12 research outputs found

    Samoocena stanu zdrowia i jej wybrane uwarunkowania w grupie osób po 65 roku życia, pacjentów Podstawowej Opieki Zdrowotnej = The self-assessment of health and its selected conditions within a group of over-65-year-old primary-care patients

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    Nowicki Grzegorz Józef, Młynarska Magdalena, Ślusarska Barbara, Korecka Renata, Kotus Marzena. Samoocena stanu zdrowia i jej wybrane uwarunkowania w grupie osób po 65 roku życia, pacjentów Podstawowej Opieki Zdrowotnej = The self-assessment of health and its selected conditions within a group of over-65-year-old primary-care patients. Journal of Education, Health and Sport. 2016;6(4):447-457. eISSN 2391-8306. DOI http://dx.doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.50611http://ojs.ukw.edu.pl/index.php/johs/article/view/3492 The journal has had 7 points in Ministry of Science and Higher Education parametric evaluation. Part B item 755 (23.12.2015).755 Journal of Education, Health and Sport eISSN 2391-8306 7© The Author (s) 2016;This article is published with open access at Licensee Open Journal Systems of Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz, PolandOpen Access. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,provided the original author(s) and source are credited. This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercial use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.This is an open access article licensed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non Commercial License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0/) which permits unrestricted, non commercialuse, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the work is properly cited.The authors declare that there is no conflict of interests regarding the publication of this paper.Received: 05.04.2016. Revised 25.04.2016. Accepted: 27.04.2016.  Samoocena stanu zdrowia i jej wybrane uwarunkowania w grupie osób po 65 roku życia, pacjentów Podstawowej Opieki Zdrowotnej The self-assessment of health and its selected conditions within a group of over-65-year-old primary-care patients Grzegorz Józef Nowicki1, Magdalena Młynarska2, Barbara Ślusarska1, Renata Korecka2, Marzena Kotus3 1. Zakład Medycyny Rodzinnej i Pielęgniarstwa Środowiskowego, Katedra Onkologii i Środowiskowej Opieki Zdrowotnej, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie2. Zakład Ratownictwa Medycznego, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie3. Zakład Pielęgniarstwa Anestezjologicznego i Intensywnej Opieki Medycznej, Wydział Nauk o Zdrowiu, Uniwersytet Medyczny w Lublinie Słowa klucze: samoocena stanu zdrowia, osoby starsze, podstawowa opieka zdrowotna.Key words: self-assessment of health, the elderly, primary health care. StreszczenieWprowadzenie. Starzenie się jest procesem stałym, będącym poważnym wyzwaniem dla społeczeństwa. Współcześnie maksymalizuje się wysiłki w celu przedłużenia życia w sensie biologicznym, ale również po to, aby przybliżyć poziom jakości życia do stanu sprzed choroby. Uznano, że bardzo istotne w procesie leczenia i pielęgnowania pacjenta jest samoocena własnego zdrowia. Pozwala to na aktywne włączenie chorego w realizację procesów terapeutycznych, co jest korzystne zarówno dla pacjenta, jak i dla zespołu leczącego.Cel. Poznanie samooceny stanu zdrowia i jej uwarunkowań w grupie osób powyżej 65 roku życia, pacjentów Podstawowej Opieki Zdrowotnej.Materiał i metoda. Badania przeprowadzono od lipca do września 2013 r. wśród 505 osób w wieku powyżej 65 roku życia w losowo wybranych 5 jednostkach Podstawowej Opieki Zdrowotnej (POZ) na terenie województwa lubelskiego. Narzędziem badawczym był autorski kwestionariusz ankiety.Wyniki. W samoocenie stanu zdrowia badani w większości określili swoje zdrowia jako złe (odpowiedzi zły i bardzo zły) – 214 (42,38%). Ci, którzy zadeklarowali, że ich stan zdrowia jest przyzwoity stanowią drugą pod względem liczności grupę – 167 (33,07%). Jedynie 124 osoby (24,56%) zadeklarowały, że ich zdrowie jest dobre lub bardzo dobre. Analiza statystyczna wykazała, że swój stan zdrowia istotnie częściej lepiej oceniają: badani w wieku 76 - 85 lat (p=0,007), posiadający wykształcenie podstawowe, zawodowe, średnie, wyższe (p<0,001) w porównaniu do badanych nie posiadających wykształcenia, osoby znajdujące się w związkach partnerskich lub konkubinacie (p=0,001), nie posiadające problemów finansowych (p<0,001), nie odczuwające bólu (p<0,01) oraz nie posiadające ograniczeń w sprawności fizycznej (p<0,001). Badani wykonujący w przeszłości zawód związany z praca fizyczną istotnie gorzej oceniają swój stan zdrowia (p=0,001). Wnioski. Analiza samooceny stanu zdrowia pozwala stwierdzić, żewiększość uczestników badania nie cieszy się dobrym zdrowiem. Wykazano, że samoocena stanu zdrowia zależy od: wieku, wykształcenia, stanu cywilnego, statusu finansowego, odczuwania bólu, sprawności fizycznej oraz charakteru zawodu wykonywanego w przeszłości. AbstractIntroduction. Ageing is a constant process which constitutes a serious challenge to society. Today every effort is maximised in order to extend human life in the biological sense, and also to come as close as possible to the pre-disease quality of life. It is maintained that health self-assessment is a very important measure in the process of the treatment and nursing of the patient. It allows the patient to be actively included in the implementation of therapeutic processes, which is advantageous for both the patient and the treating team.Purpose. The knowledge of health self-assessment and its conditions within a group of over-65-year-old primary-care patients.Materials and methods. The research was conducted from July to September 2013 among 505 people aged over 65 at 5 randomly selected primary care units (POZ) on the territory of the Lubelskie Voivodeship. The research tool used in this paper was a questionnaire devised by the author. Results. During health self-assessment most patients defined their state of health as poor (answers: poor and very poor – 214 (42.38%)). Those who claimed to maintain a decent level of health constituted the second largest group of respondents – 167 (33.07%). Only 124 persons (24.56%) described their health as good or very good. The statistical analysis showed that the following groups considerably more frequently assess their health as better: the survey participants aged 76-85 (p=0.007) with primary, vocational, secondary and higher education (p<0.001) (compared to subjects without education), people in civil unions or domestic partnerships (p=0.001), patients without financial problems (p<0.001) and those who don’t feel pain (p<0.01), as well as people without physical limitations (p<0.001). The examined persons who had performed physical work in the past described their state of health as significantly worse (p=0.001).Conclusions. The analysis of health self-assessment allows us to conclude that most of the survey participants do not enjoy good health. It has been shown that the results of health self-assessment depend on the following factors: age, education, civil status, financial status, feeling pain, physical fitness and the nature of work performed in the past

    Wiedza pielęgniarek i pielęgniarzy na temat czynności związanych z podawaniem krwi i jej składników

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    Introduction. Blood is a medical product of vital importance in health and life-saving therapy.Transfusion order is always issued by a physician, but it is the nurse who first and foremostperforms the procedure of transfusing blood and/or blood-components to the patient. The aimof the paper was the evaluation of nurses’ knowledge in the field of blood and blood-componentadministration in relation to the following variables: education level, seniority and completionof a blood-donation and haemotherapy course.Materials and methods. The study involved 115 professionally active nurses. A diagnosticsurvey method was used based on a questionnaire survey form designed by the author.Results. Most nurses participating in the survey believed that blood samples for blood groupand cross-matching tests should be drawn into two separate test tubes at different times(64.4%; n = 74). Nurses who completed a blood-donation and haemotherapy course moreoften came up with the correct answer ie. each sample should be collected at different times— than those who did not (p < 0.001). As many as 81.7% (n = 94) of the respondents knewthat RBCs should be transfused within 30 min of delivery to the ward. According to the statistical analysis, more correct answers were given by nurses who had completed the course on blood-donation and haemotherapy than by those who had not (p < 0.001). As many as 93%(n = 107) of nurses knew that storage of blood/blood component bags for up to 72 hours following transfusion serves the purpose of facilitating control in case of post-transfusion reactions.Conclusions: The knowledge of blood and blood-component administration was higher inthe group of nurses who completed a blood-donation and haemotherapy course and displayedthe highest rate of correct answers to questions concerning transfusion and post-transfusionperiod. Seniority and education-level were not significant factors differentiating the knowledgeof the nurses, with one exception — the mode of patient identification at collection of samplesfor blood-group and cross-matching tests (p ≤ 0.05).Wstęp. Krew jako środek leczniczy jest ważnym elementem terapii ratującym zdrowie i życieludzkie. Chociaż decyzję o transfuzji zawsze podejmuje lekarz, to przede wszystkim pielęgniarki wykonują bezpośrednio przetoczenie krwi i/lub jej składników pacjentowi. Celem pracy jest ocena wiedzy pielęgniarek (i pielęgniarzy) na temat podawania krwi i jej składnikóww zależności od zmiennych: wykształcenia, stażu pracy oraz ukończenia kursu krwiodawstwai krwiolecznictwa.Materiał i metody. W badaniach wzięło udział 115 czynnych zawodowo pielęgniareki pielęgniarzy. Zastosowano metodę sondażu diagnostycznego z wykorzystaniem autorskiegokwestionariusza ankiety.Wyniki. Ankietowanych zapytano o sposób pobierania próbki krwi w celu oznaczenia grupykrwi i próby zgodności. Większość udzieliła właściwej odpowiedzi: próbki krwi do tych badańpobiera się do dwóch probówek, w innym czasie (64,4%; n = 74). Respondenci, którzy ukończyli kurs specjalistyczny, odpowiadali na to pytanie poprawnie częściej niż ci, którzy tego kursu nie ukończyli (p < 0,001). Aż 81,7% (n = 94) badanych wie, że po dostarczeniu koncentratu krwinek czerwonych do oddziału należy podłączyć je w ciągu 30 minut. Analiza statystyczna wykazała, że osoby z uprawnieniami zdobytymi na kursie krwiodawstwa i krwiolecznictwa częściej udzielały poprawnych odpowiedzi niż badani bez takich uprawnień (p < 0,001). Wyniki ankiety pozwoliły ustalić, że 93% (n = 107) respondentów wie, że przechowywanie pojemnika po przetoczeniu krwi lub jej składnika przez 72 godziny umożliwia badanie zawartości pojemnika w przypadku wystąpienia u biorcy powikłań poprzetoczeniowych.Wnioski. Wiedza z zakresu podawania krwi i jej składników jest wyższa w grupie osób, któreukończyły kurs krwiodawstwa i krwiolecznictwa. Najwyższe wskaźniki poprawnych odpowiedzi stwierdzono w obrębie pytań dotyczących okresu potransfuzyjnego i transfuzji. Staż pracyi wykształcenie (zawodowe, magisterskie) nie były znaczącymi czynnikami różnicującymiwiedzę badanych pielęgniarek i pielęgniarzy, z wyjątkiem sposobu identyfikacji pacjenta przedpobraniem próbek krwi do oznaczania grupy krwi i wykonania próby zgodności (p ≤ 0,05)

    Estimation of Average Speed of Road Vehicles by Sound Intensity Analysis

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    Constant monitoring of road traffic is important part of modern smart city systems. The proposed method estimates average speed of road vehicles in the observation period, using a passive acoustic vector sensor. Speed estimation based on sound intensity analysis is a novel approach to the described problem. Sound intensity in two orthogonal axes is measured with a sensor placed alongside the road. Position of the apparent sound source when a vehicle passes by the sensor is estimated by means of sound intensity analysis in three frequency bands: 1 kHz, 2 kHz and 4 kHz. The position signals calculated for each vehicle are averaged in the analysis time frames, and the average speed estimate is calculated using a linear regression. The proposed method was validated in two experiments, one with controlled vehicle speed and another with real, unrestricted traffic. The calculated speed estimates were compared with the reference lidar and radar sensors. Average estimation error from all experiment was 1.4% and the maximum error was 3.2%. The results confirm that the proposed method allow for estimation of time-averaged road traffic speed with accuracy sufficient for gathering traffic statistics, e.g., in a smart city monitoring station

    Acoustic Detector of Road Vehicles Based on Sound Intensity

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    A method of detecting and counting road vehicles using an acoustic sensor placed by the road is presented. The sensor measures sound intensity in two directions: parallel and perpendicular to the road. The sound intensity analysis performs acoustic event detection. A normalized position of the sound source is tracked and used to determine if the detected event is related to a moving vehicle and to establish the direction of movement. The algorithm was tested on a continuous 24-h recording made in real-world conditions. The overall results were: recall 0.95, precision 0.95, F-score 0.95. In the analysis of one-hour slots, the worst results obtained in dense traffic were: recall 0.9, precision 0.93, F-score 0.91. The proposed method is intended for application in a network of traffic monitoring sensors, such as a smart city system. Its advantages include using a small, low cost and passive sensor, low algorithm complexity, and satisfactory detection accuracy

    Determination Of Subjective Tinnitus Characteristics By Means Of Sound Synthesis Controlled By The Touch Screen Interface

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    Presented at the 19th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD2013) on July 6-9, 2013 in Lodz, Poland.Determination of Tinnitus (defined as a phantom auditory sensation) characteristics concerning sound type, level, bandwidth or frequency are one of the steps in the measurement protocol. A novel technique to measure Tinnitus parameters is proposed. It is based on a computer application designed as an auditory display for easier identification of the perceived Tinnitus. The proposed method utilizes sound synthesis employing a special graphical user interface to facilitate sound generation and identification. The method was verified during preliminary tests organized with participation of people suffering from Tinnitus and compared with the classical audiometry-based measurements. The obtained results are presented and discussed in the paper

    Frequently updated noise threat maps created with use of supercomputing grid

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    An innovative supercomputing grid services devoted to noise threat evaluation were presented. The services described in this paper concern two issues, first is related to the noise mapping, while the second one focuses on assessment of the noise dose and its influence on the human hearing system. The discussed serviceswere developed within the PL-Grid Plus Infrastructure which accumulates Polish academic supercomputer centers. Selected experimental results achieved by the usage of the services proposed were presented. The assessment of the environmental noise threats includes creation of the noise maps using either ofline or online data, acquired through a grid of the monitoring stations. A concept of estimation of the source model parameters based on the measured sound level for the purpose of creating frequently updated noise maps was presented. Connecting the noise mapping grid service with a distributed sensor network enables to automatically update noise maps for a specified time period. Moreover, a unique attribute of the developed software is the estimation of the auditory effects evoked by the exposure to noise. The estimation method uses a modified psychoacoustic model of hearing and is based on the calculated noise level values and on the given exposure period. Potential use scenarios of the grid services for research or educational purpose were introduced. Presentation of the results of predicted hearing threshold shift caused by exposure to excessive noise can raise the public awareness of the noise threats

    A System for Acoustic Field Measurement Employing Cartesian Robot

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    A system setup for measurements of acoustic field, together with the results of 3D visualisations of acoustic energy flow are presented in the paper. Spatial sampling of the field is performed by a Cartesian robot. Automatization of the measurement process is achieved with the use of a specialized control system. The method is based on measuring the sound pressure (scalar) and particle velocity(vector) quantities. The aim of the system is to collect data with a high precision and repeatability. The system is employed for measurements of acoustic energy flow in the proximity of an artificial head in an anechoic chamber. In the measurement setup an algorithm for generation of the probe movement path is included. The algorithm finds the optimum path of the robot movement, taking into account a given 3D object shape present in the measurement space. The results are presented for two cases, first without any obstacle and the other - with an artificial head in the sound field

    Factors Predicting Post-Traumatic Positive and Negative Psychological Changes Experienced by Nurses during a Pandemic COVID-19: A Cross-Sectional Study

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    It is common knowledge that COVID-19 affects physiopathological changes in all systems of the human body. On the other hand, events related to the COVID-19 pandemic also have a significant impact on the social and mental sphere of human functioning. The aim of this study is to determine the relationship between selected sociodemographic variables and selected subjective cognitive resources, and the positive and negative perception of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic in a group of nurses working in Poland. The computer-assisted web interviewing method was conducted between 1 and 15 May 2020. Participants were requested to complete the following questionnaires: The Changes in Outlook Questionnaire (CIOQ), The Impact Event Scale-Revised (IES-R), The Multidimensional Scale of Perceived Social Support (MSPSS), The Safety Experience Questionnaire (SEQ), and The Meaning in Life Questionnaire (MLQ). Three-hundred and twenty fivenurses working all over Poland participated in the study. Their mean age was 39.18 ± 11.16 years. A higher average level was noted among the surveyed nurses in the Positive Change subscale (18.56 ± 4.04). In a multivariate model, taking into account both sociodemographic and cognitive variables, the level of perceived traumatic stress, the level of social support, a sense of security, reflection on safety and a sense of meaning and meaning in life were independent predictors of a positive perception of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. Those variables explained as much as 37% of the dependent variable, and the nature of the relationship was positive. While we are still a long way from understanding the full range of the long-term impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health and psychosocial well-being, it is possible that in this challenging context there are many individual resources available to perceive the effects of the current pandemic positively. Therefore, they should be strengthened through the development and implementation of intervention programs to improve the mental state of nurses