29 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Levels of Select Minerals in Scalp Hair Samples with Estimated Dietary Intakes of These Minerals in Women of Reproductive Age

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate daily intake of minerals and concentrations of minerals in hair in women of reproductive age. The study included 77 menstruating women, aged 35.9 ± 9.7 years. Subjects were divided into three groups according to age. All women were healthy. Hair samples were taken from several points of the occipital scalp. The content of minerals in hair samples was determined by flame atomic absorption spectrometry. Dietary intake of the analysed minerals was assayed on the basis of dietary intake interviews from three preceding days and evaluated using the dietetic computer programme. It was shown that calcium and iron daily intake by the women was below the recommended value. Only few women had low concentrations (below reference values) of magnesium, copper and zinc in hair. Statistically significant differences were shown between age groups. Generally, the concentrations of minerals in hair in the younger (19–30 years) and the older women (41–50 years) were higher than in hair of middle-aged women (31–40 years). The content of calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc in daily diets of women correlated inversely with copper level in their hair. Food products with good bioavailability of iron and calcium should be recommended for women of childbearing age in all age groups

    Immunogenicity and efficacy of one and two doses of Ad26.COV2.S COVID vaccine in adult and aged NHP

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    Safe and effective coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) vaccines are urgently needed to control the ongoing pandemic. While single-dose vaccine regimens would provide multiple advantages, two doses may improve the magnitude and durability of immunity and protective efficacy. We assessed one-and two-dose regimens of the Ad26.COV2.S vaccine candidate in adult and aged nonhuman primates (NHPs). A two-dose Ad26.COV2.S regimen induced higher peak binding and neutralizing antibody responses compared with a single dose. In one-dose regimens, neutralizing antibody responses were stable for at least 14 wk, providing an early indication of durability. Ad26.COV2.S induced humoral immunity and T helper cell (Th cell) 1-skewed cellular responses in aged NHPs that were comparable to those in adult animals. Aged Ad26.COV2.S-vaccinated animals challenged 3 mo after dose 1 with a SARS-CoV-2 spike G614 variant showed near complete lower and substantial upper respiratory tract protection for both regimens. Neutralization of variants of concern by NHP sera was reduced for B.1.351 lineages while maintained for the B.1.1.7 lineage independent of Ad26.COV2.S vaccine regimen.Molecular basis of virus replication, viral pathogenesis and antiviral strategie

    Mit represy jnosci albo o znaczeniu prewencji kryminalnej

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    Direction of arrival estimation with sensor arrays

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    With recent increase of hardware capabilities, the application of sensor arrays in the Direction-Of-Arrival estimation is gaining more and more popularity. The behaviour of the array is the complex function of the geometry, sensor characteristic, signal and noise properties and other different factors. Before building the array it is essential to simulate its performance in different conditions with different algorithms.Most of the time the simulations are performed using custom ad-hoc created code. This code is error prone and difficult to maintain. Our goal was to create a reusable and extensible library that would provide the components used in the simulation process. In this article we present the initial version of the library along with several illustrative examples

    Assessment of selected vitamins content in daily food rations of obese patients

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    Celem pracy była ocena zawartości wybranych witamin rozpuszczalnych w tłuszczach (A, E) i w wodzie (B1, B2, B6, B12, C, niacyna) w całodziennej racji pokarmowej osób otyłych nie stosujących diety odchudzającej (201 otyłych kobiet- BMI=32,9±6,2kg/m2 i 60 mężczyzn -BMI=33,4±5,3 kg/m2). Średni wiek kobiet wynosił 45,8 ±12,2 lat, a mężczyzn 48 ± 13,5 lat. Ocenę sposobu żywienia przeprowadzono metodą wywiadu 24-godzinnego. Zawartość wybranych witamin w całodziennej racji pokarmowej oceniono przy użyciu programu komputerowego DIETA2. Podaż witamin porównano z normami na poziomie bezpiecznym dla osób o małej aktywności fizycznej. Zaobserwowano niską zawartość w żywieniu witaminy B1 u kobiet i B2 u mężczyzn. Wykazano, że w jadłospisach osób otyłych (zarówno kobiet jak i mężczyzn) zawartość w diecie na poziomie normy dotyczyła witaminy E, niacyny, ryboflawiny (kobiety), witaminy B6 (mężczyźni). Wysoką zawartość w diecie odnotowano w przypadku witaminy A, B12, oraz witaminy C zarówno u otyłych kobiet jak i mężczyzn.The study objective was to evaluate the content of chosen vitamins soluble in fats (A, E) and in water (B1, B2, B6, B12, C, niacin, folic acid) in daily food rations of obese subjects, who are not on a reducing diet (201 obese women - BMI=32.9±6.2kg/ m2 and 60 men - BMI=33.4±5.3 kg/m2). The mean age was 45.8 ±12.2 years for women and 48±13.5 years for men. Dietary habits were assessed using the 24h dietary recall method. Computer program DIETA2 was used to evaluate the vitamin content in daily food rations. Vitamin intake was compared with safe levels for subjects with low physical activity. Low intake were observed in the consumption of vitamin B1 in women and B2 in men. Daily food rations of patients with excessive body mass (both women and men) met safe level daily requirements for vitamin E, niacin, folic acid, riboflavin (women), vitamin B6 (men). High intakes of vitamin A, B12, and C were noted both among obese women and men

    Usefulness of polysaccharide and glycoprotein fraction of Trichomonas vaginalis in serodiagnosis of trichomonosis

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    It has been shown that glycoprotein and polysaccharide fractions obtained from T. vaginalis cells can be employed as antigens in serodiagnosis of trichomonosis. This refers especially to the polysaccharide fraction because of its easy availability, solubility in aqueous solutions, high diagnostic specificity and sensitivity. It has been stated that the diagnostic value of polysaccharide antigen of T. vaginalis, in occult trichomonosis in men particularly, is higher than the effect of the secretion examination by means of culture, even after the prostatic gland massage

    Nutritional value of meals in the diets of women with normal and excessive body weight

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    Celem pracy była ocena liczby i rodzaju spożywanych posiłków w ciągu dnia oraz porównanie wartości energetycznej i odżywczej posiłków w jadłospisach kobiet z prawidłową i nadmierną masą ciała. Badania ankietowe przeprowadzono w grupie 346 kobiet w wieku 18-79 lat (średnia wieku 41,1±13,1 lat). Należną masę ciała posiadało 145 kobiet (42%), a nadwagę lub otyłość 201 kobiet (58%). W badaniach wykorzystano kwestionariusz ankiety zawierający m. in. pytania dotyczące nawyków żywieniowych, w tym liczby zwyczajowo spożywanych posiłków oraz dojadania między nimi. Ocenę ilościową dziennych racji pokarmowych dokonano przy użyciu 24-godz. wywiadu żywieniowego z dnia poprzedzającego badanie. Ocenie poddano z uwzględnieniem podziału na posiłki wartość energetyczną oraz zawartość podstawowych składników odżywczych diety (białek, tłuszczów, węglowodanów), a także cholesterolu i błonnika pokarmowego, wykorzystując opracowany w Instytucie Żywności i Żywienia w Warszawie program komputerowy Dieta 2.0. Wykazano, iż w obu porównywanych grupach dominował model 3 posiłkowy, najczęściej opuszczanym posiłkiem był podwieczorek. Do nieregularnego dojadania miedzy posiłkami przyznawało się 56% kobiet z prawidłową masą ciała i 71% kobiet z nadmierną masą ciała. Wykazano również zaburzenia proporcji w dostarczaniu energii z poszczególnych posiłków, jak i nieprawidłowości w zakresie ich wartości odżywczej, zwłaszcza w grupie kobiet z nadwagą lub otyłością.The study objective was to assess the number and type of the consumed meals during the day and to make a comparison between their energetic and nutritional value in the diets of women with normal and excessive body weight. A questionnaire study was conducted in a group of 346 women aged 18-79 years (mean 41.1±13.1 years). Normal body weight was noted in 145 women (42%), whereas overweight or obesity in 201 women (58%). The study questionnaire contained questions concerning eating habits, e.g. the number of routinely consumed meals and snacks between them. A 24h dietary recall was taken of the day preceding the examination in order to perform a quantitative evaluation of daily food rations. Taking into consideration the division into meals, the evaluation referred to the energetic value and the content of basic dietary nutrients (proteins, fats and carbohydrates) as well as cholesterol and cellulose, using the computer program Diet 2.0 designed in the Institute of Food and Feeding in Warsaw. In the two compared groups, a three-meal model predominated and the afternoon snack was most frequently missed. As many as 56% of women with normal body weight and 71% of women with excessive body weight admitted irregular eating between meals. The proportion in energy delivery from the respective meals was disturbed and nutritional abnormalities were found, especially in overweight and obese women

    Quantitative evaluation of daily food rations of obese persons

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    Celem pracy była ocena wartości energetycznej i odżywczej diet osób otyłych (BMI≥30 kg/m2). Badaniami objęto 261 osób (201 kobiet- BMI=32,9±6,2 kg/m2 i 60 mężczyzn- BMI=33,4±5,3 kg/m2) pacjentów Ośrodka Leczenia Otyłości w Białymstoku. Średni wiek kobiet wynosił 45,8±12,2 lat, a mężczyzn 48,8±13,5 lat. Ocenę dziennych racji pokarmowych przeprowadzono metodą wywiadu 24-godzinnego obejmującego dzień poprzedzający badanie. Wykazano, iż pomimo zadowalającej wartości energetycznej racji pokarmowych, były one nieprawidłowo zbilansowane pod względem udziału energii z białka i tłuszczu. Racje pokarmowe badanych osób charakteryzowało zbyt duże spożycie białka zwierzęcego, tłuszczu ogółem, nasyconych kwasów tłuszczowych oraz cholesterolu pokarmowego zwłaszcza u mężczyzn. Niedostateczna podaż dotyczyła białka roślinnego, węglowodanów ogółem oraz błonnika pokarmowego u badanych pacjentów obu płci.The aim of the study was to assess the energetic and nutritional values of diets in obese subjects (BMI≥30 kg/m2). A total of 261 patients of the Obesity Treatment Centre (201 women - BMI=32.9±6.2 kg/m2 and 60 men-BMI=33.4±5.3kg/m2) were enrolled in the study. The mean age of women was 45.8±12.2 years, men 48.8±13.5 years. Daily food rations were performed using the 24h dietary recall referring to the day preceding the examination. Although the rations were shown to have a satisfactory energetic value they were improperly balanced with respect to protein and fat. Food rations of the study patients were characterized by excessive intake of animal protein, total fat, saturated fatty acids and dietary cholesterol, especially in men. Insufficient intakes of vegetable protein, total carbohydrates and dietary fibre were noted in the study patients of both sexes