1,736 research outputs found

    A safer place for patients: learning to improve patient safety

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    1 Every day over one million people are treated successfully by National Health Service (NHS) acute, ambulance and mental health trusts. However, healthcare relies on a range of complex interactions of people, skills, technologies and drugs, and sometimes things do go wrong. For most countries, patient safety is now the key issue in healthcare quality and risk management. The Department of Health (the Department) estimates that one in ten patients admitted to NHS hospitals will be unintentionally harmed, a rate similar to other developed countries. Around 50 per cent of these patient safety incidentsa could have been avoided, if only lessons from previous incidents had been learned. 2 There are numerous stakeholders with a role in keeping patients safe in the NHS, many of whom require trusts to report details of patient safety incidents and near misses to them (Figure 2). However, a number of previous National Audit Office reports have highlighted concerns that the NHS has limited information on the extent and impact of clinical and non-clinical incidents and trusts need to learn from these incidents and share good practice across the NHS more effectively (Appendix 1). 3 In 2000, the Chief Medical Officer’s report An organisation with a memory 1 , identified that the key barriers to reducing the number of patient safety incidents were an organisational culture that inhibited reporting and the lack of a cohesive national system for identifying and sharing lessons learnt. 4 In response, the Department published Building a safer NHS for patients3 detailing plans and a timetable for promoting patient safety. The goal was to encourage improvements in reporting and learning through the development of a new mandatory national reporting scheme for patient safety incidents and near misses. Central to the plan was establishing the National Patient Safety Agency to improve patient safety by reducing the risk of harm through error. The National Patient Safety Agency was expected to: collect and analyse information; assimilate other safety-related information from a variety of existing reporting systems; learn lessons and produce solutions. 5 We therefore examined whether the NHS has been successful in improving the patient safety culture, encouraging reporting and learning from patient safety incidents. Key parts of our approach were a census of 267 NHS acute, ambulance and mental health trusts in Autumn 2004, followed by a re-survey in August 2005 and an omnibus survey of patients (Appendix 2). We also reviewed practices in other industries (Appendix 3) and international healthcare systems (Appendix 4), and the National Patient Safety Agency’s progress in developing its National Reporting and Learning System (Appendix 5) and other related activities (Appendix 6). 6 An organisation with a memory1 was an important milestone in the NHS’s patient safety agenda and marked the drive to improve reporting and learning. At the local level the vast majority of trusts have developed a predominantly open and fair reporting culture but with pockets of blame and scope to improve their strategies for sharing good practice. Indeed in our re-survey we found that local performance had continued to improve with more trusts reporting having an open and fair reporting culture, more trusts with open reporting systems and improvements in perceptions of the levels of under-reporting. At the national level, progress on developing the national reporting system for learning has been slower than set out in the Department’s strategy of 2001 3 and there is a need to improve evaluation and sharing of lessons and solutions by all organisations with a stake in patient safety. There is also no clear system for monitoring that lessons are learned at the local level. Specifically: a The safety culture within trusts is improving, driven largely by the Department’s clinical governance initiative 4 and the development of more effective risk management systems in response to incentives under initiatives such as the NHS Litigation Authority’s Clinical Negligence Scheme for Trusts (Appendix 7). However, trusts are still predominantly reactive in their response to patient safety issues and parts of some organisations still operate a blame culture. b All trusts have established effective reporting systems at the local level, although under-reporting remains a problem within some groups of staff, types of incidents and near misses. The National Patient Safety Agency did not develop and roll out the National Reporting and Learning System by December 2002 as originally envisaged. All trusts were linked to the system by 31 December 2004. By August 2005, at least 35 trusts still had not submitted any data to the National Reporting and Learning System. c Most trusts pointed to specific improvements derived from lessons learnt from their local incident reporting systems, but these are still not widely promulgated, either within or between trusts. The National Patient Safety Agency has provided only limited feedback to trusts of evidence-based solutions or actions derived from the national reporting system. It published its first feedback report from the Patient Safety Observatory in July 2005

    3-loop Massive O(TF2)O(T_F^2) Contributions to the DIS Operator Matrix Element AggA_{gg}

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    Contributions to heavy flavour transition matrix elements in the variable flavour number scheme are considered at 3-loop order. In particular a calculation of the diagrams with two equal masses that contribute to the massive operator matrix element Agg,Q(3)A_{gg,Q}^{(3)} is performed. In the Mellin space result one finds finite nested binomial sums. In xx-space these sums correspond to iterated integrals over an alphabet containing also square-root valued letters.Comment: 4 pages, Contribution to the Proceedings of QCD '14, Montpellier, July 201

    3-Loop Heavy Flavor Corrections in Deep-Inelastic Scattering with Two Heavy Quark Lines

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    We consider gluonic contributions to the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients at 3-loop order in QCD with two heavy quark lines in the asymptotic region Q2≫m1(2)2Q^2 \gg m_{1(2)}^2. Here we report on the complete result in the case of two equal masses m1=m2m_1 = m_2 for the massive operator matrix element Agg,Q(3)A_{gg,Q}^{(3)}, which contributes to the corresponding heavy flavor transition matrix element in the variable flavor number scheme. Nested finite binomial sums and iterated integrals over square-root valued alphabets emerge in the result for this quantity in NN and xx-space, respectively. We also present results for the case of two unequal masses for the flavor non-singlet OMEs and on the scalar integrals ic case of Agg,Q(3)A_{gg,Q}^{(3)}, which were calculated without a further approximation. The graphs can be expressed by finite nested binomial sums over generalized harmonic sums, the alphabet of which contains rational letters in the ratio η=m12/m22\eta = m_1^2/m_2^2.Comment: 10 pages LATEX, 1 Figure, Proceedings of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, Weimar April 201

    RATIONAL TESTING Raised inflammatory markers

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    The 3-Loop Non-Singlet Heavy Flavor Contributions and Anomalous Dimensions for the Structure Function F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2) and Transversity

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    We calculate the massive flavor non-singlet Wilson coefficient for the heavy flavor contributions to the structure function F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2) in the asymptotic region Q2≫m2Q^2 \gg m^2 and the associated operator matrix element Aqq,Q(3),NS(N)A_{qq,Q}^{(3), \rm NS}(N) to 3-loop order in Quantum Chromodynamics at general values of the Mellin variable NN. This matrix element is associated to the vector current and axial vector current for the even and the odd moments NN, respectively. We also calculate the corresponding operator matrix elements for transversity, compute the contributions to the 3-loop anomalous dimensions to O(NF)O(N_F) and compare to results in the literature. The 3-loop matching of the flavor non-singlet distribution in the variable flavor number scheme is derived. All results can be expressed in terms of nested harmonic sums in NN space and harmonic polylogarithms in xx-space. Numerical results are presented for the non-singlet charm quark contribution to F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2).Comment: 82 pages, 3 style files, 33 Figure

    New Results on Massive 3-Loop Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering

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    We present recent results on newly calculated 2- and 3-loop contributions to the heavy quark parts of the structure functions in deep-inelastic scattering due to charm and bottom.Comment: Contribution to the Proc. of Loops and Legs 2016, PoS, in prin

    3-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering

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    We present our most recent results on the calculation of the heavy flavor contributions to deep-inelastic scattering at 3-loop order in the large Q2Q^2 limit, where the heavy flavor Wilson coefficients are known to factorize into light flavor Wilson coefficients and massive operator matrix elements. We describe the different techniques employed for the calculation and show the results in the case of the heavy flavor non-singlet and pure singlet contributions to the structure function F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2).Comment: 4 pages Latex, 2 style files, 4 Figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of QCD '14, Montpellier, Jult 201

    3-Loop Corrections to the Heavy Flavor Wilson Coefficients in Deep-Inelastic Scattering

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    A survey is given on the status of 3-loop heavy flavor corrections to deep-inelastic structure functions at large enough virtualities Q2Q^2.Comment: 13 pages Latex, 8 Figures, Contribution to the Proceedings of EPS 2015 Wie

    Recent progress on the calculation of three-loop heavy flavor Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering

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    We report on our latest results in the calculation of the three-loop heavy flavor contributions to the Wilson coefficients in deep-inelastic scattering in the asymptotic region Q2≫m2Q^2 \gg m^2. We discuss the different methods used to compute the required operator matrix elements and the corresponding Feynman integrals. These methods very recently allowed us to obtain a series of new operator matrix elements and Wilson coefficients like the flavor non-singlet and pure singlet Wilson coefficients.Comment: 11 pages Latex, 2 Figures, Proc. of Loops and Legs in Quantum Field Theory, April 2014, Weimar, German

    Patient choice at the point of GP referral: Department of Health

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    1 The Department of Health has a Public Service Agreement target to ensure that by the end of 2005 every hospital appointment in the National Health Service in England (the NHS) will be booked for the convenience of the patient, making it easier for patients and their General Practitioners (GPs) to choose the hospital and consultant that best meets their need. The Department aims to provide patients with the opportunity to choose between four to five healthcare providers for elective hospital treatment by December 2005. In consultation with their GP, patients should be able to choose, from a menu of NHS and independent sector healthcare providers, their preferred location for treatment. Patients should also be able to book the time and date of their initial outpatient appointment within 24 hours of the decision to refer the patient for treatment. This target will apply to around 9.4 million patients referred for hospital treatment by their GP each year, around four per cent of the total estimated 241 million GP consultations. 2 Choice at referral can contribute to a more patientfocused health service, bringing benefits to both patients and the NHS. But providing such a choice will not happen by accident. There are a number of dependencies and interactions with other policies that need to be managed. Information Technology (IT) systems need to be developed and modified and significant cultural, organisational and behavioural changes will need to be made by patients, NHS organisations and staff. 3 This report examines whether the Department is on track to deliver choice at the point of referral successfully by the target date of December 2005. Our work has found that: a Progress has been made towards delivering choice at referral through establishing the required organisational infrastructure, commissioning new IT systems and modifications to existing ones, and providing support for the NHS organisations that will deliver it. b The engagement of GPs is currently low and is a key risk which the Department must address to deliver choice successfully. The Department plans to address this risk through a campaign to inform and engage GPs during 2005 and it will need to monitor carefully the progress of this campaign. c Choice at referral will be delivered most efficiently and effectively through electronic booking (e-booking, also known as Choose and Book), in which the Electronic Booking Service, commissioned by the Department’s National Programme for IT (NPfIT), is linked to upgraded or new computer systems in hospitals and GPs’ surgeries. However, e-booking will not be universally available by December 2005. Until e-booking is fully adopted choice will have to be provided in other, less efficient, ways. d Parts of the NHS still have much to do if they are to deliver choice. A significant minority of Primary Care Trusts do not yet have adequate plans in place to manage the introduction of choice and some may struggle to manage the required new commissioning arrangements. 4 Our more detailed findings are as follows. Progress has been made towards delivering choice at referral 5 The Department believes that choice is affordable. Additional annual infrastructure and transaction costs are estimated to be £122 million – or 1.4 per cent of the current total expenditure on elective care. The main aim of introducing choice is to improve services for patients, but it should lead to increased efficiencies in primary and secondary care services worth an estimated £71 million, off-setting some of these costs. 6 It is essential that choice is supported by other elements of system reform including e-booking, payment by results, commissioning and appropriate capacity. Modelling exercises have shown that the system reforms should work in harmony with one another. Payment by results should enable the transfer of funding to follow the patient and there should be sufficient capacity across the system to enable choice to be effective. 7 Much of the organisational infrastructure that is required for choice is in place and there is clear accountability for the delivery of the programme. To strengthen detailed national programme management arrangements the Department created, on 22 December 2004, a new post of National Implementation Director for Choose and Book, with effect from 10 January 2005. The new Director will be responsible for overseeing the implementation of choice within the NHS whilst the National Programme for IT Group Programme Director for Choose and Book will continue to be responsible for Choose and Book technology development and deployment, patient access and Choose and Book contract management. 8 The Department has provided different types of support to the NHS – for example, ten pilot schemes have been run to test the policy in practice. It has set up a system for periodically measuring progress and used this to establish the position at the end of October 2004, creating a baseline against which to monitor future progress. 9 Research has identified what information patients will want to base their choices on, and the Department is seeking to provide this. While it is unlikely that full information will be available for December 2005, the majority of those aspects identified by patients as being the most important, such as waiting times and basic access information, will be in place. The Department plans to increase the information available over time. The key risk to the delivery of choice is the engagement of GPs 10 Choice cannot be delivered without support from GPs but our survey of GPs found that around half of GPs know very little about it and 61 per cent feel either very negative or a little negative. GPs’ concerns include practice capacity, workload, consultation length and fears that existing health inequalities will be exacerbated. The Department has deliberately held back its main effort to inform and engage GPs about choice until it has had a working e-booking system to show GPs, but it intends to mount a campaign to inform and engage GPs during 2005. Until e-booking is fully adopted choice will be supported by other mechanisms 11 The Department has commissioned Atos Origin to develop a national system for e-booking, which will be linked to upgraded or new Patient Administration Systems in hospitals and IT systems in GPs’ surgeries to provide an overall service known as e-booking. The National Programme for IT has planned the roll out of e-booking on an incremental basis to minimise risk, and to link it by the end of 2005 to some 60 to 70 per cent of hospital systems and GP practices. 12 E-booking is the most effective and efficient way of delivering the Department’s plans for choice, and alternative booking mechanisms offer poorer value for money. Atos Origin has delivered a functioning system and the first booking using e-booking was made in July 2004. However the roll-out of e-booking has been slower than planned and at the end of December 2004 only 63 bookings had been made. Problems have included the reluctance of users to work with an unreliable end-to-end system, limited progress in linking to GP and hospital systems, and the limited number of GPs willing to use the system. 13 The Department believes that new releases of software have addressed the reliability of the whole end-to-end system and that having a fully operational system will encourage GPs to engage with e-booking. The roll-out of changes to hospital systems to allow them to link to e-booking is gathering pace and four types of GP systems can now link to e-booking, although the largest supplier has not yet agreed an implementation plan. A combined team of Departmental and NHS personnel are working with the three main existing GP system suppliers to agree a national deployment schedule. This work should be completed by February 2005, along with a nationally negotiated commercial arrangement. The Department is also developing and trialling contingency plans against further delays, as well as alternatives to the fully integrated Choose and Book solution. Parts of the NHS still have much to do 14 Programme management arrangements in the NHS are incomplete. While most Primary Care Trusts expect to be able to deliver the choice target, there is variability in their overall performance. As many as a quarter of Primary Care Trusts currently forecast that they will not deliver the choice targets. In addition, some Primary Care Trusts may struggle to manage the new commissioning arrangements and two-thirds have yet to commission the required number of providers. The department is developing a framework of support to assist trusts to overcome these obstacles. 15 The Department needs urgently to address the low level of GP support for their plans for implementing choice at referral, and should: I Press on urgently with its plans for informing GPs about the implementation of choice at referral and its impact on GPs and patients. II Monitor the views of GPs, for example by a regular survey, repeating key questions from our own survey, to assess the rate of progress being achieved towards the level of support needed to meet its target of full implementation by December 2005. III Consider whether further action is needed to secure the required level of GP support, once GPs are fully informed on what choice at referral involves. 16 The Department should also: IV Complete its planned benefits realisation plan for choice at referral by the summer of 2005, along with a monitoring mechanism and quantified targets. V Keep under regular and close review the progress of its planned implementation of choice through implementing e-booking and consider the scope for accelerating the roll-out of e-booking to make it available everywhere by December 2005. VI If it becomes clear that it is not possible to deliver e-booking everywhere by December 2005, the Department should: a monitor closely the development of the interim solutions to ensure that they meet their delivery dates; and b ensure that the implementation of interim solutions does not detract from the priority of bringing in fully integrated e-booking systems as soon as possible. VII Establish an evaluation framework for Primary Care Trust commissioning to assist Strategic Health Authorities in assessing the capacity and skills of Primary Care Trusts in this area and securing improvements in capacity and skills where necessary
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