53 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Iklim Organisasi terhadap Efektifitas Pelayanan Publik di Kecamatan Taliabu Utara Kabupaten Kepulauan Sula

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    Organizational knowledge is an important factor to explain the effectivenessas it relates to the organization\u27smorale employee. Bureaucratic organization\u27s impressed thegovernment has not been able to motivate emploe morale to improve the effectiveness of its workbecause of the critical diminsions of organizational climate has not been realized in accordancewith the needs and espectation of employes, and the suspeck is the of the causes have notmakximum service effectiveness.Inconnection with this matler,this study was to determine theeffect of organizational climate on the district government public service effectiveness TaliabuUtara north sula island.This research uses methods quantitative data source research respondents are as manyas 30 officer/employess government districts Taliabu Utara.Data collection technique usingquestionnaires and interviews quide.Techniquehelp with data analysis to test the hypothesissimple regressionanalysis and correlation simple/product moment.Data analysis showe : (1) variable regression coefficient effectiveness organizationclimate on public services is positive and the real significance level of 0,01 or 1%. (2) Thecorrelation coefficient and the power of organization climate variable determination of theeffectiveness of public services is high/close and rear to the significant level of or 1%.The conclusions suggested by the results of the study the effectiveness a public servantin the office distrct heard north Taliabu needs to be improved by improving the qualitydimensions of organizational climate can push high morale of employes such as:tskstructure,the relationship reward - penalties,communications within the organization ,thedevelopment of human resources mployee,the personal relationship between the atmospherewithin the organization,facilities and/support eguipment executing the task,and the safety andcomfort of the organization\u27s environment

    The N2cc component as an electrophysiological marker of space-based and feature-based attentional target selection processes in touch

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    An electrophysiological correlate of attentional target selection processes in touch (N2cc component) has recently been discovered in lateralized tactile working memory experiments. This tactile N2cc emerges at the same time as the visual N2pc component, but has a different modality-specific topography over central somatosensory areas. Here, we investigated links between N2cc components and the space-based versus feature-based attentional selection of task-relevant tactile stimuli. On each trial, a pair of tactile items was presented simultaneously to one finger on the left and right hand. Target stimuli were defined by their location (e.g., left index finger; Spatial Attention Task), by a non-spatial feature (continuous versus pulsed; Feature-based Attention Task), or by a combination of spatial and non-spatial features (Conjunction Task). Reliable N2cc components were observed in all three tasks. They emerged considerably earlier in the Spatial Attention Task than in the Feature-based Attention Task, suggesting that space-based selection mechanisms in touch operate faster than feature-guided mechanisms. The temporal pattern of N2cc components observed in the Conjunction Task revealed that space-based and feature-based attention both contributed to target selection, which was initially driven primarily by spatial location. Overall, these findings establish the N2cc component as a new electrophysiological marker of the selective attentional processing of task-relevant stimuli in touch

    Wallerian-Like Degeneration of Central Neurons After Synchronized and Geometrically Registered Mass Axotomy in a Three-Compartmental Microfluidic Chip

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    Degeneration of central axons may occur following injury or due to various diseases and it involves complex molecular mechanisms that need to be elucidated. Existing in vitro axotomy models are difficult to perform, and they provide limited information on the localization of events along the axon. We present here a novel experimental model system, based on microfluidic isolation, which consists of three distinct compartments, interconnected by parallel microchannels allowing axon outgrowth. Neurons cultured in one compartment successfully elongated their axons to cross a short central compartment and invade the outermost compartment. This design provides an interesting model system for studying axonal degeneration and death mechanisms, with a previously impossible spatial and temporal control on specific molecular pathways. We provide a proof-of-concept of the system by reporting its application to a well-characterized experimental paradigm, axotomy-induced Wallerian degeneration in primary central neurons. Using this model, we applied localized central axotomy by a brief, isolated flux of detergent. We report that mouse embryonic cortical neurons exhibit rapid Wallerian-like distal degeneration but no somatic death following central axotomy. Distal axons show progressive degeneration leading to axonal beading and cytoskeletal fragmentation within a few hours after axotomy. Degeneration is asynchronous, reminiscent of in vivo Wallerian degeneration. Axonal cytoskeletal fragmentation is significantly delayed with nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide pretreatment, but it does not change when distal calpain or caspase activity is inhibited. These findings, consistent with previous experiments in vivo, confirm the power and biological relevance of this microfluidic architecture

    Distributed Multimedia Learning Environments: Why and How?

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    Child development: test item file

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    Immersive Low-Cost Virtual Reality Treatment for Phantom Limb Pain: Evidence from Two Cases

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    Up to 90% of amputees experience sensations in their phantom limb, often including strong, persistent phantom limb pain (PLP). Standard treatments do not provide relief for the majority of people who experience PLP, but virtual reality (VR) has shown promise. This study provides additional evidence that game-like training with low-cost immersive VR activities can reduce PLP in lower-limb amputees. The user of our system views a real-time rendering of two intact legs in a head-mounted display while playing a set of custom games. The movements of both virtual extremities are controlled by measurements from inertial sensors mounted on the intact and residual limbs. Two individuals with unilateral transtibial amputation underwent multiple sessions of the VR treatment over several weeks. Both participants experienced a significant reduction of pain immediately after each VR session, and their pre-session pain levels also decreased greatly over the course of the study. Although preliminary, these data support the idea that VR interventions like ours may be an effective low-cost treatment of PLP in lower-limb amputees

    Playing the Hand You Are Dealt

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