20 research outputs found

    The pharmacokinetics of the interstitial space in humans

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    BACKGROUND: The pharmacokinetics of extracellular solutes is determined by the blood-tissue exchange kinetics and the volume of distribution in the interstitial space in the different organs. This information can be used to develop a general physiologically based pharmacokinetic (PBPK) model applicable to most extracellular solutes. METHODS: The human pharmacokinetic literature was surveyed to tabulate the steady state and equilibrium volume of distribution of the solutes mannitol, EDTA, morphine-6-glucuronide, morphine-3-glucuronide, inulin and β-lactam antibiotics with a range of protein binding (amoxicillin, piperacillin, cefatrizine, ceforanide, flucloxacillin, dicloxacillin). A PBPK data set was developed for extracellular solutes based on the literature for interstitial organ volumes. The program PKQuest was used to generate the PBPK model predictions. The pharmacokinetics of the protein (albumin) bound β-lactam antibiotics were characterized by two parameters: 1) the free fraction of the solute in plasma; 2) the interstitial albumin concentration. A new approach to estimating the capillary permeability is described, based on the pharmacokinetics of the highly protein bound antibiotics. RESULTS: About 42% of the total body water is extracellular. There is a large variation in the organ distribution of this water – varying from about 13% of total tissue water for skeletal muscle, up to 70% for skin and connective tissue. The weakly bound antibiotics have flow limited capillary-tissue exchange kinetics. The highly protein bound antibiotics have a significant capillary permeability limitation. The experimental pharmacokinetics of the 11 solutes is well described using the new PBPK data set and PKQuest. CONCLUSIONS: Only one adjustable parameter (systemic clearance) is required to completely characterize the PBPK for these extracellular solutes. Knowledge of just this systemic clearance allows one to predict the complete time course of the absolute drug concentrations in the major organs. PKQuest is freely available

    Effect of uranyl nitrate-induced renal failure on morphine disposition and antiociceptive response response in rats

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    1. The aims of the present study were to administer morphine (14.0 mumol/kg, s.c.) to male Hooded Wistar rats and to determine the effect of uranyl nitrate-induced renal failure on: (i) the antinociceptive effect of morphine; (ii) the pharmacokinetics of morphine and morphine-3-glucuronide (M3G); and (iii) the relationship between antinociceptive effect and the pharmacokinetics of morphine in plasma and brain. 2. Renal failure was induced by a single s.c. injection of uranyl nitrate and kinetic/dynamic studies were performed 10 days after its administration, when creatinine clearance was 17% of the control group. Antinociceptive effect was measured by the tail-flick method at various times up to 2 h post-drug administration. Concentrations of morphine and M3G in plasma and brain and concentrations of creatinine in urine and serum were determined by specific HPLC methods. 3. After morphine administration, the area under the antinociceptive effect-time curve was decreased by 44% in renal failure rats. There were no differences between control and renal failure rats in: (i) plasma morphine concentration-time curves; (ii) brain morphine concentration-time curves; and (iii) plasma M3G concentration-time curves. Morphine-6-glucuronide was not detected in any plasma or brain sample from rats administered morphine and no M3G was detected in brain. 4. For both control and renal failure rats, the relationships between antinociceptive effect and plasma morphine concentration were characterized by counterclockwise hysteresis loops, probably reflecting a delay for the relatively polar morphine to cross the blood-brain barrier. The relationship between antinociceptive effect and brain morphine concentration in control rats revealed no evidence of acute tolerance and was described by a sigmoidal function. In contrast, the relationship in renal failure rats was characterized by clockwise hysteresis, which is consistent with acute tolerance development.Jacoba T Van Crugten, Andrew A Somogyi and Roger L Natio

    The effect of old age on the disposition and antinociceptive response of morphine and morphine-6beta-glucuronide in the rat.

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    The aims of this study were to examine the effect of old age on the pharmacokinetics of morphine and morphine-6 beta-glucuronide (M6G) and their relationships to antinociceptive activity. Morphine (21.0 mumol/kg) or M6G (21.7 mumol/kg) were administered s.c. to young adult and aged male Hooded-Wistar rats. Antinociceptive effect was measured by the tail-flick method at various times up to 2.5 h or 6.5 h after morphine or M6G administration, respectively, and concentrations of morphine, morphine-3 beta-glucuronide (M3G) and M6G in plasma and brain were determined by HPLC. Creatinine clearance was significantly lower by 33% or 21% in aged compared to young adult rats receiving morphine or M6G, respectively. After morphine administration, the areas under the (i) antinociceptive effect-time curve, (ii) plasma morphine concentration-time curve, and (iii) brain morphine concentration-time curve were not different between young adult and aged rats. However, the AUC for plasma M3G was five-fold higher in the aged relative to young adult rats, which could not be accounted for by only a 33% lower creatinine clearance. M6G was not detected in any plasma or brain sample from rats administered morphine and no M3G was detected in brain. For M6G administration, the areas under the (i) antinociceptive effect-time curve, and (ii) plasma M6G concentration-time curve were 1.8- and 1.6-fold higher in aged compared to young adult rats, respectively. Concentrations of M6G in brain were below the limit of quantification. No morphine or M3G was detected in any of the plasma or brain samples of rats administered M6G. The results demonstrate no change in morphine antinociception and pharmacokinetics with age, and suggest that blood-brain barrier permeability and reception sensitivity to morphine are not altered in aged rats. Accumulation of M3G in plasma of aged rats is probably due to diminished renal clearance of M3G in addition to a reduction in the biliary excretion of M3G. The heightened sensitivity of the aged rats to M6G is probably due to the observed altered kinetics of M6G rather than a pharmacodynamic change