20 research outputs found

    Conduction Properties Distinguish Unmyelinated Sympathetic Efferent Fibers and Unmyelinated Primary Afferent Fibers in the Monkey

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    Different classes of unmyelinated nerve fibers appear to exhibit distinct conductive properties. We sought a criterion based on conduction properties for distinguishing sympathetic efferents and unmyelinated, primary afferents in peripheral nerves.In anesthetized monkey, centrifugal or centripetal recordings were made from single unmyelinated nerve fibers in the peroneal or sural nerve, and electrical stimuli were applied to either the sciatic nerve or the cutaneous nerve endings, respectively. In centrifugal recordings, electrical stimulation at the sympathetic chain and dorsal root was used to determine the fiber's origin. In centrifugal recordings, sympathetic fibers exhibited absolute speeding of conduction to a single pair of electrical stimuli separated by 50 ms; the second action potential was conducted faster (0.61 0.16%) than the first unconditioned action potential. This was never observed in primary afferents. Following 2 Hz stimulation (3 min), activity-dependent slowing of conduction in the sympathetics (8.6 0.5%) was greater than in one afferent group (6.7 0.5%) but substantially less than in a second afferent group (29.4 1.9%). In centripetal recordings, most mechanically-insensitive fibers also exhibited absolute speeding to twin pulse stimulation. The subset that did not show this absolute speeding was responsive to chemical stimuli (histamine, capsaicin) and likely consists of mechanically-insensitive afferents. During repetitive twin pulse stimulation, mechanosensitive afferents developed speeding, and speeding in sympathetic fibers increased.The presence of absolute speeding provides a criterion by which sympathetic efferents can be differentiated from primary afferents. The differences in conduction properties between sympathetics and afferents likely reflect differential expression of voltage-sensitive ion channels

    Application of Cardio-Forecasting for Evaluation of Human—Operator Performance

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    The paper presents the results of the development of the cardio-forecasting technology, which introduces a new method to monitor the state of human-operator, which is characteristic for the given production conditions and for individual operators, to predict the moment of exhaustion of his/her working capacity. The work aims to demonstrate the unique, distinctive features of the cardio-forecasting technology for predicting an individual limit of his/her working capacity for each person. A unique methodology for predicting individually for each person the moment when he/she reaches the limit of his/her working capacity is based on a spectral analysis of a human phonocardiogram in order to isolate the frequency component located at the heart contraction frequency. The trend of the amplitude of this component is approximated by its model; consequently, the coefficients of the trend model are determined. They include the operator’s operating time until his/her working capacity is exhausted. A methodology for predicting the moment when he/she reaches the limit of his/her working capacity for each person individually and assessment based on this degree of criticality of their condition will be realized as a software application for smartphones using the Android operating system

    The rooting of cuttings of the early and late flushing Slavonian oak

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    Postavljen je pokus u cilju zakorjenjivanja reznica s jednogodišnjih orteta ranog i kasnog hrasta lužnjaka. Pokus je postavljen u improviziranom plasteniku u zimskom i ljetnom periodu mirovanja. Reznice su tretirane s 4.000 ppm IBA u trajanju od 5 sekundi i pikirane u smjesu jednog dijela perlita, jednog dijela pijeska i jednog dijela mješavine koja se sastojala od 50% treseta i 50% komposta. Dio reznica tretiran je Ro-nilanom i Benlateom radi ispitivanja njihovog djelovanja u smislu zaštite od truleži reznica i kao sistemi San fungicid širokog spektra. Pokus je pokazao da je signifikantno veći postotak zakorjenjivanja ljetnih reznica (38%) u odnosu na postotak zakorjenjivanja zimskih reznica (11%);U pokusu nije ustanovljena razlika u zakorjenjivanju reznica između ranog i kasnog hrasta lužnjaka. Evidentna je sposobnost pojedinih klonova da se bolje zakorjenjuju. Benlate i Ronilan nisu bitno uticali na zakorjenjivanje reznica

    The rooting of cuttings of the early and late flushing Slavonian oak

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    Postavljen je pokus u cilju zakorjenjivanja reznica s jednogodišnjih orteta ranog i kasnog hrasta lužnjaka. Pokus je postavljen u improviziranom plasteniku u zimskom i ljetnom periodu mirovanja. Reznice su tretirane s 4.000 ppm IBA u trajanju od 5 sekundi i pikirane u smjesu jednog dijela perlita, jednog dijela pijeska i jednog dijela mješavine koja se sastojala od 50% treseta i 50% komposta. Dio reznica tretiran je Ro-nilanom i Benlateom radi ispitivanja njihovog djelovanja u smislu zaštite od truleži reznica i kao sistemi San fungicid širokog spektra. Pokus je pokazao da je signifikantno veći postotak zakorjenjivanja ljetnih reznica (38%) u odnosu na postotak zakorjenjivanja zimskih reznica (11%);U pokusu nije ustanovljena razlika u zakorjenjivanju reznica između ranog i kasnog hrasta lužnjaka. Evidentna je sposobnost pojedinih klonova da se bolje zakorjenjuju. Benlate i Ronilan nisu bitno uticali na zakorjenjivanje reznica