185 research outputs found

    Measuring communication difficulty through effortful speech production during conversation

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    This study describes the use of a novel conversation elicitation framework to collect fluent, dynamic conversational speech in simulated realistic acoustic environments of varying complexities. Our aim is to quantify speech modifications during conversation, which characterize effortful speech, as a function of the difficulty of the acoustic environment. We report speech production data at the acoustic-phonetic level (vocal level, mid-frequency emphasis, formant frequencies and formant bandwidths), as well as at higher levels of analysis including utterance duration and turn overlap durations. The sensitivity and test-retest reliability of different speech production measures to changes in acoustic environment are reported. We propose a multi-dimensional view of effortful speech modifications. Considering speech modifications across different linguistic levels provides a richer view of the effects of the acoustic environment on communication as compared with consideration of low-level acoustic-phonetic markers alone. Finally, we describe how consideration of speech modification data may form the basis of a measure of communication effort with scope for the assessment of the impacts of hearing impairment and amplification upon ease of spoken communication

    The Building of Empathy: Conceptual “Pillars” and Conversational Practices in Psychotherapy

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    Empathy can be considered a special type of cooperation between therapist and patient. This exploratory study compares psychoanalytical, depth-psychological and behavioural therapy, in each case using transcriptions of audio recordings of initial, mid-term and late sessions. For each school of therapy, five treatments are included, creating a database of 45 sessions. We describe the project and the method of conversation analysis using examples of these transcripts and hypothesise that while all three schools of therapy are faced with common fundamental problems concerning the realisation of empathy, one can observe empathy profiles specific to each school. Here, we introduce theoretical groundwork and the terminology of conversation analysis. The topic may be of particular interest to clinicians, since everyday problems are examined through the prism of microanalysis

    The importance of interaural time differences and level differences in spatial release from masking

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    Numerous studies have described improvements in speech understanding when interaural time differences (ITDs) and interaural level differences (ILDs) are present. The present study aimed to investigate whether either cue in isolation can elicit spatial release from masking (SRM) in a speech-on-speech masking paradigm with maskers positioned symmetrically around the listener. Twelve adults were tested using three presentations of the Listening in Spatialized Noise-Sentences Test, with each presentation modified to contain different interaural cues in the stimuli. Results suggest that ILDs provide a similar amount of SRM as ITDs and ILDs combined. ITDs alone provide significantly less benefit. (C) 2013 Acoustical Society of Americ

    Effect of audibility on spatial release from speech-on-speech masking

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    This study investigated to what extent spatial release from masking (SRM) deficits in hearing-impaired adults may be related to reduced audibility of the test stimuli. Sixteen adults with sensorineural hearing loss and 28 adults with normal hearing were assessed on the Listening in Spatialized Noise–Sentences test, which measures SRM using a symmetric speech-on-speech masking task. Stimuli for the hearing-impaired listeners were delivered using three amplification levels (National Acoustic Laboratories - Revised Profound prescription (NAL-RP) +25%, and NAL-RP +50%), while stimuli for the normal-hearing group were filtered to achieve matched audibility. SRM increased as audibility increased for all participants. Thus, it is concluded that reduced audibility of stimuli may be a significant factor in hearing-impaired adults' reduced SRM even when hearing loss is compensated for with linear gain. However, the SRM achieved by the normal hearers with simulated audibility loss was still significantly greater than that achieved by hearing-impaired listeners, suggesting other factors besides audibility may still play a role

    StellaTUM: current consensus and discussion on pancreatic stellate cell research

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    The field of pancreatic stellate cell (PSC) biology is very young, as the essential in-vitro tools to study these cells (ie, methods to isolate and culture PSC) were only developed as recently as in 1998. Nonetheless, there has been an exponential increase in research output in this field over the past decade, with numerous research groups around the world focusing their energies into elucidating the biology and function of these cells. It is now well established that PSC are responsible for producing the stromal reaction (fibrosis) of two major diseases of the pancreas—chronic pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. Despite exponentially increasing data, the methods for studying PSC remain variable. Although within individual laboratories methods are consistent, different methodologies used by various research groups make it difficult to compare results and conclusions. This article is not a review article on the functions of PSC. Instead, members of the Pancreatic Star Alliance (http://www.pancreaticstaralliance.com) discuss here and consolidate current knowledge, to outline and delineate areas of consensus or otherwise (eg, with regard to methodological approaches) and, more importantly, to identify essential directions for future research

    Protective measures and H5N1-seroprevalence among personnel tasked with bird collection during an outbreak of avian influenza A/H5N1 in wild birds, Ruegen, Germany, 2006

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    Background: In Germany, the first outbreak of highly pathogenic avian influenza A/H5N1 occurred among wild birds on the island of Ruegen between February and April 2006. The aim of this study was to investigate the use of recommended protective measures and to measure H5N1- seroprevalence among personnel tasked with bird collection. Methods: Inclusion criteria of our study were participation in collecting wild birds on Ruegen between February and March 2006. Study participants were asked to complete a questionnaire, and to provide blood samples. For evaluation of the use of protective measures, we developed a personal protective equipment (PPE)-score ranging between 0 and 9, where 9 corresponds to a consistent and complete use of PPE. Sera were tested by plaque neutralization (PN) and microneutralization (MN) assays. Reactive sera were reanalysed in the World Health Organization- Collaborating Centre (WHO-CC) using MN assay. Results: Of the eligible personnel, consisting of firemen, government workers and veterinarians, 61% (97/154) participated in the study. Of those, 13% reported having always worn all PPE-devices during bird collection (PPE-score: 9). Adherence differed between firemen (mean PPE-score: 6.6) and government workers (mean PPE-score: 4.5; p = 0.006). The proportion of personnel always adherent to wearing PPE was lowest for masks (19%). Of the participants, 18% had received seasonal influenza vaccination prior to the outbreak. There were no reports of influenza-like illness. Five sera initially H5-reactive by PN assay were negative by WHO-CC confirmatory testing. Conclusion: Gaps and variability in adherence demonstrate the risk of exposure to avian influenza under conditions of wild bird collection, and justify serological testing and regular training of task personnel

    Diagnosis of Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma and Chronic Pancreatitis by Measurement of microRNA Abundance in Blood and Tissue

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    A solid process for diagnosis could have a substantial impact on the successful treatment of pancreatic cancer, for which currently mortality is nearly identical to incidence. Variations in the abundance of all microRNA molecules from peripheral blood cells and pancreas tissues were analyzed on microarrays and in part validated by real-time PCR assays. In total, 245 samples from two clinical centers were studied that were obtained from patients with pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma or chronic pancreatitis and from healthy donors. Utilizing the minimally invasive blood test, receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves and the corresponding area under the curve (AUC) analysis demonstrated very high sensitivity and specificity of a distinction between healthy people and patients with either cancer or chronic pancreatitis; respective AUC values of 0.973 and 0.950 were obtained. Confirmative and partly even more discriminative diagnosis could be performed on tissue samples with AUC values of 1.0 and 0.937, respectively. In addition, discrimination between cancer and chronic pancreatitis was achieved (AUC = 0.875). Also, several miRNAs were identified that exhibited abundance variations in both tissue and blood samples. The results could have an immediate diagnostic value for the evaluation of tumor reoccurrence in patients, who have undergone curative surgical resection, and for people with a familial risk of pancreatic cancer