89 research outputs found

    Quantification and classification of potassium and calcium disorders with the electrocardiogram: What do clinical studies, modeling, and reconstruction tell us?

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    Diseases caused by alterations of ionic concentrations are frequently observed challenges and play an important role in clinical practice. The clinically established method for the diagnosis of electrolyte concentration imbalance is blood tests. A rapid and non-invasive point-of-care method is yet needed. The electrocardiogram (ECG) could meet this need and becomes an established diagnostic tool allowing home monitoring of the electrolyte concentration also by wearable devices. In this review, we present the current state of potassium and calcium concentration monitoring using the ECG and summarize results from previous work. Selected clinical studies are presented, supporting or questioning the use of the ECG for the monitoring of electrolyte concentration imbalances. Differences in the findings from automatic monitoring studies are discussed, and current studies utilizing machine learning are presented demonstrating the potential of the deep learning approach. Furthermore, we demonstrate the potential of computational modeling approaches to gain insight into the mechanisms of relevant clinical findings and as a tool to obtain synthetic data for methodical improvements in monitoring approaches

    Parameter Estimation of Ion Current Formulations Requires Hybrid Optimization Approach to Be Both Accurate and Reliable

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    Computational models of cardiac electrophysiology provided insights into arrhythmogenesis and paved the way toward tailored therapies in the last years. To fully leverage in silico models in future research, these models need to be adapted to reflect pathologies, genetic alterations, or pharmacological effects, however. A common approach is to leave the structure of established models unaltered and estimate the values of a set of parameters. Today’s high-throughput patch clamp data acquisition methods require robust, unsupervised algorithms that estimate parameters both accurately and reliably. In this work, two classes of optimization approaches are evaluated: gradient-based trust-region-reflective and derivative-free particle swarm algorithms. Using synthetic input data and different ion current formulations from the Courtemanche et al. electrophysiological model of human atrial myocytes, we show that neither of the two schemes alone succeeds to meet all requirements. Sequential combination of the two algorithms did improve the performance to some extent but not satisfactorily. Thus, we propose a novel hybrid approach coupling the two algorithms in each iteration. This hybrid approach yielded very accurate estimates with minimal dependency on the initial guess using synthetic input data for which a ground truth parameter set exists. When applied to measured data, the hybrid approach yielded the best fit, again with minimal variation. Using the proposed algorithm, a single run is sufficient to estimate the parameters. The degree of superiority over the other investigated algorithms in terms of accuracy and robustness depended on the type of current. In contrast to the non-hybrid approaches, the proposed method proved to be optimal for data of arbitrary signal to noise ratio. The hybrid algorithm proposed in this work provides an important tool to integrate experimental data into computational models both accurately and robustly allowing to assess the often non-intuitive consequences of ion channel-level changes on higher levels of integration

    Specific Electrogram Characteristics Identify the Extra-Pulmonary Vein Arrhythmogenic Sources of Persistent Atrial Fibrillation – Characterization of the Arrhythmogenic Electrogram Patterns During Atrial Fibrillation and Sinus Rhythm

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    Identification of atrial sites that perpetuate atrial fibrillation (AF), and ablation thereof terminates AF, is challenging. We hypothesized that specific electrogram (EGM) characteristics identify AF-termination sites (AFTS). Twenty-one patients in whom low-voltage-guided ablation after pulmonary vein isolation terminated clinical persistent AF were included. Patients were included if short RF-delivery for <8sec at a given atrial site was associated with acute termination of clinical persistent AF. EGM-characteristics at 21 AFTS, 105 targeted sites without termination and 105 non-targeted control sites were analyzed. Alteration of EGM-characteristics by local fibrosis was evaluated in a three-dimensional high resolution (100 µm)-computational AF model. AFTS demonstrated lower EGM-voltage, higher EGM-cycle-length-coverage, shorter AF-cycle-length and higher pattern consistency than control sites (0.49 ± 0.39 mV vs. 0.83 ± 0.76 mV, p < 0.0001; 79 ± 16% vs. 59 ± 22%, p = 0.0022; 173 ± 49 ms vs. 198 ± 34 ms, p = 0.047; 80% vs. 30%, p < 0.01). Among targeted sites, AFTS had higher EGM-cycle-length coverage, shorter local AF-cycle-length and higher pattern consistency than targeted sites without AF-termination (79 ± 16% vs. 63 ± 23%, p = 0.02; 173 ± 49 ms vs. 210 ± 44 ms, p = 0.002; 80% vs. 40%, p = 0.01). Low voltage (0.52 ± 0.3 mV) fractionated EGMs (79 ± 24 ms) with delayed components in sinus rhythm (‘atrial late potentials’, respectively ‘ALP’) were observed at 71% of AFTS. EGMs recorded from fibrotic areas in computational models demonstrated comparable EGM-characteristics both in simulated AF and sinus rhythm. AFTS may therefore be identified by locally consistent, fractionated low-voltage EGMs with high cycle-length-coverage and rapid activity in AF, with low-voltage, fractionated EGMs with delayed components/ ‘atrial late potentials’ (ALP) persisting in sinus rhythm

    Parameter Estimation of Ion Current Formulations Requires Hybrid Optimization Approach to Be Both Accurate and Reliable

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    Computational models of cardiac electrophysiology provided insights into arrhythmogenesis and paved the way toward tailored therapies in the last years. To fully leverage in silico models in future research, these models need to be adapted to reflect pathologies, genetic alterations, or pharmacological effects, however. A common approach is to leave the structure of established models unaltered and estimate the values of a set of parameters. Today’s high-throughput patch clamp data acquisition methods require robust, unsupervised algorithms that estimate parameters both accurately and reliably. In this work, two classes of optimization approaches are evaluated: gradient-based trust-region-reflective and derivative-free particle swarm algorithms. Using synthetic input data and different ion current formulations from the Courtemanche et al. electrophysiological model of human atrial myocytes, we show that neither of the two schemes alone succeeds to meet all requirements. Sequential combination of the two algorithms did improve the performance to some extent but not satisfactorily. Thus, we propose a novel hybrid approach coupling the two algorithms in each iteration. This hybrid approach yielded very accurate estimates with minimal dependency on the initial guess using synthetic input data for which a ground truth parameter set exists. When applied to measured data, the hybrid approach yielded the best fit, again with minimal variation. Using the proposed algorithm, a single run is sufficient to estimate the parameters. The degree of superiority over the other investigated algorithms in terms of accuracy and robustness depended on the type of current. In contrast to the non-hybrid approaches, the proposed method proved to be optimal for data of arbitrary signal to noise ratio. The hybrid algorithm proposed in this work provides an important tool to integrate experimental data into computational models both accurately and robustly allowing to assess the often non-intuitive consequences of ion channel-level changes on higher levels of integration

    Circle Method for Robust Estimation of Local Conduction Velocity High-Density Maps From Optical Mapping Data: Characterization of Radiofrequency Ablation Sites

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    Conduction velocity (CV) slowing is associated with atrial fibrillation (AF) and reentrant ventricular tachycardia (VT). Clinical electroanatomical mapping systems used to localize AF or VT sources as ablation targets remain limited by the number of measuring electrodes and signal processing methods to generate high-density local activation time (LAT) and CV maps of heterogeneous atrial or trabeculated ventricular endocardium. The morphology and amplitude of bipolar electrograms depend on the direction of propagating electrical wavefront, making identification of low-amplitude signal sources commonly associated with fibrotic area difficulty. In comparison, unipolar electrograms are not sensitive to wavefront direction, but measurements are susceptible to distal activity. This study proposes a method for local CV calculation from optical mapping measurements, termed the circle method (CM). The local CV is obtained as a weighted sum of CV values calculated along different chords spanning a circle of predefined radius centered at a CV measurement location. As a distinct maximum in LAT differences is along the chord normal to the propagating wavefront, the method is adaptive to the propagating wavefront direction changes, suitable for electrical conductivity characterization of heterogeneous myocardium. In numerical simulations, CM was validated characterizing modeled ablated areas as zones of distinct CV slowing. Experimentally, CM was used to characterize lesions created by radiofrequency ablation (RFA) on isolated hearts of rats, guinea pig, and explanted human hearts. To infer the depth of RFA-created lesions, excitation light bands of different penetration depths were used, and a beat-to-beat CV difference analysis was performed to identify CV alternans. Despite being limited to laboratory research, studies based on CM with optical mapping may lead to new translational insights into better-guided ablation therapies

    Multi-Class ECG Feature Importance Rankings: Cardiologists vs. Algorithms

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    Cardiologists have been using electrocardiogram features to diagnose a wide variety of heart conditions for many decades. There are also numerous algorithms that rank feature importance for a particular classification task. However, different algorithms often give quite different feature rankings. Therefore, we compared the feature importance rankings obtained by various algorithms with the features that cardiologists use for diagnosis

    PTB-XL+, a comprehensive electrocardiographic feature dataset

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    Machine learning (ML) methods for the analysis of electrocardiography (ECG) data are gaining importance, substantially supported by the release of large public datasets. However, these current datasets miss important derived descriptors such as ECG features that have been devised in the past hundred years and still form the basis of most automatic ECG analysis algorithms and are critical for cardiologists’ decision processes. ECG features are available from sophisticated commercial software but are not accessible to the general public. To alleviate this issue, we add ECG features from two leading commercial algorithms and an open-source implementation supplemented by a set of automatic diagnostic statements from a commercial ECG analysis software in preprocessed format. This allows the comparison of ML models trained on clinically versus automatically generated label sets. We provide an extensive technical validation of features and diagnostic statements for ML applications. We believe this release crucially enhances the usability of the PTB-XL dataset as a reference dataset for ML methods in the context of ECG data

    A simulation study of the reaction of human heart to biphasic electrical shocks

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    BACKGROUND: This article presents a study, which examines the effects of biphasic electrical shocks on human ventricular tissue. The effects of this type of shock are not yet fully understood. Animal experiments showed the superiority of biphasic shocks over monophasic ones in defibrillation. A mathematical computer simulation can increase the knowledge of human heart behavior. METHODS: The research presented in this article was done with different models representing a three-dimensional wedge of ventricular myocardium. The electrophysiology was described with Priebe-Beuckelmann model. The realistic fiber twist, which is specific to human myocardium was included. Planar electrodes were placed at the ends of the longest side of the virtual cardiac wedge, in a bath medium. They were sources of electrical shocks, which varied in magnitude from 0.1 to 5 V. In a second arrangement ring electrodes were placed directly on myocardium for getting a better view on secondary electrical sources. The electrical reaction of the tissue was generated with a bidomain model. RESULTS: The reaction of the tissue to the electrical shock was specific to the initial imposed characteristics. Depolarization appeared in the first 5 ms in different locations. A further study of the cardiac tissue behavior revealed, which features influence the response of the considered muscle. It was shown that the time needed by the tissue to be totally depolarized is much shorter when a biphasic shock is applied. Each simulation ended only after complete repolarization was achieved. This created the possibility of gathering information from all states corresponding to one cycle of the cardiac rhythm. CONCLUSIONS: The differences between the reaction of the homogeneous tissue and a tissue, which contains cleavage planes, reveals important aspects of superiority of biphasic pulses. ..

    Non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic beats by using simulated body surface P-wave integral maps

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    Non-invasive localization of continuous atrial ectopic beats remains a cornerstone for the treatment of atrial arrhythmias. The lack of accurate tools to guide electrophysiologists leads to an increase in the recurrence rate of ablation procedures. Existing approaches are based on the analysis of the P-waves main characteristics and the forward body surface potential maps (BSPMs) or on the inverse estimation of the electric activity of the heart from those BSPMs. These methods have not provided an efficient and systematic tool to localize ectopic triggers. In this work, we propose the use of machine learning techniques to spatially cluster and classify ectopic atrial foci into clearly differentiated atrial regions by using the body surface P-wave integral map (BSPiM) as a biomarker. Our simulated results show that ectopic foci with similar BSPiM naturally cluster into differentiated non-intersected atrial regions and that new patterns could be correctly classified with an accuracy of 97% when considering 2 clusters and 96% for 4 clusters. Our results also suggest that an increase in the number of clusters is feasible at the cost of decreasing accuracy.This work was partially supported by The "Programa Prometeu" from Conselleria d'Educacio Formacio I Ocupacio, Generalitat Valenciana (www.edu.gva.es/fio/index_es.asp) Award Number: PROMETEU/2016/088 to JS; The "Plan Estatal de Investigacion Cientifica y Tecnica y de Innovacion 2013-2016" from the Ministerio de Economia, Industria y Competitividad of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (www.mineco.gob.es) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF -FEDER) (ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/es/funding/erdf/) Award Number: DPI2016-75799-R to JS and The "Programa Estatal de Investigacion, Desarrollo e Innovacion Orientado a los Retos de la Sociedad" from the Ministerio de Economia y Competitividad of Spain, Agencia Estatal de Investigacion (www.mineco.gob.es) and the European Commission (European Regional Development Funds - ERDF -FEDER) (ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/es/funding/erdf/) Award Number: TIN2014-59932-JIN to AFA and RS. The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.Ferrer Albero, A.; Godoy, EJ.; Lozano, M.; Martínez Mateu, L.; Alonso Atienza, F.; Saiz Rodríguez, FJ.; Sebastián Aguilar, R. (2017). Non-invasive localization of atrial ectopic beats by using simulated body surface P-wave integral maps. PLoS ONE. 12(7):1-23. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0181263S12312
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