201 research outputs found

    The Kanarra fold-thrust structure - the leading edge of the Sevier fold-thrust belt, southwestern Utah: Geology of the Intermountain West

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    The multiple origins proposed for the Kanarra anticline in southwestern Utah as a drag-fold along the Hurricane fault, a Laramide monocline, a Sevier fault-propagation fold, or a combination of these process­es, serve to muddy its tectonic significance. This in part reflects the structural complexity of the exposed eastern half of the fold. The fold evolved from open and up-right to overturned and tight, is cross-cut by multiple faults, and was subsequently dismembered by the Hurricane fault. The western half of the fold is obscured because of burial, along with the hanging wall of the Hurricane fault, beneath Neogene and younger sediments and volcanics. We present the results of detailed bedrock geologic mapping, and geo­logic cross sections restored to Late Cretaceous time (prior to Basin and Range extension), to demonstrate the Kanarra anticline is a compound anticline-syncline pair inextricably linked with concomitant thrust faulting that formed during the Sevier orogeny. We propose the name Kanarra fold-thrust structure to unambiguously identify the close spatial and temporal association of folding and thrusting in formation of this prominent geologic feature. We identify a previously unrecognized thrust, the Red Rock Trail thrust, as a forelimb shear thrust that was in a favorable orientation and position to have been soft-linked, and lo­cally hard-linked, with the thrust ramp of the basal detachment to form a break thrust. The east verging Red Rock Trail thrust is recognized by a distinctive cataclasite in the Lower Jurassic Navajo Sandstone. The hanging wall of the Red Rock Trail thrust is displaced eastward over the Middle Jurassic Carmel For­mation and Upper Cretaceous Formations and can be traced for at least 27 km and possibly farther. We contend the Kanarra fold-thrust structure unambiguously defines the leading edge of the Sevier fold-thrust belt in southwestern Utah. Stratigraphic relationships in the southern and northern part of the Kanarra fold-thrust structure constrain its development between the early and late Campanian (about 84 to 71 Ma) but possibly younger. In southwest Utah, initial movement along the Iron Springs thrust at about 100 Ma (Quick and others, 2020) and subsequent eastward advancement of the Sevier deformation front to the Red Rock Trail thrust at about 84 to 71 Ma coincided with well-documented magmatic flare ups in the Cordilleran arc in the hinterland of the Sevier fold-thrust belt. This temporal relationship between mag­matic flare ups and thrusting is consistent with a close correspondence between arc-related processes and episodic foreland deformation

    Data growth and its impact on the SCOP database: new developments

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    The Structural Classification of Proteins (SCOP) database is a comprehensive ordering of all proteins of known structure, according to their evolutionary and structural relationships. The SCOP hierarchy comprises the following levels: Species, Protein, Family, Superfamily, Fold and Class. While keeping the original classification scheme intact, we have changed the production of SCOP in order to cope with a rapid growth of new structural data and to facilitate the discovery of new protein relationships. We describe ongoing developments and new features implemented in SCOP. A new update protocol supports batch classification of new protein structures by their detected relationships at Family and Superfamily levels in contrast to our previous sequential handling of new structural data by release date. We introduce pre-SCOP, a preview of the SCOP developmental version that enables earlier access to the information on new relationships. We also discuss the impact of worldwide Structural Genomics initiatives, which are producing new protein structures at an increasing rate, on the rates of discovery and growth of protein families and superfamilies. SCOP can be accessed at http://scop.mrc-lmb.cam.ac.uk/scop

    AutoPSI: a database for automatic structural classification of protein sequences and structures

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    In protein research, structural classifications of protein domains provided by databases such as SCOP play an important role. However, as such databases have to be curated and prepared carefully, they update only up to a few times per year, and in between newly entered PDB structures cannot be used in cases where a structural classification is required. The Automated Protein Structure Identification (AutoPSI) database delivers predicted SCOP classifications for several thousand yet unclassified PDB entries as well as millions of UniProt sequences in an automated fashion. In order to obtain predictions, we make use of two recently published methods, namely AutoSCOP (sequence-based) and Vorolign (structure-based) and the consensus of both. With our predictions, we bridge the gap between SCOP versions for proteins with known structures in the PDB and additionally make structure predictions for a very large number of UniProt proteins. AutoPSI is freely accessible at http://www.bio.ifi.lmu.de/AutoPSIDB

    SimShiftDB; local conformational restraints derived from chemical shift similarity searches on a large synthetic database

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    We present SimShiftDB, a new program to extract conformational data from protein chemical shifts using structural alignments. The alignments are obtained in searches of a large database containing 13,000 structures and corresponding back-calculated chemical shifts. SimShiftDB makes use of chemical shift data to provide accurate results even in the case of low sequence similarity, and with even coverage of the conformational search space. We compare SimShiftDB to HHSearch, a state-of-the-art sequence-based search tool, and to TALOS, the current standard tool for the task. We show that for a significant fraction of the predicted similarities, SimShiftDB outperforms the other two methods. Particularly, the high coverage afforded by the larger database often allows predictions to be made for residues not involved in canonical secondary structure, where TALOS predictions are both less frequent and more error prone. Thus SimShiftDB can be seen as a complement to currently available methods

    Predicting Secondary Structures, Contact Numbers, and Residue-wise Contact Orders of Native Protein Structure from Amino Acid Sequence by Critical Random Networks

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    Prediction of one-dimensional protein structures such as secondary structures and contact numbers is useful for the three-dimensional structure prediction and important for the understanding of sequence-structure relationship. Here we present a new machine-learning method, critical random networks (CRNs), for predicting one-dimensional structures, and apply it, with position-specific scoring matrices, to the prediction of secondary structures (SS), contact numbers (CN), and residue-wise contact orders (RWCO). The present method achieves, on average, Q3Q_3 accuracy of 77.8% for SS, correlation coefficients of 0.726 and 0.601 for CN and RWCO, respectively. The accuracy of the SS prediction is comparable to other state-of-the-art methods, and that of the CN prediction is a significant improvement over previous methods. We give a detailed formulation of critical random networks-based prediction scheme, and examine the context-dependence of prediction accuracies. In order to study the nonlinear and multi-body effects, we compare the CRNs-based method with a purely linear method based on position-specific scoring matrices. Although not superior to the CRNs-based method, the surprisingly good accuracy achieved by the linear method highlights the difficulty in extracting structural features of higher order from amino acid sequence beyond that provided by the position-specific scoring matrices.Comment: 20 pages, 1 figure, 5 tables; minor revision; accepted for publication in BIOPHYSIC

    PROMALS3D web server for accurate multiple protein sequence and structure alignments

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    Multiple sequence alignments are essential in computational sequence and structural analysis, with applications in homology detection, structure modeling, function prediction and phylogenetic analysis. We report PROMALS3D web server for constructing alignments for multiple protein sequences and/or structures using information from available 3D structures, database homologs and predicted secondary structures. PROMALS3D shows higher alignment accuracy than a number of other advanced methods. Input of PROMALS3D web server can be FASTA format protein sequences, PDB format protein structures and/or user-defined alignment constraints. The output page provides alignments with several formats, including a colored alignment augmented with useful information about sequence grouping, predicted secondary structures and consensus sequences. Intermediate results of sequence and structural database searches are also available. The PROMALS3D web server is available at: http://prodata.swmed.edu/promals3d/

    Towards a comprehensive structural coverage of completed genomes: a structural genomics viewpoint

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    BACKGROUND: Structural genomics initiatives were established with the aim of solving protein structures on a large-scale. For many initiatives, such as the Protein Structure Initiative (PSI), the primary aim of target selection is focussed towards structurally characterising protein families which, so far, lack a structural representative. It is therefore of considerable interest to gain insights into the number and distribution of these families, and what efforts may be required to achieve a comprehensive structural coverage across all protein families. RESULTS: In this analysis we have derived a comprehensive domain annotation of the genomes using CATH, Pfam-A and Newfam domain families. We consider what proportions of structurally uncharacterised families are accessible to high-throughput structural genomics pipelines, specifically those targeting families containing multiple prokaryotic orthologues. In measuring the domain coverage of the genomes, we show the benefits of selecting targets from both structurally uncharacterised domain families, whilst in addition, pursuing additional targets from large structurally characterised protein superfamilies. CONCLUSION: This work suggests that such a combined approach to target selection is essential if structural genomics is to achieve a comprehensive structural coverage of the genomes, leading to greater insights into structure and the mechanisms that underlie protein evolution