3,709 research outputs found

    Aquacultural Potential of Derelict Waterbodies – A Case Study

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    Derelict waterbodies could be an important source to boost fish production for meeting the future fish demand of the country. The study has shown that fish yield from these waterbodies could be as high as 4.6 t/ha. Overall, net income per hectare through scientific management of derelict waterbodies has been found to be Rs 104443, with maximum and minimum net incomes per hectare being Rs 207416 and Rs 64033, respectively. Benefit–cost analysis has indicated that all waterbodies are favourable for aquaculture. Overall B-C ratio under the project has been found to be 3.82 and interestingly, scientific management of waterbodies could yield good income even from low level of investment. Such an activity can provide enormous income and employment opportunities in the rural areas. To encourage large-scale utilization of available derelict waterbodies for aquaculture, a prudent and well-conceived policy for leasing out derelict waterbodies and transfer of relevant technologies to the needy and interested farmers should be evolved. These steps would not only boost fish production in the rural areas, but would also provide much needed impetus to the growth and diversification of rural economy.Resource /Energy Economics and Policy,

    Macdonald Polynomials and level two Demazure modules for affine sln+1\mathfrak{sl}_{n+1}

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    We define a family of symmetric polynomials Gν,λ(z1,,zn+1,q)G_{\nu,\lambda}(z_1,\cdots, z_{n+1},q) indexed by a pair of dominant integral weights. The polynomial Gν,0(z,q)G_{\nu,0}(z,q) is the specialized Macdonald polynomial and we prove that G0,λ(z,q)G_{0,\lambda}(z,q) is the graded character of a level two Demazure module associated to the affine Lie algebra sl^n+1\widehat{\mathfrak{sl}}_{n+1}. Under suitable conditions on (ν,λ)(\nu,\lambda) (which includes the case when ν=0\nu=0 or λ=0\lambda=0) we prove that Gν,λ(z,q)G_{\nu,\lambda}(z,q) is Schur positive and give explicit formulae for them in terms of Macdonald polynomials

    eta_c production at the Large Hadron Collider

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    We have studied the production of the 1S_0 charmonium state, eta_c, at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) in the framework of Non-Relativistic Quantum Chromodynamics (NRQCD) using heavy-quark symmetry. We find that NRQCD predicts a large production cross-section for this resonance at the LHC even after taking account the small branching ratio of eta_c into two photons. We show that it will be possible to test NRQCD through its predictions for eta_c, with the statistics that will be achieved at the early stage of the LHC, running at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV with an integrated luminosity of 100 pb^{-1}Comment: 8 pages, 2 figure

    Dictionary Learning and Sparse Coding-based Denoising for High-Resolution Task Functional Connectivity MRI Analysis

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    We propose a novel denoising framework for task functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (tfMRI) data to delineate the high-resolution spatial pattern of the brain functional connectivity via dictionary learning and sparse coding (DLSC). In order to address the limitations of the unsupervised DLSC-based fMRI studies, we utilize the prior knowledge of task paradigm in the learning step to train a data-driven dictionary and to model the sparse representation. We apply the proposed DLSC-based method to Human Connectome Project (HCP) motor tfMRI dataset. Studies on the functional connectivity of cerebrocerebellar circuits in somatomotor networks show that the DLSC-based denoising framework can significantly improve the prominent connectivity patterns, in comparison to the temporal non-local means (tNLM)-based denoising method as well as the case without denoising, which is consistent and neuroscientifically meaningful within motor area. The promising results show that the proposed method can provide an important foundation for the high-resolution functional connectivity analysis, and provide a better approach for fMRI preprocessing.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, MLMI201

    Neural Network Model for Apparent Deterministic Chaos in Spontaneously Bursting Hippocampal Slices

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    A neural network model that exhibits stochastic population bursting is studied by simulation. First return maps of inter-burst intervals exhibit recurrent unstable periodic orbit (UPO)-like trajectories similar to those found in experiments on hippocampal slices. Applications of various control methods and surrogate analysis for UPO-detection also yield results similar to those of experiments. Our results question the interpretation of the experimental data as evidence for deterministic chaos and suggest caution in the use of UPO-based methods for detecting determinism in time-series data.Comment: 4 pages, 5 .eps figures (included), requires psfrag.sty (included

    McKay matrices for finite-dimensional Hopf algebras

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    For a finite-dimensional Hopf algebra AA, the McKay matrix MVM_V of an AA-module VV encodes the relations for tensoring the simple AA-modules with VV. We prove results about the eigenvalues and the right and left (generalized) eigenvectors of MVM_V by relating them to characters. We show how the projective McKay matrix QVQ_V obtained by tensoring the projective indecomposable modules of AA with VV is related to the McKay matrix of the dual module of VV. We illustrate these results for the Drinfeld double DnD_n of the Taft algebra by deriving expressions for the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of MVM_V and QVQ_V in terms of several kinds of Chebyshev polynomials. For the matrix NVN_V that encodes the fusion rules for tensoring VV with a basis of projective indecomposable DnD_n-modules for the image of the Cartan map, we show that the eigenvalues and eigenvectors also have such Chebyshev expressions

    Compounds and Methods for Reducing Oxidative Stress

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    Antioxidant polymeric compounds are provided that comprise a plurality of monomeric portions, where each monomeric portion includes an antioxidant molecule interposed between at least two acrylate molecules, and where at least one acrylate molecule of each monomeric portion is linked by a diamine molecule to an acrylate molecule of an adjacent monomeric portion to thereby form the polymer. Methods of synthesizing polymeric compounds and methods of using the antioxidant polymeric compounds to reduce oxidative stress are also provided

    Correlation between the nuclear structure and reaction dynamics of Ar-isotopes as projectile using the relativistic mean-field approach

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    This theoretical study is devoted to bridging the gap between the nuclear structure and reaction dynamics and unravelling their impact on each other, considering the neutron-rich light mass 30-60Ar isotopes. Using the relativistic mean-field with the NL3* parameter set, several bulk properties such as binding energies, charge radii, quadrupole deformation parameter, two neutron separation energy, and differential two neutron separation energy with the shell closure parameter are probed for the mentioned isotopic chain. For validation, the RMF (NL3*) results are compared with those obtained from the finite range droplet model (FRDM), Weizsacker-Skyrme model with WS3, WS* parameters and the available experimental data. Most of the participating isotopes are found to be prolate in structure and neutron shell closures are conspicuously revealed at N=14, 20, 40 but weakly shown at N=24, 28, 34. From our analysis, a central depletion in the nucleonic density is identified in 32Ar and 42-58Ar, indicating them as possible candidates for a semi-bubble-like structure. Interestingly, these results are consistent with recent theoretical and experimentally measured data. Besides, using the Glauber model, the reaction cross-sections are determined by taking 26-48Ar as projectiles and stable targets such as 12C, 16O, 40Ca, 90Zr, 124,132Sn, 208Pb and 304120. Although there is no experimental evidence for the stability of 304120, it has been predicted in Ref. [Mod. Phys. Lett. A {\bf 27}, 1250173 (2012)] as a stable nucleus. A relatively higher cross-section value is noticed between 30Ar and 32Ar which infers that 32Ar is the most stable isotope among the considered chain. Moreover, we noticed that the profile of the differential cross-sections and scattering angle are highly influenced by the mass of the target nuclei and the magnitude of the incident energy of the projectile nucleus.Comment: 19 pages, 7 figure

    The Effects of Acute Stress on Human Prefrontal Working Memory Systems

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    We examined the relationship between acute stress and prefrontal-cortex (PFC) based working memory (WM) systems using behavioral (Experiment 1) and functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI; Experiment 2) paradigms. Subjects performed a delayed-response item-recognition task, with alternating blocks of high and low WM demand trials. During scanning, participants performed this task under three stress conditions: cold stress (induced by cold-water hand-immersion), a room temperature water control (induced by tepid-water hand-immersion), and no-water control (no hand-immersion). Performance was affected by WM demand, but not stress. Cold stress elicited greater salivary cortisol readings in behavioral subjects, and greater PFC signal change in fMRI subjects, than control conditions. These results suggest that, under stress, increases in PFC activity may be necessary to mediate cognitive processes that maintain behavioral organization