6 research outputs found
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Mesterséges intelligencia módszerek alkalmazása a folyamatmodellezésben = Artificial intelligence methods in process modelling
MestersĂ©ges intelligencia folyamatmĂ©rnöki alkalmazásai terĂĽletĂ©n folytattunk kutatást az alábbi rĂ©sztĂ©mákban: 1. Folyamatrendszerek számĂtĂłgĂ©ppel segĂtett modellezĂ©se Formális mĂłdszereket dolgoztunk ki folyamatrendszerek modelljeinek felállĂtására, ellenĹ‘rzĂ©sĂ©re Ă©s egyszerűsĂtĂ©sĂ©re. A folyamatrendszereket jellemzĹ‘ teljesĂtmĂ©ny- Ă©s mĂ©ret-indexek definiálásával feltĂ©teleket fogalmaztunk meg minimális modellek meghatározására. 2. Folyamatmodell ontolĂłgiák lĂ©trehozása Vizsgálatokat folytattunk folyamatrendszerek meghibásodásainak Ă©s az ezeket kiváltĂł berendezĂ©sekhez, emberekhez Ă©s eljárásokhoz kapcsolĂłdĂł tĂ©nyezĹ‘k közötti összefĂĽggĂ©sek leĂrására, amelyeket formálisan ontolĂłgiák segĂtsĂ©gĂ©vel fogalmaztuk meg. 3. PredikciĂł-alapĂş diagnosztika többlĂ©ptĂ©kű (multi-scale) modellek alkalmazásával PredikciĂł-alapulĂł intelligens diagnosztikai rendszert dolgoztunk ki, amely egysĂ©ges környezetben kezeli a mĂ©rnöki modelleket Ă©s a heurisztikus informáciĂłkat. A többlĂ©ptĂ©kű modell alkalmazásával lehetĹ‘sĂ©g nyĂlt automatikus fĂłkuszálásra a hibadetektálási Ă©s vesztesĂ©g?megelĹ‘zĂ©si feladatokban. 4. Multi-ágens alapĂş diagnosztikai rendszer fejlesztĂ©se Kidolgoztunk egy hibadetektálási, predikciĂł-alapĂş diagnosztikai Ă©s vesztesĂ©g-megĹ‘rzĂ©si feladatokat egyĂĽttesen megvalĂłsĂtĂł multi-ágens alapĂş diagnosztikai rendszert. A folyamat-specifikus Ă©s a diagnosztikai ismereteket moduláris ontolĂłgiák formájában reprezentáltuk, ezeket integráltuk a kifejlesztett multi-ágens rendszerbe. | Artificial intelligence methods in process systems engineering has been investigated as follows: 1. Computer aided process modelling Formal methods are developed for construction, investigation and simplification of process models. Based on the notion of performance and size indices conditions are proposed for developing minimal models. 2. Generating ontology for process models The abnormal conditions of process system and their relation to the plant, people and procedures has been investigated and formalised with ontology. 3. Prediction-based diagnosis using multi-scale models A prototype prediction-based intelligent diagnostic system is developed that is capable integrating process models and operation experiences. The multi-scale model approach supports focusing in case of fault detection and loss prevention. 4. Multi-agent based diagnostic system A multi-agent diagnostic system is developed using of combination of diagnostic methods from heterogeneous knowledge sources. The process specific and diagnostic information are represented as ontology and they are integrated to the multi-agent system
Emergence of polarized opinions from free association networks
We developed a method that can identify polarized public opinions by finding modules in a network of statistically related free word associations. Associations to the cue “migrant” were collected from two independent and comprehensive samples in Hungary (N1 = 505, N2 = 505). The co-occurrence-based relations of the free word associations reflected emotional similarity, and the modules of the association network were validated with well-established measures. The positive pole of the associations was gathered around the concept of “Refugees” who need help, whereas the negative pole associated asylum seekers with “Violence”. The results were relatively consistent in the two independent samples. We demonstrated that analyzing the modular organization of association networks can be a tool for identifying the most important dimensions of public opinion about a relevant social issue without using predefined constructs
Hyperbolic information retrieval
There is one Information Retrieval model that uses geometrical space: it is the Vector Space Model, which is defined in Euclidean Space. The paper shows that it is possible to define a Vector Space Model in non-Euclidean Space, too. Namely, the paper proposes a Vector Space Model over the Cayley-Klein Hyperbolic Geometry using a similarity measure derived from the hyperbolic distance. It is shown that the proposed model is equivalent with the classical Vector Space Model using a normalized weighting scheme. Experiments are also reported to demonstrate the model suggested. Key words Information Search and Retrieval, Euclidean Geometry