16 research outputs found

    Pride and confidence at work: potential predictors of occupational health in a hospital setting

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    BACKGROUND: This study focuses on determinants of a healthy work environment in two departments in a Swedish university hospital. The study is based on previously conducted longitudinal studies at the hospital (1994–2001), concerning working conditions and health outcomes among health care personnel in conjunction with downsizing processes. Overall, there was a general negative trend in relation to mental health, as well as long-term sick leave during the study period. The two departments chosen for the current study differed from the general hospital trend in that they showed stable health development. The aim of the study was to identify and analyse experiential determinants of healthy working conditions. METHODS: Thematic open-ended interviews were carried out with seventeen managers and key informants, representing different groups of co-workers in the two departments. The interviews were transcribed verbatim and an inductive content analysis was made. RESULTS: In the two studied departments the respondents perceived that it was advantageous to belong to a small department, and to work in cooperation-oriented care. The management approaches described by both managers and co-workers could be interpreted as transformational, due to a strain of visionary, delegating, motivating, confirmative, supportive attitudes and a strongly expressed solution-oriented attitude. The daily work included integrated learning activities. The existing organisational conditions, approaches and attitudes promoted tendencies towards a work climate characterised by trust, team spirit and professionalism. In the description of the themes organisational conditions, approaches and climate, two core determinants, work-pride and confidence, for healthy working conditions were interpreted. Our core determinants augment the well-established concepts: manageability, comprehensiveness and meaningfulness. These favourable conditions seem to function as a buffer against the general negative effects of downsizing observed elsewhere in the hospital, and in the literature. CONCLUSION: Research illuminating health-promoting aspects is rather unusual. This study could be seen as explorative. The themes and core dimensions we found could be used as a basis for further intervention studies in similar health-care settings. The result could also be used in future health promotion studies in larger populations. One of the first steps in such a strategy is to formulate relevant questions, and we consider that this study contributes to this

    Exploring the item sets of the Recovering Quality of Life (ReQoL) measures using factor analysis

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    Purpose This paper presents two studies exploring the latent structure of item sets used in the development of the Recovering Quality of Life mental health outcome measures: ReQoL-10 and ReQoL-20. Method In study 1, 2262 participants completed an initial set of 61 items. In study 2, 4266 participants completed a reduced set of 40 items. Study 2 evaluated two formats of the questionnaires: one version where the items were intermingled and one where the positively worded and negatively worded items were presented as two separate blocks. Exploratory and confirmatory factor analyses were conducted on both datasets where models were specified using ordinal treatment of the item responses. Dimensionality based on the conceptual framework and methods effects reflecting the mixture of positively worded and negatively worded items were explored. Factor invariance was tested across the intermingled and block formats. Results In both studies, a bi-factor model (study 1: RMSEA = 0.061; CFI = 0.954; study 2: RMSEA = 0.066; CFI = 0.971) with one general factor and two local factors (positively worded questions and negatively worded questions) was preferred. The loadings on the general factor were higher than on the two local factors suggesting that the ReQoL scale scores can be understood in terms of a general factor. Insignificant differences were found between the intermingled and block formats. Conclusions The analyses confirmed that the ReQoL item sets are sufficiently unidimensional to proceed to item response theory analysis. The model was robust across different ordering of positive and negative items

    Establishing thresholds for meaningful within-individual change using longitudinal item response theory

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    Purpose: Thresholds for meaningful within-individual change (MWIC) are useful for interpreting patient-reported outcome measures (PROM). Transition ratings (TR) have been recommended as anchors to establish MWIC. Traditional statistical methods for analyzing MWIC such as mean change analysis, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis, and predictive modeling ignore problems of floor/ceiling effects and measurement error in the PROM scores and the TR item. We present a novel approach to MWIC estimation for multi-item scales using longitudinal item response theory (LIRT). Methods: A Graded Response LIRT model for baseline and follow-up PROM data was expanded to include a TR item measuring latent change. The LIRT threshold parameter for the TR established the MWIC threshold on the latent metric, from which the observed PROM score MWIC threshold was estimated. We compared the LIRT approach and traditional methods using an example data set with baseline and three follow-up assessments differing by magnitude of score improvement, variance of score improvement, and baseline-follow-up score correlation. Results: The LIRT model provided good fit to the data. LIRT estimates of observed PROM MWIC varied between 3 and 4 points score improvement. In contrast, results from traditional methods varied from 2 to 10 points—strongly associated with proportion of self-rated improvement. Best agreement between methods was seen when approximately 50% rated their health as improved. Conclusion: Results from traditional analyses of anchor-based MWIC are impacted by study conditions. LIRT constitutes a promising and more robust analytic approach to identifying thresholds for MWIC