74 research outputs found

    Application of electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) for the assessment of peat properties : a case study of the Całowanie Fen, Central Poland

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    Complex studies were carried out to recognize the fen structure and peat properties in the Całowanie Fen area, belonging to the Natura 2000 network. The studies were conducted in two study areas that differ significantly in terms of peat thickness. Electrical resistivity imaging (ERI) was used to identify the properties of the peat and its substrate, such as thickness and electrical resistivity. Comparison of the field studies with the laboratory tests has shown that the ash content rises electrical resistivity in peat. In addition, the study has shown that the application of non-invasive geophysical methods in protected areas is justified. The fen, as a medium containing mostly water, was a proper test area for the ERI measurements

    Randomized controlled clinical trials versus real-life atrial fibrillation patients treated with oral anticoagulants. Do we treat the same patients?

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    Background: The aim of the study was to compare clinical characteristics of real-life atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with populations included in randomized clinical trials (ROCKET AF and RE-LY).Methods: The analysis included 3528 patients who are participants of the ongoing, multicentre, retrospective CRAFT study. The study is registered in ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT02987062. The study is based on a retrospective analysis of hospital records of AF patients treated with vitamin K antagonists (VKAs) (acenocoumarol, warfarin) and non-vitamin K oral anticoagulants (NOACs) (dabigatran, rivaroxaban). CHADS2 score was used for risk of stroke stratification.Results: VKA was prescribed in 1973 (56.0%), while NOAC in 1549 (44.0%), including dabigatran — 504 (14.3%) and rivaroxaban — 1051 (29.8%), of the 3528 patients. VKA patients in the CRAFT study were at significantly lower risk of stroke (CHADS2 1.9 ± 1.3), compared with the VKA population from the RE-LY (2.1 ± 1.1) and the ROCKET-AF (3.5 ± 1.0). Patients in the CRAFT study treated with NOAC (CHADS2 for patients on dabigatran 150 mg — 1.3 ± 1.2 and on rivaroxaban — 2.2 ± 1.4) had lower risk than patients from the RE-LY (2.2 ± 1.2) and the ROCKET AF (3.5 ± 0.9).Conclusions: Real-world patients had a lower risk of stroke than patients included in the RE-LY and ROCKET AF trials

    Regional implementation of a road safety observatory in Poland

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    The paper outlines the background and goals of the Road Safety Observatory in the Polish region of Warmia and Mazury. While created it was Poland’s first road safety Observatory, both at the regional and central level. Established in line with the methodology proposed in the European project SafetyNet, together with the planned National Road Safety Observatory it will form part of a Europe-wide network of observatories linked with the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO). Commissioned by the Regional Road Safety Centre in Olsztyn, the idea for the Warmia-Mazury Road Safety Observatory was developed in 2010. The Observatory was completed in the autumn of 2012 and opened in November 2012

    Innovative tools for transport safety management at the regional level

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    W referacie przedstawiono założenia i cele Obserwatorium Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego funkcjonującego w regionie Warmii i Mazur. Obserwatorium jest pierwszą taką jednostką w Polsce zarówno na poziomie regionalnym, jak centralnym. Zostało powołane zgodnie z metodyką zaproponowaną w europejskim projekcie SafetyNet i wspólnie z Krajowym Obserwatorium Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego, realizowanym przez Instytut Transportu Samochodowego, wejdzie w skład europejskiej sieci obserwatoriów współdziałających z ERSO. Koncepcja WarmińskoMazurskiego Obserwatorium BRD powstała w 2010 roku na zamówienie Wojewódzkiego Ośrodka Ruchu Drogowego - Regionalnego Centrum BRD w Olsztynie. Prace nad jej wdrożeniem trwały do jesieni 2012 i w listopadzie 2012 obserwatorium oficjalnie udostępniono użytkownikom.The paper presents the principles and objectives of the Road Safety Observatory operating in the region of Warmia and Mazury. The observatory is the first such unit in Poland - both at the regional level, as central. It has been established in accordance with the methodology proposed in the European project SafetyNet, and together with the National Road Safety Observatory, being developed by the Institute of Road Transport, will form part of the European network of cooperating observatories of ERSO. The concept of Warmia and Mazury Road Safety Observatory was committed in 2010 by the Road Traffic Centre - Regional Road Safety Centre in Olsztyn. The work on implementing it lasted until the autumn of 2012 and in November 2012 the observatory was officially launched

    The role of observatories in the integrated transport safety systems

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    Accurate knowledge about the causes, circumstances and place of transport accidents is the prerequisite to take the correct action to improve transport safety. Developing appropriate organizational structures, forms and methods of management and implementation of safety measures in the sectoral approach condition the success. Therefore, the Safety Information System is one of the integral areas of the Integrated Transport Safety System ZEUS

    SOL Project - A Comprehensive Road Safety Strategy for Central Europe

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    Wojewódzki Ośrodek Ruchu Drogowego - Regionalne Centrum BRD w Olsztynie wspólnie z innymi instytucjami z Europy Środkowej realizują europejski projekt SOL - "SaveOurLives", finansowany z Programu Operacyjnego - Europa Środkowa w ramach Europejskiej Współpracy Terytorialnej. Jego celem jest promowanie w krajach Europy Środkowej zrównoważonego podejścia do rozwoju transportu i mobilności oraz wzrost świadomości związanej z problemami niebezpieczeństwa w ruchu drogowym, co zdecydowanie przyczyni się do wzrostu jakości życia społeczeństw krajów partnerskich projektu.Regional Traffic Centre - Road Safety Centre in Olsztyn together with other institutions located in the Central Europe has been developing European Project SOL - "Save our lives" financed from the European Operational Project- Central Europe in the frame of the European Regional Development Fund. Its aim is to promote sustainable mobility development as well as inerease of road safety awareness in the central European countries which will influence life quality of the societies in the project partner countries

    Perspectives of road traffic safety integration in Poland according to ZEUS conception

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    Diagnoza systemu bezpieczeństwa transportu drogowego w Polsce. Uwarunkowania i kierunki integracji systemu bezpieczeństwa transportu drogowego. Koncepcja Zintegrowanego Systemu Bezpieczeństwa Ruchu Drogowego (ZSBT).The diagnosis of road transport safety system. The conditions and directions of integration of the road transport safety system. The conception of the Integrated Road Traffic Safety System