803 research outputs found

    Functional Cinematic Elements in Works of Alberts Bels: Allusions, Themes and ClichƩs

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    Alberts Bels is a Latvian author whose literary works contain the most notable cinematic elements in Latvian literature. He is also one of those authors who uses a lot of functional cinematic elements alongside with structural ones. Both of these cinematic elements frame the intertextual depth of a text and also make characters dynamic, understandable and ironically toned for a reader


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    The article analyses development of coping strategies and coping resources using in adolescence. Adolescents are often not able to cope with stressful situations because their coping strategies still forming, that leads to academic performance reduction. Therefore, a pedagogical support program for developing coping strategies in adolescents is crucial, and it was elaborated and approved as a formative experiment method. Results revealed that after the implementation of pedagogical support program in the experimental group there were identified effective coping strategies. Also, it was observed that the academic achievement level increased and the stress level decreased in the experimental group


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    Aprites ekonomika virza mÅ«su Ŕībrīža ierasto lineārās ekonomiskās izaugsmes sistēmu jaunā virzienā ā€“ atkritumu novērÅ”anā un no atkritumiem atgÅ«to materiālu izmantoÅ”anā jaunu produktu ražoÅ”anai. Ierasti atkritumu atgÅ«Å”anas potenciāls tiek saistÄ«ts ar cieto sadzÄ«ves atkritumu klasi, ko raksturo vairāki aspekti: ā€¢ regulārs, samērā viegli prognozējams atkritumu plÅ«smas daudzums; ā€¢ samērā viegli prognozējams atkritumu plÅ«smas sastāvs, t. sk. zemāks risks bÄ«stamu atkritumu iekļūŔanai atkritumu plÅ«smā; ā€¢ pieejama infrastruktÅ«ra savāktās atkritumu plÅ«smas pārŔķiroÅ”anai. LÄ«dz Å”im nav detalizēti pētÄ«ts veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes iestādēs radÄ«to atkritumu atgÅ«Å”anas potenciāls. Tajās lÄ«dz pat 85% no kopējās atkritumu plÅ«smas veido nebÄ«stamie atkritumi (Ŕķirojamie atkritumi (papÄ«rs, plastmasa, stikls, pārtikas atlikumi) un jauktie sadzÄ«ves nebÄ«stamie atkritumi), bet atlikuÅ”o daļu veido bÄ«stamie veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes atkritumi. Saskaņā ar Pasaules VeselÄ«bas organizācijas definēto klasifikāciju medicÄ«nas atkritumi ir atkritumi, kas rodas cilvēku un dzÄ«vnieku izmeklÄ“Å”anas, aprÅ«pes un imunizācijas procesos. Savukārt veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes atkritumu termins ir plaŔāks ā€“ atkritumi, kas veidojas veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes procesā un kas var bÅ«t bioloÄ£iski, Ä·Ä«miski vai fizikāli bÄ«stami. Par galvenajām bÄ«stamÄ«bas Ä«paŔībām veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes atkritumu gadÄ«jumā tiek uzskatÄ«tas: ā€¢ infekciozitāte ā€“ atkritumi, kas satur dzÄ«votspējÄ«gus mikroorganismus vai to toksÄ«nus, par kuriem ir zināms vai domājams, ka tie var izraisÄ«t cilvēku vai citu dzÄ«vu organismu saslimÅ”anuā€œ; ā€¢ toksiskums ā€“ atkritumi, kas pēc vienreizējas vai atkārtotas iedarbÄ«bas var bÅ«t toksiski noteiktiem mērÄ·a orgāniem vai kas izraisa akÅ«tu toksisku iedarbÄ«bu pēc ieelpoÅ”anas; ā€¢ kancerogenitāte ā€“ atkritumi, kas izraisa vēzi vai palielina tā raÅ”anās iespējamÄ«bu. Latvijā daudzprofila slimnÄ«cā katru dienu rodas no 1,1 lÄ«dz 1,4 kg atkritumu uz vienu gultas vietu. LÄ«dzÅ”inējā apsaimniekoÅ”anas prakse ietver bÄ«stamo infekciozo atkritumu apstrādi, pēc kura atkritumi tiek uzskatÄ«ti par nebÄ«stamiem un tiek transportēti uz sadzÄ«ves atkritumu poligoniem. Ņemot vērā, ka lÄ«dz pat 80% no apstrādātajiem atkritumiem veido plastmasa un tekstils, bÅ«tu lietderÄ«gi apsvērt Å”o materiālu atgÅ«Å”anas iespējas. Novērtējumā ir izmantota kombinētā pieeja, t. i., statistisko datu un multikritēriju analÄ«ze. Tas ļauj ne vien veikt kvantitatÄ«vo un kvalitatÄ«vo analÄ«zi, bet arÄ« piedāvā lēmumpieņēmējiem algoritmu dažādu veselÄ«bas aprÅ«pes atkritumu apsaimniekoÅ”anas attÄ«stÄ«bas scenāriju izvērtÄ“Å”anai. Par pētÄ«juma objektiem ir izvēlētas divas reÄ£ionālās daudzprofila slimnÄ«cas ā€“ viena Latgalē un viena Kurzemē. PētÄ«jums tapis Valsts pētÄ«jumu programmā ā€žLATENERGIā€œ


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    The article contains information on waste management problems in Rezekne and Latvia. Examples of solving similar problems in Italy and Belgium are described. Data on waste management in the EU are mentioned


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    The article contains information on the water quality of Spruzeva village wells, which was determined by chemical and microbiological indicators. Methods of detection have been described. The analysis of the obtained chemical and microbiological research results and comparison with the drinking water quality targets were carried out. Since microbiological and chemical contamination has been detected in the studied wells, proposals have been made to improve water quality


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    Corporate income tax is one of the important taxes that provide revenues to the state budget. Article contains a comparison between Latvian and Lithuanian existing legislation relating to corporate income tax, studied differences between the tax rates, tax base, tax period and taxpayers. Were described differences that are related to the advance payment calculation, as well as created an example that shows how advance payments are calculated in Latvian and Lithuanian companies. As a result, it was found that there are several common features in the Latvian and Lithuanian legislation, with regard to corporate income tax, for example, the tax payers, taxation period, tax rate, the taxable amount. But there are several differences, such as the nuances of rates for non-residents, depending on the type of revenue, advance payment deadlines and other particularities of the calculation of the advance payments. Also differ corporate income tax payment deadlines. It was concluded that making advance payments in Lithuanian enterprises is more profitable, because it was calculated that at the same conditions, the amount of advances in Lithuania is lower than in Latvia


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    Leader is the one who uses collaboration which is based upon mutual relationship and enhances further mutual communication and cooperation in the organisation. This research is aimed at addressing whether there is a relationship between the leadership style and LMX (LMX - Leader-Member Exchange) on the basis of ā€žRÄ«gas siltumsā€ company in order to develop recommendations to the studied companyā€™s management and also to management of other companies on the matters of relationship quality improvement. The main tasks are to distinguish the features of various leadership styles within the company, as well as to realise the meaning of the concept of LMX and find out how LMX is evaluated within the company; on the grounds of collected data elaborate conclusions and perspectives for the future studies. Applying the Managerial grid and LMX scale instruments the questionnaire for the employees and the managers was created. It was found that in the company there is a rather high relationship quality among the leaders and subordinates. It was also proven that there is a relationship between the Leadership style oriented to personality and the Leader ā€“ member exchange

    Glycation and metabolic syndrome in the skin premature aging

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    Purpose: In recent years, the role of advanced glycation end products (AGEs) in promoting and exacerbating metabolic and skin abnormalities has attracted much attention. In this study, we elucidated the relationship between AGE accumulation and skin characteristics, commonalities, and features in metabolic syndrome (MS) patients and controls. Methods: Caucasian male and female patients (n = 296) living in Riga, Latvia, divided into MS (n = 149) and non-MS (n = 147), were analyzed by skin lesion (epidermoid nigricans, seborrheic keratosis, actinic keratosis, age-related wrinkles, gravitational wrinkles, and facial telangiectasia). MS was diagnosed using IDF criteria. For glycative stress index, skin autofluorescence (SAF) was measured using AGE Reader, and skin AGE accumulation was evaluated. Skin findings were assessed using Dermatoscopy Dermlite for facial teleangiectasia, dermatosis and dyspigmentation. Blood biochemical analysis included oxidative stress indices (glutathione: GSH, selenoprotein: Se, superoxide dismutase: SOD, glutathione peroxidase glutathione peroxidase: GPx, and malondialdehyde: MDA). Results: The MS group showed higher body mass index (BMI) (p < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test), higher triglyceride (TG) (p < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test), lower HDL-C (p < 0.001, Mann-Whitney test), and lower Vitamin D (p = 0.05 compared to the non-MS group. For inflammatory response and oxidative stress, the MS group showed higher C-reactive protein (CRP) (p = 0.007, Mann-Whitney test), higher MDA (p = 0.006, Mann-Whitney test), and significantly equal SOD (p = 0.291). SAF, an index of glycative stress, was significantly equal in the MS group (p = 0.468). Next, we conducted a Spearman rank correlation analysis between SAF and each item. Significant correlations were found for the following items: FPG: r = 0.345 (p = 0.036, n = 37), TC: r = 0.328 (p = 0.023, n = 48), HDL-C: r = āˆ’0.399 (p = 0.019, n = 34), CRP: r = 0.372 (p = 0.028, n = 37), and CRP: r = 0.372 (p = 0.028, n = 37). No significant correlations were found with other items. Skin lesions were classified as seborrheic keratosis (n = 109), actinic keratosis (n = 25), acanthosis nigricans (n = 16), aging wrinkles (n = 126), gravity wrinkles (n = 34), facial telangiectasia (n = 242), and lentigo pigmentosa (n = 204). SAF was positively correlated with skin aging parameters of seborrheic keratosis and lentigo pigmentosa (p < 0.05) and associated with the severity of skin aging on the face using the skin aging index (p < 0.05). In skin biopsies, the expression of GLUT-1 was increased, accompanied by a decrease in the number of regulatory T cells. Conclusion: MS was associated with excess ROS and reduced antioxidant capacity. Accumulation of AGEs in the skin was strongly associated with clinical aging-related changes (seborrheic keratosis, telangiectasia, and skin wrinkles). The AGE accumulation was associated with inflammatory processes, indicating that SAF may be closely related to skin health.publishersversionPeer reviewe


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    The issue of tolerance has been actively discussed in psychology. Psychological science has to solve a number of important methodological problems related to the etiology of this term. Adolescence is the time then oneā€™s identity is being formed. This can be assumed by the authors that the pupils with a positive identity are more tolerant towards "others." The hypothesis of the study: Positive attitude influence the perception of ā€œtolerantā€ schoolchildren by the ā€œotherā€ to a greater extent. The perception of the ā€œotherā€ by ā€œintolerantā€ schoolchildren is more subject to negative stereotyping. For the purpose of the study, a methodology for measuring tolerance was developed. It included scales of measuring interpersonal and intergroup tolerance. In addition, expert teachers avaluation of pupils were used. Based on their assessments, two groups of pupils were formed. One of them experts rated as ā€œgoodā€ pupils. They received higher marks on the tolerance scale. The second group of pupils, according to the expertsā€™ evaluation, had serious problems with discipline at school. They received low marks on the tolerance scale. This group of pupils was called "hooligans." The results of the study indicate that tolerant students have no significant differences in the perception of ā€œthemselvesā€ and ā€œstrangers.ā€ The perception of ā€œhooligansā€ shows a polarization effect: ā€œtheyā€ are perceived only positively but "strangers". Ā 

    Research Into Biological Characterictics of Dried Sapropel

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    Microbiological characteristics of dried sapropel of Lake RuÅ”ona and Lake Ubagova and concrete containing sapropel and hemp sheaves (Ubagova Lake) have been studied. The antimicrobial activity was studied by thereference test culturesStaphylococcus aureusĀ  ATCC 25923, Salmonella enteritidis ATCC 13076, Enterococcus faecalisĀ  ATCC 29212, Bacillus cereusĀ  ATCC 10876, Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Candida albicans ATCC 10231. Antibacterial activity on Staphylococcus aureus reference test cultures is stated in RuÅ”ona Lake sample before treatment with UV rays. Antibacterial activity is not stated in Ubagova Lake sapropel sample. 20 minutesā€™ long UV ray treatment is not long enough to prevent the growth of sapropel materials. Both RuÅ”ona Lake and Ubagova Lake samples contain microorganisms that start growing and intensively reproducing in favourable conditions. When in contact with humidity, at the temperature from 18 to 37Ā± 1 0C, mold colonies form on concrete containing sapropel and hemp sheaves, for this reason this material should not get in contact with humidity when used in construction.
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