138 research outputs found

    Exact correlations in a single file system with a driven tracer

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    We study the effect of a single driven tracer particle in a bath of other particles performing the random average process on an infinite line using a stochastic hydrodynamics approach. We consider arbitrary fixed as well as random initial conditions and compute the two-point correlations. For quenched uniform and annealed steady state initial conditions we show that in the large time TT limit the fluctuations and the correlations of the positions of the particles grow subdiffusively as T\sqrt{T} and have well defined scaling forms under proper rescaling of the labels. We compute the corresponding scaling functions exactly for these specific initial configurations and verify them numerically. We also consider a non translationally invariant initial condition with linearly increasing gaps where we show that the fluctuations and correlations grow superdiffusively as T3/2T^{3/2} at large times.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, supplementary material appended. To appear in EP

    Crossing pedestrian traffic flows,diagonal stripe pattern, and chevron effect

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    We study two perpendicular intersecting flows of pedestrians. The latter are represented either by moving hard core particles of two types, eastbound (\symbp) and northbound (\symbm), or by two density fields, \rhop_t(\brr) and \rhom_t(\brr). Each flow takes place on a lattice strip of width MM so that the intersection is an M×MM\times M square. We investigate the spontaneous formation, observed experimentally and in simulations, of a diagonal pattern of stripes in which alternatingly one of the two particle types dominates. By a linear stability analysis of the field equations we show how this pattern formation comes about. We focus on the observation, reported recently, that the striped pattern actually consists of chevrons rather than straight lines. We demonstrate that this `chevron effect' occurs both in particle simulations with various different update schemes and in field simulations. We quantify the effect in terms of the chevron angle Δθ0\Delta\theta_0 and determine its dependency on the parameters governing the boundary conditions.Comment: 36 pages, 22 figure

    Exact domain wall theory for deterministic TASEP with parallel update

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    Domain wall theory (DWT) has proved to be a powerful tool for the analysis of one-dimensional transport processes. A simple version of it was found very accurate for the Totally Asymmetric Simple Exclusion Process (TASEP) with random sequential update. However, a general implementation of DWT is still missing in the case of updates with less fluctuations, which are often more relevant for applications. Here we develop an exact DWT for TASEP with parallel update and deterministic (p=1) bulk motion. Remarkably, the dynamics of this system can be described by the motion of a domain wall not only on the coarse-grained level but also exactly on the microscopic scale for arbitrary system size. All properties of this TASEP, time-dependent and stationary, are shown to follow from the solution of a bivariate master equation whose variables are not only the position but also the velocity of the domain wall. In the continuum limit this exactly soluble model then allows us to perform a first principle derivation of a Fokker-Planck equation for the position of the wall. The diffusion constant appearing in this equation differs from the one obtained with the traditional `simple' DWT.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Continuous and first-order jamming transition in crossing pedestrian traffic flows

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    After reviewing the main results obtained within a model for the intersection of two perpendicular flows of pedestrians, we present a new finding: the changeover of the jamming transition from continuous to first order when the size of the intersection area increases.Comment: 14 pages, 9 figure

    Frozen shuffle update for an asymmetric exclusion process with open boundary conditions

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    We introduce a new update algorithm for exclusion processes, more suitable for the modeling of pedestrian traffic. Pedestrians are modeled as hard-core particles hopping on a discrete lattice, and are updated in a fixed order, determined by a phase attached to each pedestrian. While the case of periodic boundary conditions was studied in a companion paper, we consider here the case of open boundary conditions. The full phase diagram is predicted analytically and exhibits a transition between a free flow phase and a jammed phase. The density profile is predicted in the frame of a domain wall theory, and compared to Monte Carlo simulations, in particular in the vicinity of the transition.Comment: 22 pages, 8 Figure

    Frozen shuffle update for an asymmetric exclusion process on a ring

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    We introduce a new rule of motion for a totally asymmetric exclusion process (TASEP) representing pedestrian traffic on a lattice. Its characteristic feature is that the positions of the pedestrians, modeled as hard-core particles, are updated in a fixed predefined order, determined by a phase attached to each of them. We investigate this model analytically and by Monte Carlo simulation on a one-dimensional lattice with periodic boundary conditions. At a critical value of the particle density a transition occurs from a phase with `free flow' to one with `jammed flow'. We are able to analytically predict the current-density diagram for the infinite system and to find the scaling function that describes the finite size rounding at the transition point.Comment: 16 page

    Intersection of two TASEP traffic lanes with frozen shuffle update

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    Motivated by interest in pedestrian traffic we study two lanes (one-dimensional lattices) of length LL that intersect at a single site. Each lane is modeled by a TASEP (Totally Asymmetric Exclusion Process). The particles enter and leave lane σ\sigma (where σ=1,2\sigma=1,2) with probabilities ασ\alpha_\sigma and βσ\beta_\sigma, respectively. We employ the `frozen shuffle' update introduced in earlier work [C. Appert-Rolland et al, J. Stat. Mech. (2011) P07009], in which the particle positions are updated in a fixed random order. We find analytically that each lane may be in a `free flow' or in a `jammed' state. Hence the phase diagram in the domain 0α1,α210\leq\alpha_1,\alpha_2\leq 1 consists of four regions with boundaries depending on β1\beta_1 and β2\beta_2. The regions meet in a single point on the diagonal of the domain. Our analytical predictions for the phase boundaries as well as for the currents and densities in each phase are confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations.Comment: 7 figure

    Determination of the scalar polarizabilities of the proton using beam asymmetry Σ3\Sigma_{3} in Compton scattering

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    The scalar dipole polarizabilities, αE1\alpha_{E1} and βM1\beta_{M1}, are fundamental properties related to the internal dynamics of the nucleon. The currently accepted values of the proton polarizabilities were determined by fitting to unpolarized proton Compton scattering cross section data. The measurement of the beam asymmetry Σ3\Sigma_{3} in a certain kinematical range provides an alternative approach to the extraction of the scalar polarizabilities. At the Mainz Microtron (MAMI) the beam asymmetry was measured for Compton scattering below pion photoproduction threshold for the first time. The results are compared with model calculations and the influence of the experimental data on the extraction of the scalar polarizabilities is determined.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figure

    Measurement of pi^0 photoproduction on the proton at MAMI C

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    Differential cross sections for the gamma p -> pi^0 p reaction have been measured with the A2 tagged-photon facilities at the Mainz Microtron, MAMI C, up to the center-of-mass energy W=1.9 GeV. The new results, obtained with a fine energy and angular binning, increase the existing quantity of pi^0 photoproduction data by ~47%. Owing to the unprecedented statistical accuracy and the full angular coverage, the results are sensitive to high partial-wave amplitudes. This is demonstrated by the decomposition of the differential cross sections in terms of Legendre polynomials and by further comparison to model predictions. A new solution of the SAID partial-wave analysis obtained after adding the new data into the fit is presented.Comment: 13 pages, 12 figures, 1 tabl