10 research outputs found
Cognitive performance of medulloblastoma tumour survivors related to the area of cerebellum damage
Background: The aim of the study was to determine the relationship between a damaged cerebellum area and the cognitive performance of medulloblastoma tumour survivors. Also, age-based differences in cognitive performance were tested.
Materials and methods: Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique was used to obtain brain images of survivors. The cognitive performance was tested using Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children Revised (WISC-R) and Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). Statistical analysis was performed with highly robust permutation tests.
Results: There were two anatomical features strongly influencing the cognitive performance of survivors. The extension of the foramen of Luschka had a negative impact on the overall verbal IQ score and some non-verbal scales while the excision of the middle part of the vermis influenced scores in such scales as arithmetic and picture completing.
Conclusions: Children with postoperative damages in the area of the middle part of the vermis are more likely to suffer from cognitive dysfunctions after the end of the treatment.
Potential Factors Conditioning the Compliance to Mandatory Face Covering in the Public Space Due to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic
Background: During the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, we could observe different attitudes towards restrictive bans and orders. Aim: The research aimed to examine the potential psychological factors, such as generalized anxiety, fear of COVID-19 or social approval, related to the approach to mandatory face covering in public spaces. Methods: The web-assisted interviews survey was used among 202 participants, which included socio-demographical data, approach to face covering, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale, the COVID-19 Anxiety Scale, and The Questionnaire of Social Approval. Result: The data showed a statistically significant correlation between compliance to the rule of face and nose covering vs. anxiety and compliance to the rule of face and nose covering vs. generalized anxiety. The results indicate differences between vaccinated and non-vaccinated people in the anxiety of COVID-19, generalized anxiety, and compliance with the rule of face and nose covering. Conclusions: People vaccinated has a higher level of anxiety and more often compliance with the rule of face covering. It is worth noting that an overly pronounced fear of COVID-19 could be a risk factor for mental health. More research about coping with anxiety in the group of vaccinated people is recommended
Diagnoza funkcji wykonawczych u dzieci
Funkcje wykonawcze sprawiają, że możemy oprzeć się pokusie, pomyśleć przed działaniem czy pozostać
w skupieniu. Ich trzonem są trzy składniki: hamowanie reakcji (odpowiadające za samokontrolę), elastyczność
poznawcza (pozwalająca na wykonywanie kilku czynności naraz, kreatywne myślenie czy zmianę perspektywy)
i pamięć operacyjna. Rozwój funkcji wykonawczych w ciągu życia człowieka i sposoby pomiaru są wciąż dyskusyjne,
gdyż trudno zbadać którykolwiek z ich składników w odosobnieniu. Diagnostyka funkcji wykonawczych pierwotnie
odnosiła się wyłącznie do dorosłych po urazach mózgu lub z zaburzeniami neurologicznymi, u dzieci jest stosowana
stosunkowo niedługo, nie tylko w Polsce, ale i na świecie. Wynika to głównie z późnego rozwoju funkcji wykonawczych
(do 25.–30. roku życia). Okres najbardziej intensywnych zmian w tym zakresie przypada na wiek przedszkolny.
Większość narzędzi stosowanych do badania dzieci wcześniej była używana w grupie dorosłych, zmiany polegają
głównie na elementach graficznych i wydłużonym czasie ekspozycji bodźców. Hamowanie reakcji bada się najczęściej
za pomocą zadań komputerowych, takich jak test Stroopa czy zadanie z flankerami. Pomiar komputerowy nie jest
konieczny tylko do zadania odraczania gratyfikacji. Pamięć operacyjna jest konstruktem najłatwiejszym do badania.
Można użyć zadania polegającego na powtarzaniu cyfr wprost lub wspak ze skali Wechslera czy też zadania
Klocki Corsiego. Najbardziej złożonym elementem jest elastyczność poznawcza, badana najczęściej za pomocą
Dwuwymiarowego Testu Sortowania Kart lub dowolnej odmiany testu fluencji słownej. Ostatnie badania, pokazujące
pozytywną korelację sukcesów szkolnych, zawodowych czy nawet zadowolenia z życia z wysokim poziomem funkcji
wykonawczych w dzieciństwie, sprawiły, że pojawia się coraz więcej narzędzi badających ten konstrukt
Table_1_Time-based prospective memory in preschoolers – the role of time monitoring behavior.pdf
BackgroundTime-based prospective memory (TBPM) refers to the ability to remember to perform an intended activity at a specific time in the future or after a specific time interval. This article reviews TBPM memory in preschool children and explores the role of time monitoring behavior in TBPM performance.MethodsA total of 242 preschool-aged children (aged 2–6) performed a prospective memory task, wherein prospective memory accuracy, ongoing task performance, and time monitoring activity were assessed. Additionally, the study examined the relationship of various cognitive abilities to TBPM performance through the use of appropriate cognitive tasks.ResultsThe first signs of TBPM were observed in children as young as 2 years old. No significant age differences were identified; preschoolers can perform a delayed intention on their own initiative at a certain point in the future only to a minimal extent. The majority of variance in TBPM performance could be explained by time checking behavior.ConclusionThe current study indicated that even 2-year-olds can perform TBPM at a basic level when the task is sufficiently understandable. While many cognitive abilities are correlated with TBPM performance, it appears that only time checking behavior plays a significant role in TBPM among preschoolers.</p
Table_2_Time-based prospective memory in preschoolers – the role of time monitoring behavior.pdf
BackgroundTime-based prospective memory (TBPM) refers to the ability to remember to perform an intended activity at a specific time in the future or after a specific time interval. This article reviews TBPM memory in preschool children and explores the role of time monitoring behavior in TBPM performance.MethodsA total of 242 preschool-aged children (aged 2–6) performed a prospective memory task, wherein prospective memory accuracy, ongoing task performance, and time monitoring activity were assessed. Additionally, the study examined the relationship of various cognitive abilities to TBPM performance through the use of appropriate cognitive tasks.ResultsThe first signs of TBPM were observed in children as young as 2 years old. No significant age differences were identified; preschoolers can perform a delayed intention on their own initiative at a certain point in the future only to a minimal extent. The majority of variance in TBPM performance could be explained by time checking behavior.ConclusionThe current study indicated that even 2-year-olds can perform TBPM at a basic level when the task is sufficiently understandable. While many cognitive abilities are correlated with TBPM performance, it appears that only time checking behavior plays a significant role in TBPM among preschoolers.</p
Impact of Personal Experience of COVID-19 Disease on Recreational Anglers’ Attitudes and Behaviors
Background: Anglers are a large social group with access to a “relatively safe” form of recreation, that allows the opportunity to relieve stress. An important question, however, is how they did so, and to what extent their perceived COVID-19 transition status influenced decisions both in life and at the fishing site. Aim: Our study aimed to determine the dynamics of anglers’ attitudes and behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic as a result of the different statuses of their exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus. We assumed that the behavior of anglers who have not experienced the disease (were not ill and not sure if ill) will be similar and, on the other hand, different from the behavior of those who have experienced COVID-19. Methods: The web-assisted interviews survey was used among 586 anglers with different COVID-19 disease experience statuses. Their pandemic behavior and activities by four age groups were studied using non-metric multidimensional scaling. Redundancy analysis has been used to identify the relationship between anglers’ life attitudes and socioeconomic and demographic factors, taking into account their preferences and involvement in fishing. Results: We have demonstrated that the behavior of anglers who have not experienced COVID-19 disease and do not present a reckless attitude toward pandemic threats, do not show significant differences from the life attitudes of the group experienced by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. These two groups comprise more than 70% of anglers. However, the rest show a lack of interest in an aware diagnosis of their health and a low level of acceptance of self-restraint in the area of direct social contact. Conclusions: Unawareness, combined with ignorance, could be a potential factor in the transmission of the virus while fishing. The behaviors of almost 30% of anglers are particularly risky when combined with a strong need to fish in the company of friends and familiar people. Anglers’ social identity should be tapped by fishery managers. Targeted educational campaigns should be aimed at groups around specific fishing spots. The need for self-limitation under the pandemic should be promoted for the benefit of the general public and to maintain the reputation of angling as a safe recreational activity
Spójność, elastyczność, komunikacja i status socjoekonomiczny rodzin a rozwój zdolności poznawczych dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i wczesnoszkolnym
Aim of the study: According to David H. Olson’s circumplex model of family systems, there are particular dimensions that form the basis for good adaptation and growth, namely flexibility, cohesion, communication and family life satisfaction. The study explores the connections between these dimensions of family functioning, socioeconomic status of the family and educational achievements (reading, writing and numeracy skills) of preschool and early school-age children. Method: The subjects were 105 children, aged 5–6, and 105 parents of these children from the Silesian region in Poland. The parents filled out Family Rating Scales – Skale Oceny Rodziny, SOR (Margasiński, 2009), i.e. the Polish adaptation of the Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale known as FACES IV (Olson and Gorall, 2006), and demographic questions to assess the family’s socioeconomic status (SES). The children completed a computer-adaptive test of school ability at the start of school (Test Umiejętności na Starcie Szkolnym, TUNSS, Kaczan and Rycielski, 2014). Results: Multivariate structural equation modeling (SEM) was performed, confirming both SES and SOR to influence the children’s level of school skills at the start of school. The children’s age (expressed in months) presented as an important variable in the model. These factors explain 78% of variance of early school abilities. The number of books and mother’s education level were found to be the variables the most closely linked to school abilities amongst the SES factors. Children with a balanced family system background reached better scores in school abilities than children from unbalanced family systems.Cel: Zgodnie z kołowym modelem funkcjonowania rodziny Davida H. Olsona istnieją szczególne wymiary, które tworzą bazę dla dobrej adaptacji i właściwego rozwoju dziecka: elastyczność, spójność, komunikacja i zadowolenie z życia rodzinnego. Prezentowane badania koncentrują się na powiązaniach między tymi wymiarami funkcjonowania rodziny i jej statusem socjoekonomicznym a umiejętnościami szkolnymi (czytanie, pisanie, matematyka) dzieci przedszkolnych i wczesnoszkolnych. Metoda: Badaniem objęto 105 dzieci w wieku 5 i 6 lat z województwa śląskiego oraz 105 rodziców tych dzieci. Rodzice wypełniali Skale Oceny Rodziny – SOR (Margasiński, 2009), które są polską adaptacją narzędzia FACES IV (Olson i Gorall, 2006), i metryczkę określającą poziom socjoekonomiczny rodziny (socioeconomic status, SES). Dzieci poddano badaniu adaptacyjnym Testem Umiejętności na Starcie Szkolnym – TUNSS (Kaczan i Rycielski, 2014). Wyniki: Analiza przeprowadzona z zastosowaniem modelowania strukturalnego wskazała, iż zmienne SOR i SES wpływają na poziom umiejętności szkolnych dzieci przedszkolnych i wczesnoszkolnych; ważnym czynnikiem okazał się przy tym wiek dzieci (różnice w miesiącach). Zaproponowany model tłumaczy 78% zmienności wyników w zakresie umiejętności szkolnych. Wśród czynników SES zmienną najbardziej związaną z umiejętnościami szkolnymi dzieci okazał się poziom edukacji matki. Dzieci z systemów rodzinnych o przewadze komponenty zrównoważenia uzyskiwały lepsze wyniki w zakresie umiejętności na starcie szkolnym niż dzieci z systemów o przewadze komponenty niezrównoważenia
Cohesion, flexibility, communication and socioeconomic status of families and cognitive development in preschool and early school-age children
Aim of the study: According to David H. Olson’s circumplex model of family systems, there are particular dimensions that
form the basis for good adaptation and growth, namely flexibility, cohesion, communication and family life satisfaction.
The study explores the connections between these dimensions of family functioning, socioeconomic status of the family and
educational achievements (reading, writing and numeracy skills) of preschool and early school-age children. Method:
The subjects were 105 children, aged 5–6, and 105 parents of these children from the Silesian region in Poland. The parents
filled out Family Rating Scales – Skale Oceny Rodziny, SOR (Margasiński, 2009), i.e. the Polish adaptation of the Family
Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale known as FACES IV (Olson and Gorall, 2006), and demographic questions to
assess the family’s socioeconomic status (SES). The children completed a computer-adaptive test of school ability at the start
of school (Test Umiejętności na Starcie Szkolnym, TUNSS, Kaczan and Rycielski, 2014). Results: Multivariate structural
equation modeling (SEM) was performed, confirming both SES and SOR to influence the children’s level of school skills at
the start of school. The children’s age (expressed in months) presented as an important variable in the model. These factors
explain 78% of variance of early school abilities. The number of books and mother’s education level were found to be the
variables the most closely linked to school abilities amongst the SES factors. Children with a balanced family system
background reached better scores in school abilities than children from unbalanced family systems
The Importance of Resilience and Level of Anxiety in the Process of Making a Decision about SARS-CoV-2 Vaccination
People’s opinions on immunization are diverse. Despite the constant improvement of vaccine formulas, the number of people reluctant to immunize is not decreasing. The purpose of our study is to assess the psychological determinants of immunization reluctance in depth. We measured levels of anxiety (death-related and general), fear of COVID-19, self-esteem and resilience among 342 adults. We found that the level of COVID-19 related fear is higher among the vaccinated population, despite general anxiety levels being lower. Surprisingly we didn’t find significant differences in resilience and self-esteem levels. Findings are concurrent with previous research—COVID-19 related fear level is higher among vaccinated people. Resilience and self-esteem are defined as stable, trait-like constructs, and thus may not manifest higher levels in very specific pandemic situations, although they may lower the levels of general anxiety
Masquerade of Polish Society—Psychological Determinants of COVID-19 Precautionary Behaviors
The risk of contracting COVID-19 was a very specific situation of uncertainty and ambi-guity, and of course, cognitively interesting for psychologists studying the determinants of behaviors of different personality types. In this study, we set our sights on trying to find a correlation between adherence to wearing masks and receiving vaccinations and having certain character traits that we thought might influence preventive behavior or not. We focused on the Dark Triad—psychopathy, Machiavellianism and narcissism—as well as social approval and the need for cognition closure, as these traits have previously been linked to heightened conspiracy mentalities. We recruited 159 subjects in the experiment, including 53 male and 106 female participants over the age of 18 to take part in an online survey investigating personality and COVID-19 information. The results confirmed our hypothesis that age, empathy, the need for social approval and other psychological traits are the factors that differentiates people who wear face masks from those who do not. However, it seems impossible to define one set of features that would predispose people to not wear face masks. In our study, the importance of psychological features differed depending on the category of public places. We discuss possible implications of these findings and provide direction for future research