801 research outputs found

    Towards spatial reasoning on building information models

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    The paper presents a conceptual study on the application of spatial reasoning on building information models. In many cases, building regulations and client demands imply traints on the building design with inherent spatial semantics. If we are able to represent these spatial constraints in a computerinterpretable way, the building design can be checked for fulfilling them. In this context, spatial reasoning technology can be applied in two different ways. First, we can check the consistency of the spatial constraints in effect, i.e. find out whether there are contradictions between them. Second, we can check whether a concrete building design is compliant with these constraints. The paper gives a detailed overview on the currently available spatial calculi and introduces two possible implementation pproaches

    Towards a Framework for a Domain Specific Open Query Language for Building Information Models

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    In this paper we present the on-going development of a framework for a Domain Specific Open Query Language for Building Information Models. This query language will make it possible to retrieve data from building information models stored on the open source bimserver.org model server. Even though some partial solutions to this problem already have been suggested, none of them are open source, domain specific, platform independent and implemented at the same time. This paper provides an overview of existing approaches and conceptual sketches of the language in development

    Check-mate: Automatic constraint checking of IFC models

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    Building Information Models (BIMs) allow for computationally checking whether a building design satisfies all the building codes, requirements, etc. if constraints are included in the model. One application for this is mass customization in the housing sector, when clients modify the design without help from the architect. This paper describes the technical aspects of checking constraints on a building model. Specifically, we look at the feasibility of checking constraints on an IFC model by creating a prototype in which constraints can be entered and checked on an imported IFC model. Conclusions are drawn on the suitability of the IFC model and how IFC can be extended or adjusted to support constraint checking

    Designing with constraints - Towards mass customization in the housing industry

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    Mass customization, while common in other industries, has yet to find widespread adoption in the housing industry. Current methods of mass customization are either labour-intensive or allow only a limited degree of freedom. In this paper, we look at a method of mass customization that allows buyers to make modifications to the design of their house, after which the new design is automatically checked against building regulations and the architect’s requirements

    An Ontology Web Language Notation of the Industry Foundation Classes

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    In this paper we describe and discuss an OWL notation of IFCs, its advantages over generic XML schema representation, its various fields of possible application, and our implementation of it in a multi-agent framework

    Density-PDFs and Lagrangian Statistics of highly compressible Turbulence

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    We report on probability-density-functions (PDF) of the mass density in numerical simulations of highly compressible hydrodynamic flows and the corresponding structure formation of Lagrangian particles advected by the flows. Numerical simulations were performed with 5123512^3 collocation points and 2 million tracer particles integrated over several dynamical times. We propose a connection between the PDF of the Lagrangian tracer particles and the predicted log-normal distribution of the density fluctuations in isothermal systems

    Building information deduced : state and potentials for Information query in building information modelling

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    In recent years, Building Information Models have become commonplace in building profession. The extensive use and increasing experience with BIM models offers new perspectives and potentials for design and planning. A recent stakeholder study conducted by the authors of this paper show that in practice models are no longer solely observed as culmination of knowledge in a 3d representation of future built structures, but as a source of information in itself. Experienced users of BIM want to Find Information within a model or across a set of these and Compare models in order to evaluate states of a model, differences in separate models or models from different point of time. Current BIM tools support both modes only in a rudimentary form. This paper discusses current modes of information query within and across BIM models, shows beneficial scenarios for building and planning practice through customised queries and exemplifies these on the base of a scripted tool. This customized approach is used to test approaches for a machine-based assessment of Level of detail and BIM-readiness in BIM models

    Progress in Three-Dimensional Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging

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    The Fourier inversion of phased coherent diffraction patterns offers images without the resolution and depth-of-focus limitations of lens-based tomographic systems. We report on our recent experimental images inverted using recent developments in phase retrieval algorithms, and summarize efforts that led to these accomplishments. These include ab-initio reconstruction of a two-dimensional test pattern, infinite depth of focus image of a thick object, and its high-resolution (~10 nm resolution) three-dimensional image. Developments on the structural imaging of low density aerogel samples are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, X-Ray Microscopy 2005, Himeji, Japa
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