82 research outputs found

    Classical correlations of defects in lattices with geometrical frustration in the motion of a particle

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    We map certain highly correlated electron systems on lattices with geometrical frustration in the motion of added particles or holes to the spatial defect-defect correlations of dimer models in different geometries. These models are studied analytically and numerically. We consider different coverings for four different lattices: square, honeycomb, triangular, and diamond. In the case of hard-core dimer covering, we verify the existed results for the square and triangular lattice and obtain new ones for the honeycomb and the diamond lattices while in the case of loop covering we obtain new numerical results for all the lattices and use the existing analytical Liouville field theory for the case of square lattice.The results show power-law correlations for the square and honeycomb lattice, while exponential decay with distance is found for the triangular and exponential decay with the inverse distance on the diamond lattice. We relate this fact with the lack of bipartiteness of the triangular lattice and in the latter case with the three-dimensionality of the diamond. The connection of our findings to the problem of fractionalized charge in such lattices is pointed out.Comment: 6 pages, 6 figures, 1 tabl

    Ginzburg-Landau Theory of Josephson Field Effect Transistors

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    A theoretical model of high-T_c Josephson Field Effect Transistors (JoFETs) based on a Ginzburg-Landau free energy expression whose parameters are field- and spatially- dependent is developed. This model is used to explain experimental data on JoFETs made by the hole-overdoped Ca-SBCO bicrystal junctions (three terminal devices). The measurements showed a large modulation of the critical current as a function of the applied voltage due to charge modulation in the bicrystal junction. The experimental data agree with the solutions of the theoretical model. This provides an explanation of the large field effect, based on the strong suppresion of the carrier density near the grain boundary junction in the absence of applied field and the subsequent modulation of the density by the field.Comment: REVTEX, 4 figures upon request, submitted to Appl. Phys. Let

    On the dephasing time of the chiral metal

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    In the low-dimensional disordered systems the dephasing time and the inelastic scattering (out-scattering) time are in general different. We show that in the case of the two-dimensional chiral metal which is formed at the surface of a layered three dimensional system, which is exhibiting the integer quantum Hall effect these two quantities are essentially the same and their temperature-dependence is T^(-3/2). In particular we show that the results obtained using the diagramatic technique and the phase uncertainty approach introduced by A. Stern et al. (Phys. Rev. A 41, 3436 (1990)) for the out-scattering and the dephasing time respectively, coincide. We furthermore consider these quantities in the case of the three-dimensional chiral metal, where similar conclusions are reached.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure, europhys.st

    Entanglement scaling and spatial correlations of the transverse field Ising model with perturbations

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    We study numerically the entanglement entropy and spatial correlations of the one dimensional transverse field Ising model with three different perturbations. First, we focus on the out of equilibrium, steady state with an energy current passing through the system. By employing a variety of matrix-product state based methods, we confirm the phase diagram and compute the entanglement entropy. Second, we consider a small perturbation that takes the system away from integrability and calculate the correlations, the central charge and the entanglement entropy. Third, we consider periodically weakened bonds, exploring the phase diagram and entanglement properties first in the situation when the weak and strong bonds alternate (period two-bonds) and then the general situation of a period of n bonds. In the latter case we find a critical weak bond that scales with the transverse field as Jc/JJ'_c/J = (h/J)n(h/J)^n, where JJ is the strength of the strong bond, JJ' of the weak bond and hh the transverse field. We explicitly show that the energy current is not a conserved quantity in this case.Comment: 9 pages, 12 figures, version accepted in PR

    Ginzburg-Landau theory and effects of pressure on a two-band superconductor : application to MgB2

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    We present a model of pressure effects of a two-band superconductor based on a Ginzburg-Landau free energy with two order parameters. The parameters of the theory are pressure as well as temperature dependent. New pressure effects emerge as a result of the competition between the two bands. The theory then is applied to MgB2. We identify two possible scenaria regarding the fate of the two σ\sigma subbands under pressure, depending on whether or not both subbands are above the Fermi energy at ambient pressure. The splitting of the two subbands is probably caused by the E2g distortion. If only one subband is above the Fermi energy at ambient pressure (scenario I), application of pressure diminishes the splitting and it is possible that the lower subband participates in the superconductivity. The corresponding crossover pressure and Gruneisen parameter are estimated. In the second scenario both bands start above the Fermi energy and they move below it, either by pressure or via the substitution of Mg by Al. In both scenaria, the possibility of electronical topological transition is emphasized. Experimental signatures of both scenaria are presented and existing experiments are discussed in the light of the different physical pictures.Comment: 6 pages; supersedes the first part of cond-mat/0204085 due to new experiment

    Dirac fermion time-Floquet crystal: manipulating Dirac points

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    We demonstrate how to control the spectra and current flow of Dirac electrons in both a graphene sheet and a topological insulator by applying either two linearly polarized laser fields with frequencies ω\omega and 2ω2\omega or a monochromatic (one-frequency) laser field together with a spatially periodic static potential(graphene/TI superlattice). Using the Floquet theory and the resonance approximation, we show that a Dirac point in the electron spectrum can be split into several Dirac points whose relative location in momentum space can be efficiently manipulated by changing the characteristics of the laser fields. In addition, the laser-field controlled Dirac fermion band structure -- Dirac fermion time-Floquet crystal -- allows the manipulation of the electron currents in graphene and topological insulators. Furthermore, the generation of dc currents of desirable intensity in a chosen direction occurs when applying the bi-harmonic laser field which can provide a straightforward experimental test of the predicted phenomena.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figures, version that will appear in Phys. Rev.

    A practical method to detect, analyse and engineer higher order Van Hove singularities in multi-band Hamiltonians

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    We present a practical method to detect, diagnose and engineer higher order Van Hove singularities in multiband systems, with no restrictions on the number of bands and hopping terms. The method allows us to directly compute the Taylor expansion of the dispersion of any band at arbitrary points in momentum space, using a generalised extension of the Feynman Hellmann theorem, which we state and prove. Being fairly general in scope, it also allows us to incorporate and analyse the effect of tuning parameters on the low energy dispersions, which can greatly aid the engineering of higher order Van Hove singularities. A certain class of degenerate bands can be handled within this framework. We demonstrate the use of the method, by applying it to the Haldane model.Comment: 19 page