39 research outputs found

    Visualisation of Leishmania donovani Fluorescent Hybrids during Early Stage Development in the Sand Fly Vector

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    hybrids were produced by co-infecting sand flies with two strains carrying different drug resistance markers. However, the location and timing of hybridisation events in sand flies has not been described. strains carrying hygromycin or neomycin resistance genes and red or green fluorescent markers. Fed females were dissected at different times post bloodmeal (PBM) and examined by fluorescent microscopy or fluorescent activated cell sorting (FACS) followed by confocal microscopy. In mixed infections strains LEM3804 and Gebre-1 reached the cardia and stomodeal valves more rapidly than strains LEM4265 and LV9. Hybrids unequivocally expressing both red and green fluorescence were seen in single flies of both vectors tested, co-infected with LEM4265 and Gebre-1. The hybrids were present as short (procyclic) promastigotes 2 days PBM in the semi-digested blood in the endoperitrophic space. Recovery of a clearly co-expressing hybrid was also achieved by FACS. However, hybrids could not sustain growth in vitro. has profound epidemiological significance, because it facilitates the emergence and spread of new phenotypic traits

    Direct Gene Transfer with IP-10 Mutant Ameliorates Mouse CVB3-Induced Myocarditis by Blunting Th1 Immune Responses

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    Background: Myocarditis is an inflammation of the myocardium that often follows the enterovirus infections, with coxsackievirus B3 (CVB3) being the most dominant etiologic agent. We and other groups previously reported that chemokine IP-10 was significantly induced in the heart tissue of CVB3-infected mice and contributed to the migration of massive inflammatory cells into the myocardium, which represents one of the most important mechanisms of viral myocarditis. To evaluate the direct effect of IP-10 on the inflammatory responses in CVB3 myocarditis, herein an IP-10 mutant deprived of chemo-attractant function was introduced into mice to antagonize the endogenous IP-10 activity, and its therapeutic effect on CVB3-induced myocarditis was evaluated. Methodology/Principal Findings: The depletion mutant pIP-10-AT, with an additional methionine after removal of the 5 N-terminal amino acids, was genetically constructed and intramuscularly injected into BALB/c mice after CVB3 infection. Compared with vector or no treatment, pIP-10-AT treatment had significantly reduced heart/body weight ratio and serum CK-MB level, increased survival rate and improved heart histopathology, suggesting an ameliorated myocarditis. This therapeutic effect was not attributable to an enhanced viral clearance, but to a blunted Th1 immune response, as evidenced by significantly decreased splenic CD4 + /CD8 + IFN-c + T cell percentages and reduced myocardial Th1 cytokine levels. Conclusion/Significance: Our findings constitute the first preclinical data indicating that interfering in vivo IP-10 activit