708 research outputs found

    Two essays on the universal and particular dimensions of culture

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    The first of the two essays was presented at the conference 'Ethnicity in an Age of Globalisation', held at Uganda Martyrs University, Kampala, Uganda, from 3-6 September 2001.Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002.Babel or Piraeus? : globalisation, culture and tradition -- Between freedom and culture : Alain Finkielkraut's critique of multiculturalism.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The conception of globalisation as a "programme" or "project" driven by a group of people or companies with a set agenda underlies much of the antagonistic discussion of globalisation. Protagonists of globalisation, in turn, often describe the process as inevitable progress. This paper analyses the process of globalisation and argues that it should not be understood as such a singular process. Rather, the concept "complex connectivity" - where the local and the global come' into closer contact and influence, or interpenetrate, one another more directly - facilitates a more nuanced analysis of globalisation -.This understanding of globalisation will be tested against the phenomenon of culture by posing two questions: Does globalisation lead to the destruction of local culture( s) by an encroaching singular global culture (i.e. is globalisation cultural imperialism)? Or alternatively: Does globalisation represent an opening .up and exchange between previously isolated cultures and societies? This paper argues in favour of the second position by employing John Tomlinson's existential definition of culture and his understanding of the dialectic that exists between the local and the global in complex connectivity. Instead of global culture, we can more properly speak of . "globalized" culture, which looks different in every local situation. This is a more optimistic answer to the cultural' effects of globalisation, and although some concerns remain, it seems clear that to understand globalisation as complex connectivity rules out many of the charges of cultural imperialism lodged against globalisation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Baie van die hedendaagse antagonistiese diskussie oor globalisasie gaan uit van die veronderstelling dat globalisasie 'n 'program' of 'n 'projek' is wat deur 'n groep individue of maatskappye gedryf word. Voorstanders van globalisasie, daarenteen, beskou die proses dikwels as 'onafwendbare vooruitgang.' Hierdie opstel analiseer die proses van globalisasie en argumenteer dat globalisasie nie as so 'n eenduidige process verstaan moet word nie. Die konsep "complex connectivity" word ingespan om 'n meer genuanseerde analise van globalisasie te bied aangesien dit dui op die komplekse interaksie, of selfs interpenetrasie, tussen plaaslike en globale prosesse. Hierdie opvatting oor globalisasie word getoets aan die hand van kultuur deur twee teenstellende vrae te stel: Is globalisasie 'n enkelvoudige globale kultuur wat dreig om plaaslike kulture oor te neem en uiteindelik te vernietig (ook genoem kultuurimperialisme)? Of eerder: Is globalisasie 'n geleentheid tot groter openheid en interaksie tussen kulture en gemeenskappe wat voorheen van mekaar geïsoleer was? Die opstel argumenteer ten gunste van die tweede posisie deur gebruik te maak van John Tomlinson se eksistensiële definisie van kultuur en sy opvatting oor die interaksie tussen die plaaslike en die globale. Instede van globale kultuur kan ons eerder praat van 'geglobaliseerde' kultuur, wat telkens anders lyk in elke plaaslike opset. Hierdie posisie bied 'n versigtige, maar meer optimistiese antwoord op die kulturele impak van globalisasie deurdat veel van die aanklagte van kultuurimperialsime teen globalisasie afgewys word

    Macrobenthic community structure across an inter- and subtidal gradient in a mangrove estuary

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    Macrozoobenthic community structure and composition was investigated along a subtidal-intertidal gradient in the Mngazana Estuary. Six transects were sampled between the spring high water mark (HWST) and the bottom of the river channel in the lower estuary. Fifteen replicate samples were collected along each transect using a Van Veen type grab (211 cm2 bite) during each of three sampling sessions. Samples were sieved through a 500 μm mesh bag and the invertebrates stored in bottles for further analysis in the laboratory. Additional grab samples were collected for sediment particle size analysis and organic matter. Physical variables measured at each transect included: salinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, depth, pH, percentage mud, organic content and turbidity. Sediment compactness was measured at all intertidal transects and additional sediment samples were collected at mid shore and high shore transects for percentage water content analysis. A total of 104 species were recorded along the intertidal-subtidal gradient in the sampling area. Species richness was higher in the subtidal zone compared to the intertidal zone and polychaetes numerically dominated the macrozoobenthic community at most transects, during all three sessions. At high shore transects the community was characterised by having fewer species, consisting mostly of brachyurans, polychaetes and gastropods. Shannon diversity index (H’) was generally higher for subtidal transects (x¯ = 2.3; range: 2.8 to 1) than for intertidal transects (x¯ = 1.4; range: 2.2 to 0.6) indicating that the distribution of individuals among species in the intertidal zone experienced greater variability. Results for Hill’s numbers followed the same trend as Shannon diversity with subtidal communities mostly consisting of abundant species followed by very abundant species. Intertidal communities generally exhibited lower numbers of abundant and very abundant species. Sedimentary characteristics played a major role in structuring benthic communities in comparison to other physico-chemical variables. Organic content and mud content of the substrate were identified as important factors influencing community patterns observed along the subtidal-intertidal gradient. In addition, sediment compactness and water content of the substrate was found to influence intertidal community structure. Subtidal community structure possibly had a greater dependence on seasonal variations in abiotic and/or biotic factors. Cluster dendrograms used in conjunction with MDS ordination mapping revealed that macrozoobenthic communities were generally distinct between high shore intertidal transects iii and subtidal transects. Most species exhibited a broad spatial distribution along the subtidal-intertidal gradient with mid and high shore transects being the exception. Most species also exhibited marked shifts in abundance and this was especially noticeable at the transition between the subtidal and intertidal zone. Two polychaete species, Prionospio sexoculata and Capitella capitata, were very abundant species and featured amongst the most numerically dominant species collected during each sampling session

    Mapping minibus-taxi operations at a metropolitan scale – methodologies for unprecedented data collection using a smartphone application and data management techniques

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    Paratransit forms the basis of public transport systems in many of worlds emerging cities. However, there is limited information available on the extent of operations, the route network and passenger demand. Manual passenger counting techniques alone do not provide sufficient information on the extent of network coverage and passenger turnover for the routes on a network. Exploring techniques and methodologies to collecting data on paratransit operations using mobile technology helps us get an informed picture of the transportation system, and helps us make smarter choices when it comes to improving the existing system. Application of mobile technology to collect paratransit data in emerging markets has enabled the development of new data sources. These data sources help discover the extent of network coverage and enable the profiling of routes on the network from the collected passenger information. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate a methodology on the application of mobile technology to conduct on-board vehicle surveys for paratransit services. The mobile application collects route traces, stop location, and individual trip boarding ad alighting pairs. On-board surveys were carried out on a city-wide-basis by field teams making use of a mobile application for data collection on operations and passenger activity along an estimated 800 licensed minibus taxi routes in the Cape Town municipal area using the prescribed methodology. The paper further demonstrates a custom- data management platform for analysing and visualising the data collected using the mobile applicationPapers Presented at the 2018 37th Southern African Transport Conference 9-12 July 2018 Pretoria, South Africa. Theme "Towards a desired transport future: safe, sufficient and affordable"

    The Fluid Mechanics of Liquid Democracy

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    Liquid democracy is the principle of making collective decisions by letting agents transitively delegate their votes. Despite its significant appeal, it has become apparent that a weakness of liquid democracy is that a small subset of agents may gain massive influence. To address this, we propose to change the current practice by allowing agents to specify multiple delegation options instead of just one. Much like in nature, where --- fluid mechanics teaches us --- liquid maintains an equal level in connected vessels, so do we seek to control the flow of votes in a way that balances influence as much as possible. Specifically, we analyze the problem of choosing delegations to approximately minimize the maximum number of votes entrusted to any agent, by drawing connections to the literature on confluent flow. We also introduce a random graph model for liquid democracy, and use it to demonstrate the benefits of our approach both theoretically and empirically.Comment: Simulation code is available at https://github.com/pgoelz/flui

    Design and Evaluation of a Magnetic Rotablation Catheter for Arterial Stenosis

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    Arterial stenosis is a high-risk disease accompanied by large amounts of calcified deposits and plaques that develop inside the vasculature. These deposits should be reduced to improve blood flow. However, current methods used to reduce stenosis require externally-controlled actuation systems resulting in limited workspace or patient risks. This results in an unexplored preference regarding the revascularization strategy for symptomatic artery stenosis. In this paper, we propose a novel internally-actuated solution: a magnetic spring-loaded rotablation catheter. The catheter is developed to achieve stenosis-debulking capabilities by actuating drill bits using two internal electromagnetic coils and a magnetic reciprocating spring-loaded shaft. The state-space model of the catheter is validated by comparing the simulation results of the magnetic fields of the internal coils with the experimental results of a fabricated prototype. Contact forces of the catheter tip are measured experimentally, resulting in a maximum axial force of 2.63 N and a torque of 5.69 mN-m. Finally, we present interventions in which the catheter is inserted to a vascular target site and demonstrate plaque-specific treatment using different detachable actuator bits. Calcified deposits are debulked and visualized via ultrasound imaging. The catheter can reduce a stenosis cross-sectional area by up to 35%, indicating the potential for the treatment of calcified lesions, which could prevent restenosis

    In search of green political economy: steering markets, innovation and the case of the zero carbon homes agenda in England

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    Advocates of a democratic ‘Green state’ challenge Hayekian free-market environmentalist proposals for a minimal state and the emphasis of ecological modernisation discourses on technological innovation as the primary route towards ecological sustainability. However, these more strongly pro-market traditions raise important questions and provide useful insights concerning the challenges of translating the political ideology of ‘ecologism’ into practical proposals for democratic governance. Hayekian thought raises vital questions concerning the capacity of political processes to address complex challenges of coordinating the formulation and delivery of the sustainability objectives of ecologism. Scholarship on ecological modernisation and the ‘new regulation’ offer important insights into how shifting interrelationships between the state and private sector in the policy process might enable this challenge to be more effectively addressed. These areas for further developing proposals for a Green state are illustrated here through a case study of the zero carbon homes policy agenda in England

    Quality standards in respiratory real-life effectiveness research: the REal Life EVidence AssessmeNt Tool (RELEVANT): report from the Respiratory Effectiveness Group—European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology Task Force

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    A Task Force was commissioned jointly by the European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (EAACI) and the Respiratory Effectiveness Group (REG) to develop a quality assessment tool for real-life observational research to identify high-quality real-life asthma studies that could be considered within future guideline development. The resulting REal Life EVidence AssessmeNt Tool (RELEVANT) was achieved through an extensive analysis of existing initiatives in this area. The first version was piloted among 9 raters across 6 articles; the revised, interim, version underwent extensive testing by 22 reviewers from the EAACI membership and REG collaborator group, leading to further revisions and tool finalisation. RELEVANT was validated through an analysis of real-life effectiveness studies identified via systematic review of Medline and Embase databases and relating to topics for which real-life studies may offer valuable evidence complementary to that from randomised controlled trials. The topics were selected through a vote among Task Force members and related to the influence of adherence, smoking, inhaler device and particle size on asthma treatment effectiveness. Although highlighting a general lack of high-quality real-life effectiveness observational research on these clinically important topics, the analysis provided insights into how identified observational studies might inform asthma guidelines developers and clinicians. Overall, RELEVANT appeared reliable and easy to use by expert reviewers. Using such quality appraisal tools is mandatory to assess whether specific observational real-life effectiveness studies can be used to inform guideline development and/or decision-making in clinical practice

    Characterising Probabilistic Processes Logically

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    In this paper we work on (bi)simulation semantics of processes that exhibit both nondeterministic and probabilistic behaviour. We propose a probabilistic extension of the modal mu-calculus and show how to derive characteristic formulae for various simulation-like preorders over finite-state processes without divergence. In addition, we show that even without the fixpoint operators this probabilistic mu-calculus can be used to characterise these behavioural relations in the sense that two states are equivalent if and only if they satisfy the same set of formulae.Comment: 18 page

    Recruitment of lateral rostral prefrontal cortex in spontaneous and task-related thoughts

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    Behavioural and neuroimaging studies suggest that spontaneous and task-related thought processes share common cognitive mechanisms and neural bases. Lateral rostral prefrontal cortex (RPFC) is a brain region that has been implicated both in spontaneous thought and in high-level cognitive control processes, such as goal/subgoal integration and the manipulation of self-generated thoughts. We therefore propose that the recruitment of lateral RPFC may follow a U-shaped function of cognitive demand: relatively high in low-demand situations conducive to the emergence of spontaneous thought, and in high-demand situations depending on processes supported by this brain region. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate brain activity while healthy participants performed two tasks, each with three levels of cognitive demands, in a block design. The frequency of task-unrelated thoughts, measured by questionnaire, was highest in the low cognitive demand condition. Low and high cognitive demand conditions were each compared to the intermediate level. Lateral RPFC and superior parietal cortex were recruited in both comparisons, with additional activations specific to each contrast. These results suggest that RPFC is involved both when (a) task demands are low, and the mind wanders, and (b) the task requires goal/subgoal integration and manipulation of self-generated thoughts
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