26 research outputs found

    Water level during study and sampling periods.

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    <p>Mean monthly water level (NAVD 88) throughout the study duration (sampling months indicated with arrows) (A) and water level during sampling days (approximate sampling duration indicated with grey boxes) (B) in Nueces Bay, Texas.</p

    Bayesian stable isotope mixing model results.

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    <p>Estimated proportional contribution of suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM), benthic diatoms, <i>Spartina</i> epiphytic microalgae, and <i>Spartina</i> to the diets of <i>Palaemonetes</i> spp. (A) <i>P</i>. <i>aztecus</i> (B) and <i>C</i>. <i>sapidus</i> (C) in spring and summer sampling periods in natural and restored marsh sites. Plots indicate dietary contribution estimate (<i>posterior</i> median) with 50% (hinges) and 95% (whiskers) credibility intervals.</p

    <i>Spartina</i> density and biomass.

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    <p>Mean ± standard error of <i>Spartina</i> shoot density (A), above ground (AG) biomass (B) and below ground (BG, 0–20 cm) biomass (dry weight) (C) of <i>Spartina</i> per 35.4 cm<sup>2</sup> core in restored and natural marsh sites in each sampling period in Nueces Bay, Texas. Significant differences between restored and natural marshes within seasons indicated by *, and within marsh seasonal contrast groupings indicated under x-axis (ANOVA contrasts <i>P</i> < 0.05).</p

    Ecological structure and function in a restored versus natural salt marsh

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    <div><p>Habitat reconstruction is commonly employed to restore degraded estuarine habitats and lost ecological functions. In this study, we use a combination of stable isotope analyses and macrofauna community analysis to compare the ecological structure and function between a recently constructed <i>Spartina alterniflora</i> salt marsh and a natural reference habitat over a 2-year period. The restored marsh was successful in providing habitat for economically and ecologically important macrofauna taxa; supporting similar or greater density, biomass, and species richness to the natural reference during all but one sampling period. Stable isotope analyses revealed that communities from the natural and the restored marshes relied on a similar diversity of food resources and that decapods had similar trophic levels. However, some generalist consumers (<i>Palaemonetes</i> spp. and <i>Penaeus aztecus</i>) were more <sup>13</sup>C-enriched in the natural marsh, indicating a greater use of macrophyte derived organic matter relative to restored marsh counterparts. This difference was attributed to the higher quantities of macrophyte detritus and organic carbon in natural marsh sediments. Reduced marsh flooding frequency was associated with a reduction in macrofaunal biomass and decapod trophic levels. The restored marsh edge occurred at lower elevations than natural marsh edge, apparently due to reduced fetch and wind-wave exposure provided by the protective berm structures. The lower elevation of the restored marsh edge mitigated negative impacts in sampling periods with low tidal elevations that affected the natural marsh. The results of this study highlight the importance of considering sediment characteristics and elevation in salt marsh constructions.</p></div

    Developing a bioassessment framework to inform tidal stream management along a hydrologically variable coast

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    Tidal streams are spatiotemporally varying areas that encompass tidally influenced limnetic and oligohaline zones within estuaries. These areas are important for many biogeochemical processes and for the life cycles of many fishery species. However, tidal streams are also susceptible to impairment from coastal development and watershed-derived runoff, which potentially affects faunal assemblages within the ecosystem. This study developed indices of biotic integrity (IBIs) for nekton and benthic macroinfauna in tidal streams along the southern Texas coast. Fifteen tidal stream sites with mean salinities ranging from 0.4 to 11.9 were classified as degraded if their surrounding land use was > 20 % urban or agricultural, watershed population density was > 50 km−2, and nutrient and chlorophyll concentrations exceeded specific screening limits. Otherwise, sites were classified as reference. Nekton and benthic macroinfauna communities were then sampled at these fifteen stream sites in 2020 and 2021. Historical metrics and metrics derived from multivariate analyses were considered for inclusion in the IBIs, and were assessed for collinearity, redundancy, suitability for score assignment, and agreement with historical literature. Nine univariate nektonic metrics (including total abundance, number of invertebrate taxa, and the percent abundance of five species, one family, and one functional group) and six benthic macroinfauna metrics (including Shannon’s diversity, total abundance and biomass, and the percent abundance of two taxa and one functional group) were incorporated into separate nektonic and benthic IBIs. Mean IBI scores of reference sites were greater than degraded sites by 42 % for nekton and 30 % for benthic macroinfauna. Seven out of eight reference sites had greater mean nekton IBI scores than the mean scores of all seven degraded sites, while four of eight reference sites had greater benthic IBI scores than all degraded sites. However, overlap in the ranges of scores calculated for degraded and reference sites occurred, which is likely caused by spatiotemporal variability, including stream size variation and the changing climatic and biogeographical gradient along the southern Texas coast. The IBIs developed in this study represent an important preliminary step in bioassessment development for Texas tidal streams, and will help to provide a useful tool for coastal environmental management

    Restored and natural reference marsh sites.

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    <p>Map of study region (A) and study site with labeled restored and natural salt marsh sampling sites (B) in Nueces Bay, Texas. TCOON: Texas coastal ocean observation network.</p

    Water level during study and sampling periods.

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    <p>Mean monthly water level (NAVD 88) throughout the study duration (sampling months indicated with arrows) (A) and water level during sampling days (approximate sampling duration indicated with grey boxes) (B) in Nueces Bay, Texas.</p