13 research outputs found

    Development of the Drosophila embryonic ventral nerve cord: from neuroectoderm to unique neurons and glia

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    The Drosophila embryonic ventral nerve cord (VNC) is a powerful model system for addressing the basic mechanisms of nervous system development. Studies conducted in the last three decades have resulted in a detailed description of the basic anatomical features of the VNC, as well as an in-depth understanding of the molecular genetic mechanisms acting to control its development. This has revealed a complex multistep process, from early patterning events and the selection of neural progenitor cells (neuroblasts) with unique identities to lineage progression and the establishment of unique neuronal and glial identities. This chapter reviews the current understanding of these processes and highlights a number of outstanding issues

    Two distinct mechanisms segregated Prospero in the longitudinal glia underlying the timing of interactions with axons

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    Prospero is required in dividing longitudinal glia (LG) during axon guidance; initially to enable glial division in response to neuronal contact, and subsequently to maintain glial precursors in a quiescent state with mitotic potential. Only Prospero-positive LG respond to neuronal ablation by over-proliferating, mimicking a glial-repair response. Prospero is distributed unequally through the progeny cells of the longitudinal glioblast lineage. Just before axon contact the concentration of Prospero is higher in two of the four progeny cells, and after axon guidance Prospero is present only in six out of ten progeny LG. Here we ask how Prospero is distributed unequally in these two distinct phases. We show that before neuronal contact, longitudinal glioblasts undergo invaginating divisions, perpendicular to the ectodermal layer Miranda is required to segregate Prospero asymmetrically up to the four glial-progeny stage. After neuronal contact, Prospero is present in only the LG that activate Notch signalling in response to Serrate provided by commissural axons, and Numb is restricted to the glia that do not contain Prospero. As a result of this dual regulation of Prospero deployment, glia are coupled to the formation and maintenance of axonal trajectories

    A genetic cascade involving klumpfuss, nab and castor specifies the abdominal leucokinergic neurons in the Drosophila CNS

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    Identification of the genetic mechanisms underlying the specification of large numbers of different neuronal cell fates from limited numbers of progenitor cells is at the forefront of developmental neurobiology. In Drosophila, the identities of the different neuronal progenitor cells, the neuroblasts, are specified by a combination of spatial cues. These cues are integrated with temporal competence transitions within each neuroblast to give rise to a specific repertoire of cell types within each lineage. However, the nature of this integration is poorly understood. To begin addressing this issue, we analyze the specification of a small set of peptidergic cells: the abdominal leucokinergic neurons. We identify the progenitors of these neurons, the temporal window in which they are specified and the influence of the Notch signaling pathway on their specification. We also show that the products of the genes klumpfuss, nab and castor play important roles in their specification via a genetic cascade