de levee et de descente des BT et un joint a lèvres massif servant lors des phases de rotation. Ces joints sont constitues d'un silicone C85MC6THT/60 (haute temperature, dureté 60 Sore A).Pour appréhender et caractériser les performances, tant en étanchéité qu'en durée de vie, de cette solution, une etude complete est en cours sur ce silicone et ces joints.Dans un premier temps, des calculs par elements finis ont été menés dans les conditions de service et en condition extreme. Ces simulations ont nécessité au préalable la caractérisation intrinsèque du silicone et la determination de loi de comportement hyperelastique. Ces aspects feront l'objet de la premiere partie de la présentation. Ensuite, une machine d'essai spéciale (diamètre de 2,5 m) a été conçue et mise au point au LE afin de mener la caractérisation des joints dans des configurations proches du reel. Cet équipement dédié permet de tester en étanchéité et en endurance des joints gonflables axiaux et des joints a lèvres rotatifs en statique et en dynamique. Les résultats de ces essais font l'objet de la seconde partie de la presentation

    Experimental qualification of rotatable plug seals for Sodium Fast Reactor on a large scale test stand

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    International audienceIn the framework of the ASTRID (Advanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration) project, the CEA Sealing Laboratory with its partner TECHNETICS (TGF) was involved to propose a new concept of rotating plug seals to replace the commonly used liquid-metal seals. An innovative combination of static, dynamic and inflatable seals in silicone rubber ensuring double tightness-barriers for the cover gas was developed. Following the design phase and materials studies, a dedicated test stand was built to qualify the technical performances of these seals. The large size of the test stand composed of a 2.5m diameter rotating plates was chosen to provide a small profile height on seal diameter ratio, and a volume of enclosed gas large enough to allow representative qualification of leak-test methods. After a description of the test stand, the paper presents the mains outcomes of the technical qualifications (mechanical behavior, sealing performance, endurance test) led on several seals design

    Experimental and numerical analyses of the magnetic field spatial measurement inside an electromagnetic pump channel duct

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    International audienceIn the framework of the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) R&D program developing theAdvanced Sodium Technological Reactor for Industrial Demonstration (ASTRID), it has been proposed to use in secondarycooling circuit an electromagnetic induction pump (EMP) due to its superior safety features such as: no moving parts inliquid metal and absolutely hermetic construction. However, detailed studies should be carried out in order to masteroperation of EMP and prevent undesirable phenomenon called MHD instability, which influence both the pump efficiencyand operation