625 research outputs found

    Exact calculation of thermodynamical quantities of the integrable t-J model

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    The specific heat and the compressibility for the integrable t-J model are calculated showing Luttinger liquid behavior for low temperatures. A Trotter-Suzuki mapping and the quantum transfer matrix approach are utilized. Using an algebraic Bethe ansatz this method permits the exact calculation of the free energy and related quantities. A set of just two non-linear integral equations determining these quantities is studied for various particle densities and temperatures. The structure of the specific heat is discussed in terms of the elementary charge as well as spin excitations.Comment: 4 pages, 5 Postscript figures, uses epsf.sty and revtex, tar'ed, gzip'ed and uuencode

    On the efficiency of stochastic volume sources for the determination of light meson masses

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    We investigate the efficiency of single timeslice stochastic sources for the calculation of light meson masses on the lattice as one varies the quark mass. Simulations are carried out with Nf = 2 flavours of non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions for pion masses in the range of 450 - 760 MeV. Results for pseudoscalar and vector meson two-point correlation functions computed using stochastic as well as point sources are presented and compared. At fixed computational cost the stochastic approach reduces the variance considerably in the pseudoscalar channel for all simulated quark masses. The vector channel is more affected by the intrinsic stochastic noise. In order to obtain stable estimates of the statistical errors and a more pronounced plateau for the effective vector meson mass, a relatively large number of stochastic sources must be used.Comment: 18 pages, 6 figure

    Excited state TBA and functional relations in spinless Fermion model

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    The excited state thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (TBA) equations for the spinless Fermion model are presented by the quantum transfer matrix (QTM) approach. We introduce a more general family called T-functions and explore functional relations among them (T-system) and their certain combinations (Y-system). {}From their analytical property, we derive a closed set of non-linear integral equations which characterize the correlation length of at any finite temperatures. Solving these equations numerically, we explicitly determine the correlation length, which coincides with earlier results with high accuracy.Comment: 4 page

    The decay constants fD{\mathbf{f_D}} and fDs{\mathbf{f_{D_{s}}}} in the continuum limit of Nf=2+1{\mathbf{N_f=2+1}} domain wall lattice QCD

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    We present results for the decay constants of the DD and DsD_s mesons computed in lattice QCD with Nf=2+1N_f=2+1 dynamical flavours. The simulations are based on RBC/UKQCD's domain wall ensembles with both physical and unphysical light-quark masses and lattice spacings in the range 0.11--0.07\,fm. We employ the domain wall discretisation for all valence quarks. The results in the continuum limit are fD=208.7(2.8)stat(1.8+2.1)sysMeVf_D=208.7(2.8)_\mathrm{stat}\left(^{+2.1}_{-1.8}\right)_\mathrm{sys}\,\mathrm{MeV} and fDs=246.4(1.3)stat(1.9+1.3)sysMeVf_{D_{s}}=246.4(1.3)_\mathrm{stat}\left(^{+1.3}_{-1.9}\right)_\mathrm{sys}\,\mathrm{MeV} and fDs/fD=1.1667(77)stat(43+57)sysf_{D_s}/f_D=1.1667(77)_\mathrm{stat}\left(^{+57}_{-43}\right)_\mathrm{sys}. Using these results in a Standard Model analysis we compute the predictions Vcd=0.2185(50)exp(37+35)lat|V_{cd}|=0.2185(50)_\mathrm{exp}\left(^{+35}_{-37}\right)_\mathrm{lat} and Vcs=1.011(16)exp(9+4)lat|V_{cs}|=1.011(16)_\mathrm{exp}\left(^{+4}_{-9}\right)_\mathrm{lat} for the CKM matrix elements

    Commuting quantum transfer matrix approach to intrinsic Fermion system: Correlation length of a spinless Fermion model

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    The quantum transfer matrix (QTM) approach to integrable lattice Fermion systems is presented. As a simple case we treat the spinless Fermion model with repulsive interaction in critical regime. We derive a set of non-linear integral equations which characterize the free energy and the correlation length of for arbitrary particle density at any finite temperatures. The correlation length is determined by solving the integral equations numerically. Especially in low temperature limit this result agrees with the prediction from conformal field theory (CFT) with high accuracy.Comment: 17 page

    An exploratory study of heavy domain wall fermions on the lattice

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    We report on an exploratory study of domain wall fermions (DWF) as a lattice regularisation for heavy quarks. Within the framework of quenched QCD with the tree-level improved Symanzik gauge action we identify the DWF parameters which minimise discretisation effects. We find the corresponding effective 4dd overlap operator to be exponentially local, independent of the quark mass. We determine a maximum bare heavy quark mass of amh0.4am_h\approx 0.4, below which the approximate chiral symmetry and O(a)-improvement of DWF are sustained. This threshold appears to be largely independent of the lattice spacing. Based on these findings, we carried out a detailed scaling study for the heavy-strange meson dispersion relation and decay constant on four ensembles with lattice spacings in the range 2.05.7GeV2.0-5.7\,\mathrm{GeV}. We observe very mild a2a^2 scaling towards the continuum limit. Our findings establish a sound basis for heavy DWF in dynamical simulations of lattice QCD with relevance to Standard Model phenomenology.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    The Hubbard chain at finite temperatures: ab initio calculations of Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid properties

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    We present a novel treatment of finite temperature properties of the one-dimensional Hubbard model. Our approach is based on a Trotter-Suzuki mapping utilizing Shastry's classical model and a subsequent investigation of the quantum transfer matrix. We derive non-linear integral equations for three auxiliary functions which have a clear physical interpretation of elementary excitations of spin type and charge excitations in lower and upper Hubbard bands. This allows for a transparent analytical study of certain limiting cases as well as for precise numerical investigations. We present data for the specific heat, magnetic and charge susceptibilities for various particle densities and coupling strengths U. The structure exposed by these curves is discussed in terms of the elementary charge and spin excitations. Special emphasis is placed on the study of the low-temperature behavior within our ab initio approach confirming the scaling predictions by Tomonaga-Luttinger liquid theory. In addition we make contact with the ``dressed energy'' formalism established for the analysis of ground state properties.Comment: 33 pages including 24 Postscript figure

    Birth and destruction of collective oscillations in a network of two populations of coupled type 1 neurons

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    We study the macroscopic dynamics of large networks of excitable type 1 neurons composed of two populations interacting with disparate but symmetric intra- and inter-population coupling strengths. This nonuniform coupling scheme facilitates symmetric equilibria, where both populations display identical firing activity, characterized by either quiescent or spiking behavior, or asymmetric equilibria, where the firing activity of one population exhibits quiescent but the other exhibits spiking behavior. Oscillations in the firing rate are possible if neurons emit pulses with non-zero width but are otherwise quenched. Here, we explore how collective oscillations emerge for two statistically identical neuron populations in the limit of an infinite number of neurons. A detailed analysis reveals how collective oscillations are born and destroyed in various bifurcation scenarios and how they are organized around higher codimension bifurcation points. Since both symmetric and asymmetric equilibria display bistable behavior, a large configuration space with steady and oscillatory behavior is available. Switching between configurations of neural activity is relevant in functional processes such as working memory and the onset of collective oscillations in motor control

    Signal at subleading order in lattice HQET

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    We discuss the correlators in lattice HQET that are needed to go beyond the static theory. Based on our implementation in the Schr\"odinger functional we focus on their signal-to-noise ratios and check that a reasonable statistical precision can be reached in quantities like fBsf_{B_s} and MBMBM_{B^\star}-M_B.Comment: 3 pages, Lattice2004(heavy), v2: corrected definition of X^{kin/spin