12,517 research outputs found

    Achievement goals, self-handicapping, and performance: A 2 × 2 achievement goal perspective

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    Elliot and colleagues (2006) examined the effects of experimentally induced achievement goals, proposed by the trichotomous model, on self-handicapping and performance in physical education. Our study replicated and extended the work of Elliot et al. by experimentally promoting all four goals proposed by the 262 model (Elliot & McGregor, 2001), measuring the participants’ own situational achievement goals, using a relatively novel task, and testing the participants in a group setting. We used a randomized experimental design with four conditions that aimed to induce one of the four goals advanced by the 262 model. The participants (n¼138) were undergraduates who engaged in a dart-throwing task. The results pertaining to self-handicapping partly replicated Elliot and colleagues’ findings by showing that experimentally promoted performance-avoidance goals resulted in less practice. In contrast, the promotion of mastery-avoidance goals did not result in less practice compared with either of the approach goals. Dart-throwing performance did not differ among the four goal conditions. Personal achievement goals did not moderate the effects of experimentally induced goals on selfhandicapping and performance. The extent to which mastery-avoidance goals are maladaptive is discussed, as well as the interplay between personal and experimentally induced goals

    Structure and correlates of cognitive aging in a narrow age cohort

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    Aging-related changes occur for multiple domains of cognitive functioning. An accumulating body of research indicates that, rather than representing statistically independent phenomena, aging-related cognitive changes are moderately to strongly correlated across domains. However, previous studies have typically been conducted in age-heterogeneous samples over longitudinal time lags of 6 or more years, and have failed to consider whether results are robust to a comprehensive set of controls. Capitalizing on 3-year longitudinal data from the Lothian Birth Cohort of 1936, we took a longitudinal narrow age cohort approach to examine cross-domain cognitive change interrelations from ages 70 to 73 years. We fit multivariate latent difference score models to factors representing visuospatial ability, processing speed, memory, and crystallized ability. Changes were moderately interrelated, with a general factor of change accounting for 47% of the variance in changes across domains. Change interrelations persisted at close to full strength after controlling for a comprehensive set of demographic, physical, and medical factors including educational attainment, childhood intelligence, physical function, APOE genotype, smoking status, diagnosis of hypertension, diagnosis of cardiovascular disease, and diagnosis of diabetes. Thus, the positive manifold of aging-related cognitive changes is highly robust in that it can be detected in a narrow age cohort followed over a relatively brief longitudinal period, and persists even after controlling for many potential confounders

    TVET Teacher Education: A Vision Beyond Tradition

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    This paper identifies some basic information about brain based learning, which includes some technical information presented in terms that all may understand. Two major psychological notions, which underpin all we know about the teaching and learning process, will be identified and described. Further, this paper will focus upon best practice strategies that have been identified in the research on student achievement and will provide specific suggestions on how to implement them. It will demonstrate why the vocational education model is the premier educational delivery system for all of education and will aid in the developing of a vision beyond tradition

    Phylogeography of Stable Fly (Diptera: Muscidae) Estimated by Diversity at Ribosomal 16S and Cytochrome Oxidase I Mitochondrial Genes

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    The blood-feeding cosmopolitan stable fly, Stomoxys calcitrans L. (Diptera: Muscidae), is thought to disperse rapidly and widely, and earlier studies of allozyme variation were consistent with high vagility in this species. The geographic origins of New World populations are unknown. Diversity at mitochondrial loci r16S and cytochrome oxidase I was examined in 277 stable flies from 11 countries, including five zoogeographical regions. Of 809 nucleotides, 174 were polymorphic and 133 were parsimony informative. Seventy-six haplotypes were found in frequencies consistent with the Wright–Fisher infinite allele model. None were shared among four or more zoogeographical regions. The null hypothesis of mutation neutrality was not rejected, thereby validating the observed distribution. Fifty-nine haplotypes were singular, eight were private and confined to the Old World, and three of 76 haplotypes were shared between the Old and New World. Only 19 haplotypes were found in the New World, 14 of which were singletons. Haplotype and nucleotide diversities were heterogeneous among countries and regions. The most diversity was observed in sub-Saharan Africa. Regional differentiation indices were GRT = 0.26 and NRT = 0.31, indicating populations were highly structured macrogeographically. Palearctic and New World flies were the least differentiated from each other. There were strong genetic similarities among populations in the Nearctic, Neotropical, and Palearctic regions, and it is most likely that New World populations were derived from the Palearctic after 1492 CE, in the colonial era

    Buoyancy waves in Pluto's high atmosphere: Implications for stellar occultations

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    We apply scintillation theory to stellar signal fluctuations in the high-resolution, high signal/noise, dual-wavelength data from the MMT observation of the 2007 March 18 occultation of P445.3 by Pluto. A well-defined high wavenumber cutoff in the fluctuations is consistent with viscous-thermal dissipation of buoyancy waves (internal gravity waves) in Pluto's high atmosphere, and provides strong evidence that the underlying density fluctuations are governed by the gravity-wave dispersion relation.Comment: Accepted 18 June 2009 for publication in Icaru

    Charon's radius and density from the combined data sets of the 2005 July 11 occultation

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    The 2005 July 11 C313.2 stellar occultation by Charon was observed by three separate research groups, including our own, at observatories throughout South America. Here, the published timings from the three data sets have been combined to more accurately determine the mean radius of Charon: 606.0 +/- 1.5 km. Our analysis indicates that a slight oblateness in the body (0.006 +/- 0.003) best matches the data, with a confidence level of 86%. The oblateness has a pole position angle of 71.4 deg +/- 10.4 deg and is consistent with Charon's pole position angle of 67 deg. Charon's mean radius corresponds to a bulk density of 1.63 +/- 0.07 g/cm3, which is significantly less than Pluto's (1.92 +/- 0.12 g/cm3). This density differential favors an impact formation scenario for the system in which at least one of the impactors was differentiated. Finally, unexplained differences between chord timings measured at Cerro Pachon and the rest of the data set could be indicative of a depression as deep as 7 km on Charon's limb.Comment: 25 pages including 4 tables and 2 figures. Submitted to the Astronomical Journal on 2006 Feb 0

    Color in context: psychological context moderates the influence of red on approach- and avoidance-motivated behavior.

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    A basic premise of the recently proffered color-in-context model is that the influence of color on psychological functioning varies as a function of the psychological context in which color is perceived. Some research has examined the appetitive and aversive implications of viewing the color red in romance- and achievement-relevant contexts, respectively, but in all existing empirical work approach and avoidance behavior has been studied in separate tasks and separate experiments. Research is needed to directly test whether red influences the same behavior differently depending entirely on psychological context. The present experiment was designed to put this premise to direct test in romance- and achievement-relevant contexts within the same experimental paradigm involving walking behavior. Our results revealed that exposure to red (but not blue) indeed has differential implications for walking behavior as a function of the context in which the color is perceived. Red increased the speed with which participants walked to an ostensible interview about dating (a romance-relevant context), but decreased the speed with which they walked to an ostensible interview about intelligence (an achievement-relevant context). These results are the first direct evidence that the influence of red on psychological functioning in humans varies by psychological context. Our findings contribute to both the literature on color psychology and the broader, emerging literature on the influence of context on basic psychological processes

    The Social Media Magnet: A New Paradigm in Inbound Marketing Instruction

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    Social media has changed the marketing environment in ways that traditional marketers could have never imagined just a decade ago. It has rapidly provided a mechanism to communicate on a one-to-one level, allowing marketers to tailor specific messages and content towards a fine-tuned segment of customers. Multiple philosophies on best practices in this digital landscape have provided various methodologies for targeting these customers. During this time of change, these practices have led to the refinement of digital services, including behavioral advertising, search engine optimization, pay per click, content marketing, social media marketing, and organic inbound marketing, among specialized others. In fact, digital agencies today are for the most part narrowly niched providing only few services to a couple of distinct target segments. Hence, when a professor considers the opportunity to teach in the digital arena, the coverage of topics and the timeliness of content seem extremely daunting. The question that lay before academics is, how do we teach these tactics in a way that stays both timely and applicable? Developed with a proven track record of teaching students to apply real world online marketing principles and strategies, The Social Media Magnet is presented as a new pedagogy for digital inbound marketing instruction. This methodology has been deployed in one university class setting for the last five years with a reputation of producing high- quality graduates in the digital marketing space. This pedagogy combines a digital online delivery system, for timely and speedy updates, with a new theory and a live online practicum to teach college students both strategic and tactical planning for digital marketing campaigns. Using website creation, social media planning tools, and email retention campaigns, students using The Social Media Magnet pedagogy learn the best practices for inbound marketing today. More appropriately for universities, the pedagogy teaches academic professors who may not live in the digital world daily through consulting and agency work, how to teach these skillsets from holistic, strategic, and tactical points-of-view. To the author’s knowledge, this paradigm is the only one of its kind to teach in a real, live, active online environment where students create real content and interact with real people with real opinions, and have real campaign goals. This is not a simulation, but as real-world as it gets for teaching college students digital marketing methods. The Social Media Magnet is a new paradigm in organic, inbound marketing instruction

    Comparability of Functional MRI Response in Young and Old During Inhibition

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    When using fMRI to study age-related cognitive changes, it is important to establish the integrity of the hemodynamic response because, potentially, it can be affected by age and disease. However, there have been few attempts to document such integrity and no attempts using higher cognitive rather than perceptual or motor tasks. We used fMRI with 28 healthy young and older adults on an inhibitory control task. Although older and young adults differed in task performance and activation patterns, they had comparable hemodynamic responses. We conclude that activation during cognitive inhibition, which was predominantly increased in elders, was not due to vascular confounds or specific changes in hemodynamic coupling