889 research outputs found

    Prevalence, characteristics and management of headache experienced by people with schizophrenia and schizoaffective disorder: a cross sectional cohort study

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    Objective: Headache is the most common type of pain reported by people with schizophrenia. This study aimed to establish prevalence, characteristics and management of these headache. Method: One-hundred participants with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder completed a reliable and valid headache questionnaire. Two clinicians independently classified each headache as migraine (MH), tension-type (TTH), cervicogenic (CGH) or other (OH). Results: The twelve-month prevalence of headache (57%) was higher than the general population (46%) with no evidence of a relationship between psychiatric clinical characteristics and presence of headache. Prevalence of CGH (5%) and MH (18%) was comparable to the general population. TTH (16%) had a lower prevalence and 19% of participant’s experienced OH. No-one with MH was prescribed migraine specific medication, no-one with CGH and TTH received best-practice treatment Conclusion: Headache is a common complaint in people with schizophrenia/schizoaffective disorder with most fitting recognised diagnostic criteria for which effective interventions are available. No-one in this sample was receiving best-practice care for their headache

    Do physiotherapists have the skill to engage in the psychological in the bio-psychosocial approach?

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    Purpose: To describe a cross-sectional exploration of attitudes of physiotherapists in general practice in Western Australia toward psychiatry and mental illness, how often they treat people with mental illness, their perceptions of how well their undergraduate education prepared them to work with these people, and their opinions about what further education would enable them to provide best practice care. Methods: A questionnaire that included questions about participants’ demographic information, personal experiences with mental illness, the ATP-30, and open-ended questions about their preparedness to work with people with mental illness was distributed through 110 email contacts to physiotherapy departments in Western Australia. Results: A total of 75 completed questionnaires contributed to the findings; 11 returned questionnaires were incomplete and were not included in the data analysis. ATP-30 scores indicated moderately positive attitudes toward psychiatry and mental illness. Females indicated significantly more positive attitudes than males. Of the full sample, 41% (n = 31) reported treating someone with a comorbid mental health problem every day and 76% (n = 57) every week. Conclusion: Physiotherapists in general practice in Western Australia have generally positive perceptions of psychiatry. The majority of clinicians reported treating patients with mental illness at least once a week. Participants identified that they felt underprepared to work with this patient group, a need for the undergraduate curriculum to be revised, and an overwhelming need for postgraduate training in psychiatry and mental health

    BATSE Observations of Gamma-Ray Burst Tails

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    I discuss in this paper the phenomenon of post-burst emission in BATSE gamma-ray bursts at energies traditionally associated with prompt emission. By summing the background-subtracted signals from hundreds of bursts, I find that tails out to hundreds of seconds after the trigger may be a common feature of long events (duration greater than 2s), and perhaps of the shorter bursts at a lower and shorter-lived level. The tail component appears independent of both the duration (within the long GRB sample) and brightness of the prompt burst emission, and may be softer. Some individual bursts have visible tails at gamma-ray energies and the spectrum in at least a few cases is different from that of the prompt emission.Comment: 33 Pages from LaTex including 7 figures, with aastex. To appear in Astrophysical Journa

    Swift and Fermi observations of X-ray flares: the case of Late Internal Shock

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    Simultaneous Swift and Fermi observations of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) offer a unique broadband view of their afterglow emission, spanning more than ten decades in energy. We present the sample of X-ray flares observed by both Swift and Fermi during the first three years of Fermi operations. While bright in the X-ray band, X-ray flares are often undetected at lower (optical), and higher (MeV to GeV) energies. We show that this disfavors synchrotron self-Compton processes as origin of the observed X-ray emission. We compare the broadband properties of X-ray flares with the standard late internal shock model, and find that, in this scenario, X-ray flares can be produced by a late-time relativistic (Gamma>50) outflow at radii R~10^13-10^14 cm. This conclusion holds only if the variability timescale is significantly shorter than the observed flare duration, and implies that X-ray flares can directly probe the activity of the GRB central engine.Comment: 13 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Ap

    Right-to-Work Laws as Economic Freedom: Their Role in Influencing the Geographic Pattern of Manufacturing Jobs, Incomes, and Finances

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    A large empirical literature has found positive effects from economic freedom on economic outcomes, such as output and per capita economic growth. This study seeks to explain empirically the disparate timing of state manufacturing earnings and employment decline, as well as the shift among states in both manufacturing earnings and manufacturing employment resulting from right-to-work laws, which can be viewed as reflecting labor market freedom and thereby acting as a de facto economic policy. The results of the empirical estimations suggest a marked geographic shift of manufacturing employment and compensation in the U.S. during the 1970 to 2012 time period. The empirical estimations indicate that the regions of the country that have historically represented the manufacturing base have suffered the greatest relative losses in both employment and compensation during this period. In addition to regional location, it appears that right-to-work laws have had the effect of leveling manufacturing employment and compensation levels across the states since 1970. The data analysis suggests that, at least in part due to right-to-work laws, the manufacturing sectors of the states and regions are becoming increasingly similar over time, i.e., manufacturing activity that was once highly concentrated in the Great Lakes, Northeast, and Mideast has now converged significantly, with the outcome that there is little geographic difference in concentration among the eight BEA regions

    Breakdown of Kolmogorov scaling in models of cluster aggregation with deposition

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    The steady state of the model of cluster aggregation with deposition is characterized by a constant flux of mass directed from small masses towards large masses. It can therefore be studied using phenomenological theories of turbulence, such as Kolmogorov's 1941 theory. On the other hand, the large scale behavior of the aggregation model in dimensions lower than or equal to two is governed by a perturbative fixed point of the renormalization group flow, which enables an analytic study of the scaling properties of correlation functions in the steady state. In this paper, we show that the correlation functions have multifractal scaling, which violates linear Kolmogorov scaling. The analytical results are verified by Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 5 pages 4 figure

    Terrestrial Gamma-Ray Flashes (TGFs) Observed with the Fermi-Gamma-Ray Burst Monitor: The First Hundred TGFs

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    The Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM) on the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope Observatory (Fermi) is now detecting ~2.1 TGFs per week. At this rate, nearly a hundred TGFs will have been detected by the time of this Meeting. This rate has increased by a factor of ~8 since new flight software was uploaded to the spacecraft in November 2009 in order to increase the sensitivity of GBM to TGFs. The high time resolution (2 microseconds) allows temporal features to be resolved so that some insight may be gained on the origin and transport of the gamma-ray photons through the atmosphere. The absolute time of the TGFs, known to several microseconds, also allows accurate correlations of TGFs with lightning networks and other lightning-related phenomena. The thick bismuth germanate (BGO) scintillation detectors of the GBM system have observed photon energies from TGFs at energies above 40 MeV. New results on the some temporal aspects of TGFs will be presented

    Evidence for an Early High-Energy Afterglow Observed with BATSE from GRB980923

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    In this Letter, we present the first evidence in the BATSE data for a prompt high-energy (25-300 keV) afterglow component from a gamma-ray burst (GRB), GRB980923. The event consists of rapid variabilty lasting ~40 s followed by a smooth power law emission tail lasting ~400 s. An abrupt change in spectral shape is found when the tail becomes noticeable. Our analysis reveals that the spectral evolution in the tail of the burst mimics that of a cooling synchrotron spectrum, similar to the spectral evolution of the low-energy afterglows for GRBs. This evidence for a separate emission component is consistent with the internal-external shock scenario in the relativistic fireball picture. In particular, it illustrates that the external shocks can be generated during the gamma-ray emission phase, as in the case of GRB990123.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepted for publication in Astrophysical Journal Letter
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