38 research outputs found

    Using Work Values to Predict Post‐Retirement Work Intentions

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    Work values might be proximal predictors of individuals' late‐career intentions because they serve as guiding principles for the selection, evaluation, and justification of vocational behavior. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between work values and post‐retirement work intentions. The authors investigated individual work values within the structure of 4 higher order values elaborated on by Schwartz et al. (2012). Relationships between work values and 4 types of post‐retirement work intentions were examined. Data from 1,071 employees of a German logistics company were used to test the hypotheses. The results of a structural equation model indicated that work values were differentially related to the 4 types of post‐retirement work intentions. The identified work value–work type combinations add to the literature on post‐retirement work. Practice implications for promoting positive individual and organizational outcomes are drawn from the results

    Being perceived as a knowledge sender or knowledge receiver: A multistudy investigation of the effect of age on knowledge transfer

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    As a result of demographic changes, workforces are becoming older and more age diverse. While interactions between workers from different age groups can provide opportunities for mutual learning through bidirectional knowledge transfer, research has yet to investigate how age influences knowledge transfer between age-diverse colleagues. Building on the organizational theory of age effects, we conducted two studies to examine how age influenced the roles assigned to individuals in knowledge transfer processes, that is, whether they were perceived as knowledge senders or knowledge recipients. In Study 1, we used an experimental vignette design with 450 employees to assess how age affected perceived ability and motivation to share and receive knowledge. Further, we tested the extent to which trustworthiness moderated these relationships. In Study 2, we extended these findings using a dyadic research design with data from 53 age-diverse knowledge transfer dyads. We examined through which mechanisms the age of one's colleague affected one's knowledge transfer behaviour. We found that the age of one's colleague had a positive effect on one's knowledge receiving behaviour and a negative effect on one's knowledge sharing behaviour. Further, perceived ability to receive knowledge and perceived motivation to share knowledge mediated these effects

    Networking: Theoretical foundations and construct validity

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    Wolff H-G, Moser K, Grau A. Networking: Theoretical foundations and construct validity. In: Deller J, ed. Readings in applied organizational behavior from the Lüneburg symposium - Personality at work. Mering: Rainer Hampp; 2008: 101-118

    Repatriate knowledge transfer: Antecedents and boundary conditions of a dyadic process

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    In this study, we build on the ability-motivation-opportunity framework to test whether both repatriates’ disseminative capacity and domestic employees’ absorptive capacity as well as their opportunities for interaction affect repatriate knowledge transfer. Further, we examine the moderating effects of two distinctive factors associated with repatriate knowledge transfer: repatriate knowledge characteristics and characteristics of international assignments. Using multi-source time-lagged data from 101 dyads, we find support for most of our hypotheses. Our study contributes to theory and practice by providing an integrated analysis of antecedents and boundary conditions of repatriate knowledge transfer and by highlighting its dyadic nature

    Knowledge Retention From Older and Retiring Workers: What Do We Know, and Where Do We Go From Here?

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    The aging and shrinking of skilled workforces already has been, and will continue to be, a major challenge for organizations, particularly in highly developed economies. In light of the massive wave of retirements of members of the baby boomer generation, the retention of valuable organizational knowledge from older and retiring workers has been identified as an urgent need. Surprisingly, research on this specific area of knowledge transfers in organizations is scarce, the nature and antecedents of the knowledge retention process are not yet well understood, and an integrated conceptual framework is missing. As a first step to address these limitations, we conducted a systematic literature review. We summarized the existing literature on knowledge retention according to the 4 main antecedents of knowledge transfers: knowledge, individual, relationship, and contextual characteristics. Furthermore, we examined the nature of the knowledge retention process and identified theories that can explain the proposed relationships. We developed a conceptual framework of knowledge retention that specifies the most relevant antecedents, clarifies how this process unfolds, and summarizes the theoretical foundations. Finally, we utilized the conceptual framework to propose research questions, to identify avenues for future research, and to derive implications for practitioners

    Activities in Retirement: Individual Experience of Silver Work

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    One consequence of demographic change is a longer average remaining lifetime after retirement. Many people, however, remain able and willing to continue work after reaching the statutory retirement age. Given the predicted shortage of skilled workers in the future, post-retirement activities have the potential to contribute to both organisations and society. This article elaborates the prerequisites for productivity in retirement age and the changed nature of retirement at present.It also quantifies the extent to which activities are continued at retirement age. Paid employment still occurs beyond the applicable retirement age, whereby with increasing age, self-employed persons and assistant family members make up the lion’s share of the statistics. An empirical study shows the concrete situation of active retirees and the prerequisites for post-retirement activities. At the explorative level, individual experiences of the transition into retirement, the reasons for and the framework of post-retirement activities, motivational factors in job design, and physical and intellectual demands before and after retirement are characterised. The qualitative data indicate that retirement entails changes towards more flexible structures in everyday life. Decisive reasons for taking up post-retirement activities are the desire to help, pass on knowledge or remain active; personal development and contact with others; and gaining appreciation and recognition. Flexible job design and freedom to make decisions constitute major elements in shaping post-retirement working activities. Offering autonomy, skill variety, and task significance is important for the design of post-retirement activities. The paper closes with identifying relevant research fields and the concrete need to take action at individual,  organisational, and societal levels. All in all, the transition from working life to retirement should be made flexible enough to do greater justice to the realities of life

    Activities in retirement: individual experience of silver work

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    One consequence of demographic change is a longer average remaining lifetime after retirement. Many people, however, remain able and willing to continue work after reaching the statutory retirement age. Given the predicted shortage of skilled workers in the future, post-retirement activities have the potential to contribute to both organisations and society. This article elaborates the prerequisites for productivity in retirement age and the changed nature of retirement at present.It also quantifies the extent to which activities are continued at retirement age. Paid employment still occurs beyond the applicable retirement age, whereby with increasing age, self-employed persons and assistant family members make up the lion’s share of the statistics. An empirical study shows the concrete situation of active retirees and the prerequisites for post-retirement activities. At the explorative level, individual experiences of the transition into retirement, the reasons for and the framework of post-retirement activities, motivational factors in job design, and physical and intellectual demands before and after retirement are characterised. The qualitative data indicate that retirement entails changes towards more flexible structures in everyday life. Decisive reasons for taking up post-retirement activities are the desire to help, pass on knowledge or remain active; personal development and contact with others; and gaining appreciation and recognition. Flexible job design and freedom to make decisions constitute major elements in shaping post-retirement working activities. Offering autonomy, skill variety, and task significance is important for the design of post-retirement activities. The paper closes with identifying relevant research fields and the concrete need to take action at individual, organisational, and societal levels. All in all, the transition from working life to retirement should be made flexible enough to do greater justice to the realities of life.Eine Konsequenz des demografischen Wandels ist eine durchschnittlich längere verbleibende Lebenszeit nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand. Viele Menschen bleiben auch jenseits des gesetzlichen Rentenalters leistungsfähig und -willig. Vor dem Hintergrund des prognostizierten Fachkräftemangels kann das Potenzial einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestandsalter einen Beitrag für Organisationen und Gesellschaft leisten. Dieser Artikel erläutert Bedingungen einer Produktivität im Rentenalter und die gegenwärtige Situation einer veränderten Bedeutung des Ruhestands. Das Ausmaß der Weiterbeschäftigung im Ruhestandsalter wird quantifiziert. Es besteht auch jenseits des geltenden Renteneintrittsalters noch Erwerbsarbeit, wobei Selbstständige und mithelfende Familienangehörige mit zunehmendem Alter in der Statistik überwiegen. Eine empirische Studie zeigt die konkrete Situation von aktiven Ruheständlern und Voraussetzungen einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestand. Explorativ werden das individuelle Erleben des Übergangs in den Ruhestand, Gründe und Rahmenbedingungen einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestand, Motivationsfaktoren in der Arbeitsgestaltung sowie körperliche und geistige Anforderungen in einem Vergleich vor und nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand charakterisiert. Die qualitativen Daten weisen darauf hin, dass sich mit dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand der Alltag hin zu flexibleren Strukturen verändert. Entscheidende Beweggründe bei der Aufnahme einer Tätigkeit im Ruhestand sind Helfen, Wissen weitergeben oder aktiv bleiben wollen, eigene Weiterentwicklung und der Kontakt zu Anderen sowie Wertschätzung und Anerkennung. Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung und Entscheidungsfreiheit stellen wesentliche Elemente bei der Gestaltung von nachberuflichen Tätigkeiten dar. Für eine motivationsfördernde Gestaltung einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestand sind das Anbieten von Autonomie, Vielfalt und Bedeutsamkeit wichtig. Der Beitrag schließt mit relevanten Forschungsfeldern und konkretem Handlungsbedarf auf individueller, organisationaler und gesellschaftlicher Ebene. Insgesamt sollte der Übergang vom Erwerbsleben in die Rente so flexibilisiert werden, dass er den Lebensrealitäten gerechter wird

    A practical perspective on repatriate knowledge transfer: The influence of organizational support practices

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to identify organizational support practices that facilitate repatriate knowledge transfer (RKT) in order to overcome the lack of strategic utilization of repatriate knowledge. Design/methodology/approach: In Study 1, 134 repatriates responded to an online questionnaire and evaluated the organizational support that their organizations provided to facilitate RKT. In Study 2, 22 repatriates and human resource managers were interviewed. Interviewees were asked to assess to which extent the use of seven high-performance work practices – selection and staffing, training, career development, job design, performance appraisal, compensation and rewards, and internal communication – before, during, and after international assignments facilitated RKT. They also explained how these practices were implemented in their organizations. Findings: The results of Study 1 showed that organizations primarily provide administrative repatriation support, while more strategic and knowledge transfer-related support is missing. Study 2 indicated that certain support practices are more important for the utilization of repatriate knowledge than others. Knowledge-related debriefing sessions after repatriation and targeted internal communication mechanisms were seen as important enablers of RKT. In contrast, selection and financial rewards were not seen as relevant facilitators of RKT. Originality/value: Research on RKT reports that organizations still lack the right tools to harvest repatriate knowledge. This study indicates which organizational support practices appear to be most important for the facilitation of RKT, and provides some guidance regarding their implementation

    Beschäftigung statt Ruhestand: individuelles Erleben von Silver Work

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    Eine Konsequenz des demografischen Wandels ist eine durchschnittlich längere verbleibende Lebenszeit nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand. Viele Menschen bleiben auch jenseits des gesetzlichen Rentenalters leistungsfähig und -willig. Vor dem Hintergrund des prognostizierten Fachkräftemangels kann das Potenzial einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestandsalter einen Beitrag für Organisationen und Gesellschaft leisten. Dieser Artikel erläutert Bedingungen einer Produktivität im Rentenalter und die gegenwärtige Situation einer veränderten Bedeutung des Ruhestands. Das Ausmaß der Weiterbeschäftigung im Ruhestandsalter wird quantifiziert. Es besteht auch jenseits des geltenden Renteneintrittsalters noch Erwerbsarbeit, wobei Selbstständige und mithelfende Familienangehörige mit zunehmendem Alter in der Statistik überwiegen. Eine empirische Studie zeigt die konkrete Situation von aktiven Ruheständlern und Voraussetzungen einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestand. Explorativ werden das individuelle Erleben des Übergangs in den Ruhestand, Gründe und Rahmenbedingungen einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestand, Motivationsfaktoren in der Arbeitsgestaltung sowie körperliche und geistige Anforderungen in einem Vergleich vor und nach dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand charakterisiert. Die qualitativen Daten weisen darauf hin, dass sich mit dem Eintritt in den Ruhestand der Alltag hin zu flexibleren Strukturen verändert. Entscheidende Beweggründe bei der Aufnahme einer Tätigkeit im Ruhestand sind Helfen, Wissen weitergeben oder aktiv bleiben wollen, eigene Weiterentwicklung und der Kontakt zu Anderen sowie Wertschätzung und Anerkennung. Flexible Arbeitszeitgestaltung und Entscheidungsfreiheit stellen wesentliche Elemente bei der Gestaltung von nachberuflichen Tätigkeiten dar. Für eine motivationsfördernde Gestaltung einer Beschäftigung im Ruhestand sind das Anbieten von Autonomie, Vielfalt und Bedeutsamkeit wichtig. Der Beitrag schließt mit relevanten Forschungsfeldern und konkretem Handlungsbedarf auf individueller, organisationaler und gesellschaftlicher Ebene. Insgesamt sollte der Übergang vom Erwerbsleben in die Rente so flexibilisiert werden, dass er den Lebensrealitäten gerechter wird.One consequence of demographic change is a longer average remaining lifetime after retirement. Many people, however, remain able and willing to continue work after reaching the statutory retirement age. Given the predicted shortage of skilled workers in the future, post-retirement activities have the potential to contribute to both organisations and society. This article elaborates the prerequisites for productivity in retirement age and the changed nature of retirement at present.It also quantifies the extent to which activities are continued at retirement age. Paid employment still occurs beyond the applicable retirement age, whereby with increasing age, self-employed persons and assistant family members make up the lion’s share of the statistics. An empirical study shows the concrete situation of active retirees and the prerequisites for post-retirement activities. At the explorative level, individual experiences of the transition into retirement, the reasons for and the framework of post-retirement activities, motivational factors in job design, and physical and intellectual demands before and after retirement are characterised. The qualitative data indicate that retirement entails changes towards more flexible structures in everyday life. Decisive reasons for taking up post-retirement activities are the desire to help, pass on knowledge or remain active; personal development and contact with others; and gaining appreciation and recognition. Flexible job design and freedom to make decisions constitute major elements in shaping post-retirement working activities. Offering autonomy, skill variety, and task significance is important for the design of post-retirement activities. The paper closes with identifying relevant research fields and the concrete need to take action at individual, organisational, and societal levels. All in all, the transition from working life to retirement should be made flexible enough to do greater justice to the realities of life


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    Trata-se da descrição de características de sucesso de projetos desenvolvidos em perspectivas internacionais tomando como exemplo o projeto intitulado iGOES – Generalização Internacional de Fatores de Sucesso entre Expatriados. A colocação internacional de pessoal no trabalho vem aumentando e desempenhando um papel importante para o desenvolvimento das organizações no futuro. Melhorar a performance dessas pessoas e aumentar a sua chance de sucesso nas novas situações de trabalho depende do conhecimento obtido por meio de pesquisas seguras e com instrumentos equivalentes em perspectiva internacional. O levantamento de dados em diferentes culturas sobre o tema da expatriação, a exemplo de critérios para a transferência de empregados contratados por empresas internacionais, sua adaptação aos novos ambientes culturais e o desempenho nessas novas situações têm sido estudados apenas parcialmente e de forma não sistemática. Ao mesmo tempo, pessoas com atuação gerencial e trabalhista internacional acreditam, em sua maioria, que o sucesso de empregados que se encontram nessa situação tem as mesmas características independentemente de seu país de origem ou de destino. No presente estudo se utilizaram instrumentos como entrevista, questionário e testes psicológicos para levantar conhecimento sobre a adaptação e o desempenho dos pesquisados. Com a utilização de instrumentos de pesquisa adequados, a colaboração institucional internacional e o levantamento de uma amostra que permite a generalização de seus resultados sobre empregados expatriados, o projeto iGOES se apresentou como o maior projeto no âmbito da pesquisa diagnóstica sobre expatriação, uma vez que todos os clusters culturais do mundo são levados em conta. Traduzido do original alemão por Antonio Caubi Ribeiro Tupinambá (Internationales Projektmanagement in der interkulturellen Forschung – am Beispiel des Projektes iGOES)