16 research outputs found

    CFR-PEEK Instrumentierung bei Spondylodiszitis - eine monozentrische Studie

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    Operative Therapie bei Spondylodiszitis des älteren Menschen

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    Chirurgisches und funktionelles Outcome nach Resektion von 64 petroclivalen Meningeomen

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    Chirurgisches und funktionelles Outcome nach Resektion von 64 petroclivalen Meningeomen

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    The article of record as published may be located at http://dx.doi.org/10.2514/6.2002-4657Proceedings of AIAA/AAS - Astrodynamics Specialist Conference ; Paper no. AIAA-2002-4657, Monterey, California, Aug. 5-8, 2002Feedback solutions to the neighboring optimal control problem are typically obtained by solving the matrix Riccati differential equation. In this paper, we propose a new approach based on solving linear algebraic equations in real-time. Our method is based on a Pseudospectral discretization of the linear time-varying boundary value problem that arises from an application of the Minimum Principle. We show how feedback control laws can be computed without any explicit integration, construction of transition matrices or solving the matrix Riccati differential equation. This facilitates a real-time implementation of the scheme and the design of predictive guidance and control laws. A numerical example of a low thrust orbit transfer problem shows the effectiveness of the method for neighboring optimal guidance.Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited

    Impact of regional and global sagittal balance on outcomes in cervical fusion surgery

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    Instrumentarium für pyogene Wirbelsäulenentzündung - eine Studie mit 368 Fällen

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    Pilzabszesse des Gehirns - nicht länger ein Todesurteil

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    Primäre Knochentumore der Wirbelsäule - Behandlungsempfehlung basierend auf einer Kohortenstudie

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