43 research outputs found

    Assessing the Economics of Obesity and Obesity Interventions

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    Examines projections for healthcare costs associated with the obesity epidemic; policy solutions and proven cost-effective interventions for addressing it; and the need to improve the Congressional Budget Office's projections

    Recursive Definitions of Monadic Functions

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    Using standard domain-theoretic fixed-points, we present an approach for defining recursive functions that are formulated in monadic style. The method works both in the simple option monad and the state-exception monad of Isabelle/HOL's imperative programming extension, which results in a convenient definition principle for imperative programs, which were previously hard to define. For such monadic functions, the recursion equation can always be derived without preconditions, even if the function is partial. The construction is easy to automate, and convenient induction principles can be derived automatically.Comment: In Proceedings PAR 2010, arXiv:1012.455

    Generic point-free lenses

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    Lenses are one the most popular approaches to define bidirectional transformations between data models. A bidirectional transformation with view-update, denoted a lens, encompasses the definition of a forward transformation projecting concrete models into abstract views, together with a backward transformation instructing how to translate an abstract view to an update over concrete models. In this paper we show that most of the standard point-free combinators can be lifted to lenses with suitable backward semantics, allowing us to use the point-free style to define powerful bidirectional transformations by composition. We also demonstrate how to define generic lenses over arbitrary inductive data types by lifting standard recursion patterns, like folds or unfolds. To exemplify the power of this approach, we “lensify” some standard functions over naturals and lists, which are tricky to define directly “by-hand” using explicit recursion

    Economic Model of a Birth Cohort Screening Program for Hepatitis C Virus

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    Recent research has identified high hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence among older U.S. residents who contracted HCV decades ago and may no longer be recognized as high risk. We assessed the cost-effectiveness of screening 100% of U.S. residents born 1946-1970 over 5 years (birth-cohort screening), compared with current risk-based screening, by projecting costs and outcomes of screening over the remaining lifetime of this birth cohort. A Markov model of the natural history of HCV was developed using data synthesized from surveillance data, published literature, expert opinion, and other secondary sources. We assumed eligible patients were treated with pegylated interferon plus ribavirin, with genotype 1 patients receiving a direct-acting antiviral in combination. The target population is U.S. residents born 1946-1970 with no previous HCV diagnosis. Among the estimated 102 million (1.6 million chronically HCV infected) eligible for screening, birth-cohort screening leads to 84,000 fewer cases of decompensated cirrhosis, 46,000 fewer cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, 10,000 fewer liver transplants, and 78,000 fewer HCV-related deaths. Birth-cohort screening leads to higher overall costs than risk-based screening (80.4billionversus80.4 billion versus 53.7 billion), but yields lower costs related to advanced liver disease (31.2billionversus31.2 billion versus 39.8 billion); birth-cohort screening produces an incremental costeffectiveness ratio (ICER) of 37,700perquality−adjustedlifeyeargainedversusriskbasedscreening.SensitivityanalysesshowedthatreducingthetimehorizonduringwhichhealthandeconomicconsequencesareevaluatedincreasestheICER;similarly,decreasingthetreatmentratesandefficacyincreasestheICER.Modelresultswererelativelyinsensitivetootherinputs.Conclusion:Birth−cohortscreeningforHCVislikelytoprovideimportanthealthbenefitsbyreducinglifetimecasesofadvancedliverdiseaseandHCV−relateddeathsandiscost−effectiveatconventionalwillingness−topaythresholds.(HEPATOLOGY2012;55:1344−1355HepatitisCvirus(HCV)isthemostcommonblood−borneviralinfectionintheUnitedStates,1affectinganestimated3.6millionU.S.residents.2Themajorityofinfectedindividualsdevelopchronichepatitis;persistentliverinjuryleadstocirrhosisin537,700 per quality-adjusted life year gained versus riskbased screening. Sensitivity analyses showed that reducing the time horizon during which health and economic consequences are evaluated increases the ICER; similarly, decreasing the treatment rates and efficacy increases the ICER. Model results were relatively insensitive to other inputs. Conclusion: Birth-cohort screening for HCV is likely to provide important health benefits by reducing lifetime cases of advanced liver disease and HCV-related deaths and is cost-effective at conventional willingness-topay thresholds. (HEPATOLOGY 2012;55:1344-1355 H epatitis C virus (HCV) is the most common blood-borne viral infection in the United States, 1 affecting an estimated 3.6 million U.S. residents. 2 The majority of infected individuals develop chronic hepatitis; persistent liver injury leads to cirrhosis in 5%-30% of cases 3 and may progress to advanced liver disease (AdvLD), which includes decompensated cirrhosis or hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), leading to liver transplant and premature death. Costs of HCV in the United States are estimated to exceed 5 billion per year, 4 with projected HCV-related societal costs for the years 2010-2019 estimated to total $54.2 billion. 5 For the last decade, the standard of care for treating HCV has been the combination of pegylated interferon (Peg-IFN) and ribavirin (RBV), 6 which successfully eradicates virus (sustained virologic response; SVR) in 40%-80% of treated patients

    The coinductive formulation of common knowledge

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    We study the coinductive formulation of common knowledge in type theory. We formalise both the traditional relational semantics and an operator semantics, similar in form to the epistemic system S5, but at the level of events on possible worlds rather than as a logical derivation system. We have two major new results. Firstly, the operator semantics is equivalent to the relational semantics: we discovered that this requires a new hypothesis of semantic entailment on operators, not known in previous literature. Secondly, the coinductive version of common knowledge is equivalent to the traditional transitive closure on the relational interpretation. All results are formalised in the proof assistants Agda and Coq

    Bundled Payment and Care of Acute Stroke

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