1,277 research outputs found

    Untersuchung der Periodic Limb Movement Disorder mittels Transkranieller Magnetstimulation

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    Um Einblick in die pathophysiologischen Mechanismen der Periodic Limb Movement Disorder (PLMD) zu erhalten, untersuchten wir 9 schwer betroffene PLMD Patienten mittels Transkranieller Magnetstimultion (TMS). In die Studie wurde ebenfalls eine Kontrollgruppe von 9 gesunden Probanden eingebracht (nach Geschlecht und Alter gematcht). Unser Arbeitshypothese war die Untersuchung zentral inhibitorischer Systeme als Ursache der PLMD. Die Messung gliederte sich in zwei Teile, die Elektrostimulation und die TMS jeweils am linken M. tibialis anterior (TA) und am linken M. abductor minimi (ADM) morgens und abends. In der Patientengruppe erfolgte eine weitere Messung nach Standardtherapie mit zwei Tabletten Madopar 125 T. Hauptzielparameter war dabei die Silent Period (SP) gemessen am TA abends, sekundäre Zielparameter die SP am TA morgens sowie die SP am ADM morgens und abends. Des Weiteren die Exzitatorische Schwelle (ES), die Inhibitorische Schwelle (IS) und die Zentrale Leitungszeit (ZL) am TA und ADM morgens und abends. Zusammenfassend konnten keine statistisch signifikanten Veränderungen der SP der PLMD-Patienten festgestellt werden. Dies lässt die Vermutung zu, dass zentral inhibitorische Mechanismen nicht der ursächliche pathophysiologische Mechanismus der PLMD dar stellen

    SS Ari: a shallow-contact close binary system

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    Two CCD epochs of light minimum and a complete R light curve of SS Ari are presented. The light curve obtained in 2007 was analyzed with the 2003 version of the W-D code. It is shown that SS Ari is a shallow contact binary system with a mass ratio q=3.25q=3.25 and a degree of contact factor f=9.4(\pm0.8%). A period investigation based on all available data shows that there may exist two distinct solutions about the assumed third body. One, assuming eccentric orbit of the third body and constant orbital period of the eclipsing pair results in a massive third body with M3=1.73MM_3=1.73M_{\odot} and P_3=87.0yr.Onthecontrary,assumingcontinuousperiodchangesoftheeclipsingpairtheorbitalperiodoftertiaryis37.75yranditsmassisaboutyr. On the contrary, assuming continuous period changes of the eclipsing pair the orbital period of tertiary is 37.75yr and its mass is about 0.278M_{\odot}$. Both of the cases suggest the presence of an unseen third component in the system.Comment: 28 pages, 9 figures and 5 table

    Heavy ion collisions: Correlations and Fluctuations in particle production

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    Correlations and fluctuations (the latter are directly related to the 2-particle correlations) is one of the important directions in analysis of heavy ion collisions. At the current stage of RHIC exploration, when the details matter, basically any physics question is addressed with help of correlation techniques. In this talk I start with a general introduction to the correlation and fluctuation formalism and discuss weak and strong sides of different type of observables. In more detail, I discuss the two-particle ptp_t correlations/\mpt fluctuations. In spite of not observing any dramatic changes in the event-by-event fluctuations with energy, which would indicate a possible phase transition, such correlations measurements remain an interesting and important subject, bringing valuable information. Lastly, I show how radial flow can generate characteristic azimuthal, transverse momentum and rapidity correlations, which could qualitatively explain many of recently observed phenomena in nuclear collisions.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures. Invited talk at 5th International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma, February 8-12, 2005, Salt Lake City, Kolkata, Indi

    Traces of Thermalization from Transverse Momentum Fluctuations in Nuclear Collisions

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    Scattering of particles produced in Au+Au collisions at RHIC can wrestle the system into a state near local thermal equilibrium. I illustrate how measurements of the centrality dependence of the mean transverse momentum and its fluctuations can exhibit this thermalization.Comment: 4 pages, 2 eps figures, final version to appear in PR

    Multielectron spectroscopy: Auger decays of the argon 2p hole

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    All the different Auger decay paths of Argon 2p holes have been characterized using a time of flight spectrometer of the magnetic bottle type. All electrons (the photoelectron and up to three Auger electrons) are detected in coincidence and resolved in energy. Double Auger decay is shown to proceed either through a direct process or by intense cascade paths, implying highly excited autoionizing Ar2+ states, which are identified as Ar2+ 3s−2 correlation satellites. Triple Auger decay is also observed and estimated to account for 0.2% only of all Auger decay

    Unbound states of 32Cl and the 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate

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    The 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction is expected to provide the dominant break-out path from the SiP cycle in novae and is important for understanding enrichments of sulfur observed in some nova ejecta. We studied the 32S(3He,t)32Cl charge-exchange reaction to determine properties of proton-unbound levels in 32Cl that have previously contributed significant uncertainties to the 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate. Measured triton magnetic rigidities were used to determine excitation energies in 32Cl. Proton-branching ratios were obtained by detecting decay protons from unbound 32Cl states in coincidence with tritons. An improved 31S(p,\gamma)32Cl reaction rate was calculated including robust statistical and systematic uncertainties

    Dynamics of electron emission in double photoionization processes near the Krypton 3d threshold

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    Two electron emission following photoabsorption near the Kr 3d threshold is investigated both experimentally and theoretically. On the experimental side, electron/electron coincidences using a magnetic bottle time of flight spectrometer allow us to observe the complete Double Photo Ionisation (DPI) continua of selected Kr2+ final states, and to see how these continua are affected by resonant processes in the vicinity of the Kr 3d threshold. The analysis is based on a quantum mechanical approach that takes into account the contribution of three different processes: A) Auger decay of the inner 3d vacancy with the associated post collision interaction (PCI) effects, B) capture of slow photoelectrons into discrete states followed by valence multiplet decay (VMD) of the excited ionic states and C) valence shell DPI. The dominant process for each Kr2+(4p-2) final state is the photoionization of the inner shell followed by Auger decay of the 3d vacancies. Moreover, for the 4p2(3P) and 4p-2(1D) final ionic states an important contribution comes from the processes of slow photoelectron capture followed by VMD as well as from double ionization of the outer shell involving also VMD