12 research outputs found
The Interactions Between Rapeseed Lipoxygenase and Native Polyphenolic Compounds in a Model System
The focus of the present research was to study inhibition of lipoxygenase activity by rapeseed native polyphenols and the interactions between those compounds and the enzyme. The enzyme and polyphenolic compounds (polyphenols, phenolic acids) were extracted from rapeseed (Brassica napus) varieties Aviso and PR45DO3. The total phenolic compounds concentration in tested rapeseed was 1,485–1,691 mg/100 g d.m. (dry matter) and the free phenolic acids content in both rapeseed varieties was about 76 μg/100 g d.m. The isolated proteins showed lipoxygenase activity. Prooxidant properties of phenolic compounds in the presence of lipoxygenase and linoleic acid were observed rather in the case of extracts containing a relatively high concentration of miscellaneous polyphenols. Antioxidant properties were recorded in the case of phenolic acid extracts which contain only 1.4–1.9% of phenolics present in raw phenolic extracts. We propose that the prooxidant effect of phenolic compounds comes from quinone and oxidized polyphenols formation. The observed antioxidant activity of phenolic acid extracts is probably due to their ability to scavenge free radicals formed from linoleic acid. However, reduction of lipoxygenase ferric to ferrous ions, which prevent the activation of the enzyme and inhibited its activity, was also observed
European Constitution and National Constitution
"The history of the question of alliance, integration, and unification of European states along different lines reaches far back. We only have to mention I. Kant and J. C. Bluntschli, who saw the future of Europe in establishing a union of its states based on the rule of law. It was on the grounds of freedom and republican democracy that J. Lorimer of Edinburgh envisaged the possibility of uniting European states. Much like him, Polish thinkers too, including A. Mickiewicz, B. Limanowski, and K. Kelles-Krauz, believed that Europe would unite as soon as its constituent states were driven by shared ideals of freedom and republican democracy."(...
The Wawel dispute between Stanisław Tomkowicz and Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz
W latach 1908-1909 pojawił się istotny spór pomiędzy środowiskiem krakowskich konserwatorów zabytków a Centralną Komisją Konserwatorską w Wiedniu o metodę restauracji zamku królewskiego na Wawelu. Jego personifikacją był konflikt pomiędzy Maxem Dvořákiem reprezentującym stanowisko purystyczne oraz Stanisławem Tomkowiczem, który był zwolennikiem restauracji historycznej. Podobny w wymowie konflikt pojawił się w latach 20. pomiędzy Tomkowiczem a Adolfem Szyszko-Bohuszem prowadzącym wtedy prace konserwatorskie na Wawelu. Tym razem jednak to Tomkowicz reprezentował poglądy zbliżone do puryzmu w przeciwieństwie do Szyszko-Bohusza, który okazał się zwolennikiem bardziej swobodnego prowadzenia prac konserwatorskich na Wawelu, swoją metodę nazwał „neutralną” lub „poza czasem”. Konflikt zantagonizował częściowo środowisko konserwatorów polskich, jego zwycięzcą okazał się Szyszko-Bohusz, konsekwentnie realizując swoją wizję restauracji zamku wawelskiego.In the years 1908-1909, a vital quarrel broke out between the environment of monument conservators in Krakow and the Central Conservation Commission in Vienna concerning the restoration method of the Wawel Royal Castle. Its personifi ed version was the conflict between Max Dvořák, representing a purist attitude, and Stanisław Tomkowicz who was in favour of historical restoration. A similar conflict occurred during the 1920s between Tomkowicz and Adolf Szyszko-Bohusz carrying out conservation work in the Wawel Castle then. That time, however, it was Tomkowicz who represented views close to purism, in contrast to Szyszko-Bohusz who favoured a freer manner of conducting conservation work in the Wawel Castle, and called his method “neutral” or “beyond time”. The conflict partially divided the milieu of Polish conservators, but its winner turned out to be Szyszko-Bohusz by consequently realizing his vision of the Wawel Castle restoration
Revitalisation of historical urban and architectural ensembles in selected spa towns located in the valley of the river Prut in the Hutsul region
W miejscowościach uzdrowiskowych położonych w dolinie rzeki Prut na Huculszczyźnie zachował się mało znany lecz niezwykle interesujący zespół historycznych założeń urbanistyczno-architektonicznych powstałych w pierwszej połowie ubiegłego stulecia. Badania terenowe i archiwalne w miejscowościach Jaremcze, Tatarów i Worochta doprowadziły do rozpoznania i częściowej inwentaryzacji tego zespołu. Jego postępująca degradacja wymaga stworzenia realnych propozycji ochrony i rewitalizacji.The spa towns situated in the valley of the river Prut in the Hutsul region preserved
a little-known but extremely interesting set of historical urban and architectural layouts
dating back to the first half of the previous century. Field and archival studies in the towns
of Yaremche, Tatariv and Vorokhta led to its identification and partial inventory. The progressive
degradation of this resource requires the creation of viable proposals for its conservation
and revitalization