30 research outputs found
Collection of Pteridophytes in the Herbarium of the University of Silesia (KTU)
The collection of Pteridophytes (Lycopodiophyta, Psilotophyta, Equisetophyta, Polypodiophyta) contains at present (2004) over 2100 specimens representing 44 genera and over 132 taxa – species and subspecies.
This collection originates mainly the area of the Upper Silesia and adjoining regions as well as from the whole territory of Poland and from different parts of the world (e.g. Mediterranean Region, Eastern and Western Europe, Asia, North and South America). The KTU collection documents botanical scientific researches and includes materials from inter-herbarium exchange and partially from private herbaria donated as gifts. Good
conditions of storage and accessibility of collections provide the opportunity of work with the resources of the herbarium on site
Was reduced pollen viability in Viola tricolor L. the result of heavy metal pollution or rather the tests applied?
We used different tests to assess the effect of high soil concentrations of heavy metals on pollen viability in plants
from metallicolous (MET) and nonmetallicolous (NONMET) populations. The frequency of viable pollen depended
on the test applied: MET plants showed no significant reduction of pollen viability by acetocarmine,
Alexander, MTT and X-Gal dye testing, but a drastic reduction of pollen viability in MET flowers (MET 56% vs
72% NONMET) by the FDA test. There was no correlation between pollen viability estimated in histochemical
tests and pollen germination in vitro or in vivo. We discuss the terminology used to describe pollen viability as
determined by histochemical tests
Use of Ricinus communis L. for recultivation of areas polluted by heavy metals – preliminary research
tekst w j. pol. i ang.Cele pracy
- określenie zdolności do kiełkowania i wzrostu Ricinus communis na podłożu ze zwałowisk zanieczyszczonych metalami ciężkimi,
- określenie przydatności nawozu Emfarma w procesie fitoremediacji podłoża pochodzącego ze zwałowisk zanieczyszczonych metalami ciężkimi,
- określenie przydatności odmiany zielono- lub czerwonolistnej rącznika pospolitego w procesie rekultywacji wybranych zwałowis
Effect of abiotic factors on accumulation of heavy metals by Canadian Goldenrod (Solidago canadensis L.)
tekst w j. pol. i ang.Celem pracy była (1) ocena kumulacji Zn, Pb i Cd przez Solidago canadensis w korzeniu i części nadziemnej oraz (2) ocena wpływu parametrów fizyko-chemicznych podłoża na stopień akumulacji metali przez rośliny z terenów o różnym stopniu zanieczyszczenia podłoża
Skuteczność i koszty leczenia raka jajnika w Polsce – ujęcie regionalne
Ovarian cancer (OC) affects over 3 000 women in Poland annually. The efficacy of the therapy remains relatively low
due to challenges of systematic improvement in the early detection OC rates. International comparisons indicate
a positive correlation between health expenditures and 5-year survival rates of cancer patients. To the best of our
knowledge, our study has been the first to present a correlation between the 5-year survival rates (SRs) and the
cost of ovarian cancer therapy in particular regions of Poland.
Material and methods: The study was based on the National Health Fund (NHF) data, available in the Disease
Treatment Registry. The analysis included approximately 13 000 OC patients who started their treatment between
2005 and 2008 to allow for the evaluation of long-term therapy results. The 5-year survival rates were analyzed in
relation to average NHF expenditures in various regions of Poland, distinguishing the population of patients aged
45-64 years.
Results: The 5-year survival rate in the cohorts diagnosed in 2005 and 2008 changed marginally, from 42% to
43%, maintaining relatively large differences between the regions (from 35% to 53% in patients diagnosed in 2008).
The NHF expenditures in particular regions differed significantly: mean cost for the entire treatment cycle ranged
from 31.600 PLN do 58.000 PLN per person among patients diagnosed in 2008. No significant correlation between
the survival and the cost was found.
Conclusions: SRs of OC patients in particular regions of Poland are not correlated with average treatment cost.
Thus, the differences in SRs between various regions of Poland have their source in other factors, e.g. clinical
stage at diagnosis, or prevailing treatment patterns in the given region. Further studies may decrease regional
discrepancies in patient care and SRs in OC subjects.Wstęp: W Polsce na raka jajnika zachorowuje corocznie ponad trzy tysiące kobiet. Ponieważ w praktyce trudno
osiągnąć sytuację systematycznego, wczesnego wykrywania tej choroby, skuteczność jej leczenia jest relatywnie
niska. Analiza danych zagranicznych pozwala stwierdzić występowanie korelacji wydatków na opiekę zdrowotną
z 5-letnim przeżyciem pacjentów leczonych na chorobę nowotworową. W niniejszym opracowaniu, po raz pierwszy
w Polsce, zbadano dane w ujęciu wojewódzkim, dotyczące 5-letniego przeżycia chorych na raka jajnika oraz
wydatków na ich leczenie.
Materiał i metody: W pracy wykorzystano dane pochodzące z Rejestru Leczenia Chorób Narodowego Funduszu
Zdrowia. Analizie poddano blisko 13 tys. nowych potwierdzonych przypadków raka jajnika (początek leczenia
w latach 2005–2008), aby umożliwić obserwację odległych wyników zastosowanej terapii. Dokonano analizy
porównawczej wskaźników 5-letniego przeżycia oraz wydatków na leczenie w całym cyklu terapeutycznym,
wyróżniając grupę pacjentek w wieku od 45 do 64 lat.
Wyniki: Wartości wskaźników 5-letniego przeżycia pacjentek leczonych na raka jajnika wzrosły średnio
w kohortach chorych, zdiagnozowanych w latach 2005–2008, z poziomu 42% do 43%, notując dużą rozpiętość
w poszczególnych województwach (35%–53% w grupie pacjentek rozpoczynających leczenie w roku 2008).
Znaczne różnice między województwami stwierdzono również w wydatkach na leczenie (31 tys.–58 tys. złotych
na osobę w całym cyklu terapeutycznym, w grupie pacjentek rozpoczynających leczenie w roku 2008). Nie
zaobserwowano jednak występowania, statystycznie istotnej, korelacji 5-letniego przeżycia chorych na raka jajnika
z wydatkami na ich leczenie.
Wnioski: Zestawienie wskaźników przeżycia 5-letniego w populacji chorych na raka jajnika ze średnimi wydatkami
poszczególnych województw na ich leczenie nie wskazuje występowania istotnej statystycznie korelacji wydatków
z efektami leczenia. Wobec tego przyczyn różnic występujących w wynikach leczenia należy szukać gdzie indziej.
Być może wiążą się ze stopniem zaawansowania nowotworu w chwili rozpoczęcia leczenia lub z wyborem sposobu
leczenia (treatment patterns). Pogłębienie tej analizy oraz identyfikacja i zrozumienie przyczyn występujących różnic
mogą prowadzić do zmniejszenia regionalnych nierówności w zakresie wyników leczenia chorych na raka jajnika
w Polsce
Trying to predict the unpredictable: Variations in device-based daily monitored diagnostic parameters can predict malignant arrhythmic events in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy
Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the value of device-based diagnostic parameters in predicting ventricular arrhythmias in cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT) recipients. Methods: Ninety-six CRT-D patients participating in TRUST CRT Trial were analyzed. The inclusion criteria were: heart failure in NYHA ≥ 3 class, QRS ≥ 120 ms, LVEF £ 35% and significant mechanical dyssynchrony. Patients were divided into those with (n = 31, 92 arrhythmias) and without (n = 65) appropriate ICD interventions within follow-up of 12.03 ± 6.7 months. Daily monitored device-based parameters: heart rate (HR), thoracic impedance (TI), HR variability and physical activity were analyzed in 4 time windows: within 10, 7, 3 days and 1 day before appropriate ICD interventions. Results: A consistent pattern of changes in three monitored factors was observed prior to arrhythmia: 1) a gradual increase of day HR (from 103.43% of reference within 10-day window to 105.55% one day before, all p < 0.05 vs. reference); 2) variations in night HR (104.75% in 3 days, 107.65% one day before, all p < 0.05) and 3) TI decrease (from 97.8% in 10 days to 96.81% one day before, all p < 0.05). The combination of three parameters had better predictive value, which improved further after exclusion of patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The predictive model combining HR and TI together with LVEF and NT-proBNP was more prognostic than the model involving LVEF and NT-proBNP alone (difference in AUC 0.05, 95% CI 0.0005–0.09, p = 0.04). Conclusions: Daily device-monitored parameters show significant variations prior to ventricular arrhythmia. Combination of multiple parameters improves arrhythmia predictive performance by its additive value to baseline risk factors, while presence of AF diminishes it.
Long-term outcomes of cardiac resynchronization therapy are worse in patients who require atrioventricular junction ablation for atrial fibrillation than in those with sinus rhythm
Background: The aim of the study was to assess the impact of atrial fibrillation (AF) with and without the need for atrioventricular junction (AVJ) ablation on outcomes in patients undergoing cardiac resynchronization therapy (CRT).Methods: A single center cohort of 200 consecutive CRT patients was divided into three groups: 1) AF with CRT pacing < 95% in which AVJ ablation was performed (AF-ABL, n = 40; 20%), 2) AF without the need for AVJ ablation (AF-non ABL, n = 40; 20%), 3) sinus rhythm (SR, n = 120; 60%). All patients were assessed before CRT implantation and at 6-month follow-up. Positive clinical response to CRT was considered alive status without the need for heart transplantation and improvement ≥ 1 NYHA after 6 months. The comparative analysis among all study groups with respect to response-rate and long-term survival was performed.Results: The 6-month response-rate in both AF-ABL and AF-nonABL was significantly lower than in SR (52.5 and 50 vs.77.5%, respectively; both p < 0.017), though there were no differences in baseline characteristics among study groups apart from higher baseline NT-proBNP levels in AF-ABL. However, after adjustment for this confounder, and despite optimal CRT pacing burden in study groups, the remote all-cause mortality during median follow-up of 36.1 months was significantly higher in AF-ABL than in SR (adjusted HR = 2.57, 95% CI 1.09–6.02, p = 0.03). What is more, no difference in long-term survival between SR and AF-nonABL was observed.Conclusions: Despite the improvement of CRT pacing burden and thus response-rate up to the level of AF subjects without the need for ablation, the long-term survival of AF patients requiring AVJ ablation remains still worse than in SR