69 research outputs found

    Casimir operators of the exceptional group F4F_4: the chain B4⊂F4⊂D13B_4\subset F_4\subset D_{13}

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    Expressions are given for the Casimir operators of the exceptional group F4F_4 in a concise form similar to that used for the classical groups. The chain B4⊂F4⊂D13B_4\subset F_4\subset D_{13} is used to label the generators of F4F_4 in terms of the adjoint and spinor representations of B4B_4 and to express the 26-dimensional representation of F4F_4 in terms of the defining representation of D13D_{13}. Casimir operators of any degree are obtained and it is shown that a basis consists of the operators of degree 2, 6, 8 and 12

    Group theory factors for Feynman diagrams

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    We present algorithms for the group independent reduction of group theory factors of Feynman diagrams. We also give formulas and values for a large number of group invariants in which the group theory factors are expressed. This includes formulas for various contractions of symmetric invariant tensors, formulas and algorithms for the computation of characters and generalized Dynkin indices and trace identities. Tables of all Dynkin indices for all exceptional algebras are presented, as well as all trace identities to order equal to the dual Coxeter number. Further results are available through efficient computer algorithms (see http://norma.nikhef.nl/~t58/ and http://norma.nikhef.nl/~t68/ ).Comment: Latex (using axodraw.sty), 47 page

    The electron-nucleon cross section in (e,e′p)(e,e'p) reactions

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    We examine commonly used approaches to deal with the scattering of electrons from a bound nucleon. Several prescriptions are shown to be related by gauge transformations. Nevertheless, due to current non-conservation, they yield different results. These differences reflect the size of the uncertainty that persists in the interpretation of (e,e′p)(e,e'p) experiments.Comment: 6 pp (10 in preprint form), ReVTeX, (+ 4 figures, uuencoded

    Graded contractions of bilinear invariant forms of Lie algebras

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    We introduce a new construction of bilinear invariant forms on Lie algebras, based on the method of graded contractions. The general method is described and the Z2\Bbb Z_2-, Z3\Bbb Z_3-, and Z2⊗Z2\Bbb Z_2\otimes\Bbb Z_2-contractions are found. The results can be applied to all Lie algebras and superalgebras (finite or infinite dimensional) which admit the chosen gradings. We consider some examples: contractions of the Killing form, toroidal contractions of su(3)su(3), and we briefly discuss the limit to new WZW actions.Comment: 15 page

    Casimir invariants for the complete family of quasi-simple orthogonal algebras

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    A complete choice of generators of the center of the enveloping algebras of real quasi-simple Lie algebras of orthogonal type, for arbitrary dimension, is obtained in a unified setting. The results simultaneously include the well known polynomial invariants of the pseudo-orthogonal algebras so(p,q)so(p,q), as well as the Casimirs for many non-simple algebras such as the inhomogeneous iso(p,q)iso(p,q), the Newton-Hooke and Galilei type, etc., which are obtained by contraction(s) starting from the simple algebras so(p,q)so(p,q). The dimension of the center of the enveloping algebra of a quasi-simple orthogonal algebra turns out to be the same as for the simple so(p,q)so(p,q) algebras from which they come by contraction. The structure of the higher order invariants is given in a convenient "pyramidal" manner, in terms of certain sets of "Pauli-Lubanski" elements in the enveloping algebras. As an example showing this approach at work, the scheme is applied to recovering the Casimirs for the (3+1) kinematical algebras. Some prospects on the relevance of these results for the study of expansions are also given.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe

    Eigenvalus of Casimir Invariants for Type-I Quantum Superalgebras

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    We present the eigenvalues of the Casimir invariants for the type I quantum superalgebras on any irreducible highest weight module.Comment: 13 pages, AmsTex file; to appear in Lett. Math. Phy

    Dispersion Relations and Rescattering Effects in B Nonleptonic Decays

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    Recently, the final state strong interactions in nonleptonic B decays were investigated in a formalism based on hadronic unitarity and dispersion relations in terms of the off-shell mass squared of the BB meson. We consider an heuristic derivation of the dispersion relations in the mass variables using the reduction LSZ formalism and find a discrepancy between the spectral function and the dispersive variable used in the recent works. The part of the unitarity sum which describes final state interactions is shown to appear as spectral function in a dispersion relation based on the analytic continuation in the mass squared of one final particles. As an application, by combining this formalism with Regge theory and SU(3) flavour symmetry we obtain constraints on the tree and the penguin amplitudes of the decay B0→π+π−B^0\to \pi^+\pi^-.Comment: 17 pages, Latex, 2 figure

    The off-shell electromagnetic form factors of pions and kaons in chiral perturbation theory

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    The off-shell electromagnetic vertex of a (pseudo-) scalar particle contains, in general, two form factors F and G which depend, in addition to the squared momentum transfer, on the invariant masses associated with the initial and final legs of the vertex. Chiral perturbation theory to one loop is used to calculate the off-shell form factors of pions and kaons. The formalism of Gasser and Leutwyler, which was previously used to calculate the on-shell limit of the form factor F, is extended to accommodate the most general form for off-shell Green's functions in the pseudoscalar meson sector. We find that chiral symmetry predicts that the form factors F of the charged pions and kaons go off-shell in the same way, i.e., the off-shell slope at the real photon point is given by the same new phenomenological constant β1\beta_1. Furthermore, it is shown that at order p4p^4 the form factor F of the K0K^0 does not show any off-shell dependence. The form factors G are all related to the form factors F in the correct fashion as required by the Ward-Takahashi identity. Numerical results for different off-shell kinematics are presented.Comment: TRIUMF preprint TRI-PP-94-4, 25 pages in LaTeX + 10 figures (uufile'd, compressed PostScript file appended at end, hardcopy available from authors

    Form factors and photoproduction amplitudes

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    We examine the use of phenomenological form factors in tree level amplitudes for meson photoproduction. Two common recipes are shown to be fundamentally incorrect. An alternate form consistent with gauge invariance and crossing symmetry is proposed.Comment: To be published in PR

    Virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon at low energies

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    We investigate the low-energy behavior of the four-point Green's function Γμν\Gamma^{\mu\nu} describing virtual Compton scattering off the nucleon. Using Lorentz invariance, gauge invariance, and crossing symmetry, we derive the leading terms of an expansion of the operator in the four-momenta qq and q′q' of the initial and final photon, respectively. The model-independent result is expressed in terms of the electromagnetic form factors of the free nucleon, i.e., on-shell information which one obtains from electron-nucleon scattering experiments. Model-dependent terms appear in the operator at O(qαqβ′)O(q_\alpha q'_\beta), whereas the orders O(qαqβ)O(q_\alpha q_\beta) and O(qα′qβ′)O(q'_\alpha q'_\beta) are contained in the low-energy theorem for Γμν\Gamma^{\mu\nu}, i.e., no new parameters appear. We discuss the leading terms of the matrix element and comment on the use of on-shell equivalent electromagnetic vertices in the calculation of ``Born terms'' for virtual Compton scattering.Comment: 26 pages, RevTex, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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