5 research outputs found

    Prognostication of late left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with acute coronary syndrome during the acute period

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    The aim of the study was to create the model of the combination of clinical and echocardiographic determinants during the acute period of acute coronary syndromes for the prognostication of the risk for left ventricular dysfunction after one year. We examined 565 patients with first-time acute coronary syndrome with no recurrence during one-year period. The studied group consisted of 496 patients, and the examined group – of 69 patients. All patients with acute coronary syndrome within the first three days underwent the evaluation of demographic, anamnesis, clinical indicators, risk factors for ischemic heart disease, ECG, and echocardiographic findings for the prognostication of the risk of left ventricular dysfunction after one year. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied for the identification of independent determinants for the prognostication of left ventricular dysfunction, and three risk groups were identified. The prognostic informative value of the model was verified by comparing the incidence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in risk groups after one year between the studied and the control groups. Results. After one year, left ventricular systolic dysfunction (left ventricular ejection fraction <40%) in the presence of acute coronary syndrome remained in more than half (65.3%) of patients and returned to normal (left ventricular ejection fraction ³40%) in one-third of patients (34.7%). Left ventricular systolic function that was normal during the acute period of coronary syndrome remained such in the majority (80.9%) of patients after one year, whereas one-fifth (19.1%) of patients developed left ventricular systolic dysfunction. The mathematical model for the prognostication of systolic dysfunction after one year was composed of the determinants of acute coronary syndrome: left ventricular ejection fraction <40%, anterior localization of Q-wave myocardial infarction, Killip class 3–4, left ventricular pseudo-normal or restrictive diastolic function, and frequent ventricular extrasystoles. The application of our model in the prognostication of late left ventricular systolic dysfunction during the acute period of coronary syndrome showed that the model was reliable, since after one year, the prognosticated left ventricular systolic dysfunction was determined in the majority (84.3%) of patients. The designed mathematical model is simple and is based on standard clinical and echocardiographic findings, and the scoring system allows for the prognostication of the risk for late left ventricular systolic dysfunction in any individual patient. The prognostication of the risk for late left ventricular systolic dysfunction during the acute period of coronary syndrome may help in the planning of treatment and outpatient care in patients with acute coronary syndrome

    Components of Left Ventricular Ejection and Filling in Patients With Aortic Regurgitation Assessed by Speckle-Tracking Echocardiography

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    The aim of our study was to evaluate left ventricular (LV) longitudinal, radial, and rotational function and its relationship with conventional LV parameters of systolic and diastolic function in patients with aortic regurgitation (AR) by speckle-tracking echocardiography. Material and Methods. A total of 26 asymptomatic patients with moderate AR, 34 patients with severe AR, and 28 healthy controls were included into the study. LV rotation and longitudinal and radial strain were measured offline using speckle-tracking imaging. Results. The systolic longitudinal strain (–18.3% [SD, 2.18%] vs. –21.0% [SD, 2.52%], P<0.05) and strain rate (–1.08 s–1 [SD, 0.13 s–1] vs. –1.27 s–1 [SD, 0.15 s–1], P<0.05) were significantly lower and apical rotation (11.3° [SD, 4.99°] vs. 8.30° [SD, 4.34°], P<0.05) as well as rotation rate (82.72°/s [SD, 28.24 °/s] vs. 71.00°/s [SD, 28.04 °/s], P<0.05) were significantly higher in the patients with moderate AR compared with the control patients. The LV systolic basal rotation, systolic radial strain, and diastolic radial strain rate were significantly reduced in the patients with severe AR compared with the control patients. The global longitudinal, radial strain, and LV systolic diameter were the independent predictors of LV ejection fraction in the patients with AR (R2=0.77). The LV systolic basal rotation in the control patients, diastolic longitudinal strain rate and systolic longitudinal strain in the patients with moderate and severe AR, respectively, were independent predictors of LV diastolic filling. Conclusions. LV long-axis dysfunction with an increased apical rotation was present in the patients with moderate AR, while LV radial function and systolic basal rotation were found to be reduced in more advanced disease. LV diastolic filling depended on diastolic and systolic LV strain and rotation components in the patients with AR

    Prognostication of late left ventricular systolic dysfunction in patients with acute coronary syndrome during the acute period

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    The aim of the study was to create the model of the combination of clinical and echocardiographic determinants during the acute period of acute coronary syndromes for the prognostication of the risk for left ventricular dysfunction after one year. We examined 565 patients with first-time acute coronary syndrome with no recurrence during one-year period. The studied group consisted of 496 patients, and the examined group – of 69 patients. All patients with acute coronary syndrome within the first three days underwent the evaluation of demographic, anamnesis, clinical indicators, risk factors for ischemic heart disease, ECG, and echocardiographic findings for the prognostication of the risk of left ventricular dysfunction after one year. Multiple logistic regression analysis was applied for the identification of independent determinants for the prognostication of left ventricular dysfunction, and three risk groups were identified. The prognostic informative value of the model was verified by comparing the incidence of left ventricular systolic dysfunction in risk groups after one year between the studied and the control groups. Results. After one year, left ventricular systolic dysfunction (left ventricular ejection fraction <40%) in the presence of acute coronary syndrome remained in more than half (65.3%) of patients and returned to normal (left ventricular ejection fraction ³40%) in one-third of patients (34.7%). Left ventricular systolic function that was normal during the acute period of coronary syndrome remained such in the majority (80.9%) of patients after one year, whereas one-fifth (19.1%) of patients developed left ventricular systolic dysfunction [...]

    Informative value of clinical markers for the risk of cardiovascular death in postinfarction chronic heart failure

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    Symptomatic chronic heart failure (CHF) in patients with previous myocardial infarction results in a high risk of death.The aim of the study was to determine the informative value of different clinical markers and their combinations for cardiovascular death risk evaluation in case of CHF after Q-wave myocardial infarction (MI). METHODS: Two hundred and twenty-four patients with congestive heart failure NYHA class II-IV after Q-wave MI were followed-up for five years (median 2.6 +/- 2.0 years). The probability of cardiovascular death was evaluated using Kaplan-Meier curves, the impact of clinical variables on the risk of death, and adjusted risk of death were evaluated using Cox proportional regression method, and the total risk score of death was determined using the multivariate regression method. RESULTS: The probability of cardiovascular death within the first year was 21%, within two years 40%, within three years 55%, within four years 61%, and within five years 65%. According to the risk of death, the independent predictors were allotted a risk score which was determined for all patients and had shown a strong association with 5-year cardiovascular mortality. Patients with a risk score of 9, versus those with a score of 0, were found to have a 15-fold increase in cardiovascular mortality rate. CONCLUSION: The probability of cumulative cardiovascular mortality within five years in case of a symptomatic CHF after Q-wave MI was 65%. In the presence of risk factor combinations, the probability of death within three years reached 98%Kauno medicinos universitetasKauno medicinos universiteto Kardiologijos instituta

    99m-TC-MIBI miokardo perfuzijos tyrimo vertė diferencijuojant kairiojo skilvelio sistolinės visų segmentų disfunkcijos sąlygoto širdies nepakankamumo priežastis

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    Įvadas. Kairiojo skilvelio sistolinė visų segmentų disfunkcija gali būti sąlygota idiopatinės dilatacinės kardiomiopatijos ir išeminės kilmės kairiojo skilvelio pažeidimo bei pasireikšti panašia širdies nepakankamumo simptomatika. Šio tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti pradinių 99mTc-MIBI ramybės būsenos miokardo perfuzijos defektų diagnostinę vertę diferencijuojant šias dvi širdies nepakankamumo priežastis.Tyrimo medžiaga ir metodai. Išanalizuoti 43 ligonių, kuriems nustatyta kairiojo skilvelio sistolinė visų segmentų disfunkcija (kai kairiojo skilvelio galinis diastolinis diametras buvo ³65 mm, išstūmio frakcija (IF) £40 proc.), echokardiografijos, koronarografijos bei miokardo pozitronų emisinės tomografijos, atliktos su 99mTc-MIBI, duomenys. Idiopatinė dilatacinė kardiomiopatija buvo nustatyta 26 ligoniams (1 grupė), išeminės kilmės širdies nepakankamumas – 17 ligonių (2 grupė). Visiems ligoniams nustatyta miokardo perfuzijos defektų plotas bei laipsnis trijuose vainikinės kraujotakos baseinuose. Rezultatai. Kairės vainikinės arterijos priekinės tarpskilvelinės šakos ir dešinės vainikinės arterijos zonų perfuzijos defektų plotas sergančiųjų idiopatine dilatacine kardiomiopatija buvo mažesnis nei sergančiųjų išeminės kilmės širdies nepakankamumu: 1,43±0,9 ir 2,53±0,53, p=0,001 bei 2,19±0,6 ir 2,82±0,56, p=0,02. Miokardo perfuzijos defektų laipsnis tose pačiose vainikinės kraujotakos zonose buvo taip pat mažesnis: 1,39±0,93 ir 2,59±0,6, p=0,001 bei 1,6±0,46 ir 2,71±0,15, p=0,001. Miokardo perfuzijos defektų plotas ir laipsnis juosiančiosios šakos zonoje buvo panašūs. Naudodamiesi logistinės regresijos analize, išvedėme formulę širdies nepakankamumo priežasčiai prognozuoti: x=2,52MPDPrca+2,47MPDPlad+2,21MPDLrca. Idiopatinę dilatacinę kardiomiopatiją galima prognozuoti kai x£16, o IŠN, kai x>16. [...]Objective. The global left ventricular systolic impairment with left ventricular dilatation can manifest due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy or ischemic heart disease and can present a similar clinical picture of severe heart failure. The aim of our investigation was to assess a differential diagnostic value of resting (99m)Tc-MIBI myocardial perfusion defects in evaluation of the etiology of heart failure. Material and methods. The data of 2D echocardiography, coronary angiography, and myocardial gated single photon emission computed tomography with (99m)Tc-MIBI investigation were evaluated in 43 patients with global left ventricular systolic impairment, characterized by left ventricular end-diastolic diameter of > or =65 mm and ejection fraction of 16. The sensitivity in predicting idiopathic dilative cardiomyopathy was 94.44%, and the specificity was 88.24%. Conclusion. The difference in the area and degree of (99m)Tc-MIBI myocardial perfusion [...]Lietuvos sveikatos mokslų universitetasLietuvos sveikatos mokslų universiteto Medicinos akademijos Kardiologijos instituta