288 research outputs found

    Spin-polarized current amplification and spin injection in magnetic bipolar transistors

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    The magnetic bipolar transistor (MBT) is a bipolar junction transistor with an equilibrium and nonequilibrium spin (magnetization) in the emitter, base, or collector. The low-injection theory of spin-polarized transport through MBTs and of a more general case of an array of magnetic {\it p-n} junctions is developed and illustrated on several important cases. Two main physical phenomena are discussed: electrical spin injection and spin control of current amplification (magnetoamplification). It is shown that a source spin can be injected from the emitter to the collector. If the base of an MBT has an equilibrium magnetization, the spin can be injected from the base to the collector by intrinsic spin injection. The resulting spin accumulation in the collector is proportional to exp(qVbe/kBT)\exp(qV_{be}/k_BT), where qq is the proton charge, VbeV_{be} is the bias in the emitter-base junction, and kBTk_B T is the thermal energy. To control the electrical current through MBTs both the equilibrium and the nonequilibrium spin can be employed. The equilibrium spin controls the magnitude of the equilibrium electron and hole densities, thereby controlling the currents. Increasing the equilibrium spin polarization of the base (emitter) increases (decreases) the current amplification. If there is a nonequilibrium spin in the emitter, and the base or the emitter has an equilibrium spin, a spin-valve effect can lead to a giant magnetoamplification effect, where the current amplifications for the parallel and antiparallel orientations of the the equilibrium and nonequilibrium spins differ significantly. The theory is elucidated using qualitative analyses and is illustrated on an MBT example with generic materials parameters.Comment: 14 PRB-style pages, 10 figure

    Spin-polarized transport in inhomogeneous magnetic semiconductors: theory of magnetic/nonmagnetic p-n junctions

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    A theory of spin-polarized transport in inhomogeneous magnetic semiconductors is developed and applied to magnetic/nonmagnetic p-n junctions. Several phenomena with possible spintronic applications are predicted, including spinvoltaic effect, spin valve effect, and giant magnetoresistance. It is demonstrated that only nonequilibrium spin can be injected across the space-charge region of a p-n junction, so that there is no spin injection (or extraction) at low bias.Comment: Minor Revisions. To appear in Phys. Rev. Let

    Has the nonlinear Meissner effect been observed?

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    We examine recent high-precision experimental data on the magnetic field, H{\bf H}, dependence of the penetration depth λ(H)\lambda(H) in YBa2Cu3O7δ\rm{YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}} (YBCO) for several field directions in the aba-b plane. In a new theoretical analysis that incorporates the effects of orthorhombic symmetry, we show that the data at sufficiently high magnetic fields and low temperatures are in quantitative agreement with the theoretical predictions of the nonlinear Meissner effect.Comment: 4 text pages plus 3 postscript figure

    Spin transport in inhomogeneous magnetic fields: a proposal for Stern-Gerlach-like experiments with conduction electrons

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    Spin dynamics in spatially inhomogeneous magnetic fields is studied within the framework of Boltzmann theory. Stern-Gerlach-like separation of spin up and spin down electrons occurs in ballistic and diffusive regimes, before spin relaxation sets in. Transient dynamics and spectral response to time-dependent inhomogeneous magnetic fields are investigated, and possible experimental observations of our findings are discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures; revised and extended version, to appear in PR

    Low Frequency Nonlinear Magnetic Response of an Unconventional Superconductor

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    We consider an unconventional superconductor in a low frequency harmonic magnetic field. In the Meissner regime at low T a nonlinear magnetic response arises from quasiparticle excitations near minima in the energy gap. Various physical quantities then acquire higher harmonics of the frequency of the applied field. We discuss how examination of the field and angular dependence of these harmonics allows determination of the structure of the energy gap. We show how to distinguish nodes from small finite minima ("quasinodes"). Gaps with nodal lines give rise to universal power law field dependences for the nonlinear magnetic moment and the nonlinear torque. They both have separable temporal and angular dependences. In contrast, when there are quasinodes these quantities have more complicated and nonseparable field, temporal, and angular dependences. We illustrate this on the example of an s+id gap. We discuss how to perform measurements so as to maximize the nonlinear signal and how to investigate in detail the properties of the superconducting minima, thus determining the gap function symmetry.Comment: To appear in Phys Rev B. Ten figures, 13 text page

    Coherent spin transport through a 350-micron-thick Silicon wafer

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    We use all-electrical methods to inject, transport, and detect spin-polarized electrons vertically through a 350-micron-thick undoped single-crystal silicon wafer. Spin precession measurements in a perpendicular magnetic field at different accelerating electric fields reveal high spin coherence with at least 13pi precession angles. The magnetic-field spacing of precession extrema are used to determine the injector-to-detector electron transit time. These transit time values are associated with output magnetocurrent changes (from in-plane spin-valve measurements), which are proportional to final spin polarization. Fitting the results to a simple exponential spin-decay model yields a conduction electron spin lifetime (T1) lower bound in silicon of over 500ns at 60K.Comment: Accepted in PR

    Angular dependence of the penetration depth in unconventional superconductors

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    We examine the Meissner state nonlinear electrodynamic effects on the field and angular dependence of the low temperature penetration depth, λ\lambda, of superconductors in several kinds of unconventional pairing states, with nodes or deep minima (``quasinodes'') in the energy gap. Our calculations are prompted by the fact that, for typical unconventional superconducting material parameters, the predicted size of these effects for λ\lambda exceeds the available experimental precision for this quantity by a much larger factor than for others. We obtain expressions for the nonlinear component of the penetration depth, Δλ\Delta\lambda, for different two- and three- dimensional nodal or quasinodal structures. Each case has a characteristic signature as to its dependence on the size and orientation of the applied magnetic field. This shows that Δλ\Delta\lambda measurements can be used to elucidate the nodal or quasinodal structure of the energy gap. For nodal lines we find that Δλ\Delta\lambda is linear in the applied field, while the dependence is quadratic for point nodes. For layered materials with YBa2Cu3O7δ\rm{YBa_2Cu_3O_{7-\delta}} (YBCO) type anisotropy, our results for the angular dependence of Δλ\Delta\lambda differ greatly from those for tetragonal materials and are in agreement with experiment. For the two- and three- dimensional quasinodal cases, Δλ\Delta\lambda is no longer proportional to a power of the field and the field and angular dependences are not separable, with a suppression of the overall signal as the node is filled in.Comment: 16 pages plus nine figure