85 research outputs found
Reumatoid arthritis, stress and attribution after trauma
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenThe autoimmune disease Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA) causes great suffering for many people. The purpose of the study was to enrich knowledge and increase understanding on how people suffering from RA understand and experience what turned on their illness, how long-term stress impacts the symptoms of RA as well as their attributional style after trauma. The methodology of the study was based on the Vancouver school of doing phenomenology. Data was collected through 18 dialogues with 8 persons suffering from RA. Participants were seen as co-researchers and were consulted about the interpretation of data and conclusions to increase validity of the study. Findings revealed that according to the co-researchers extreme traumatic stress caused by physical or psychological trauma stimulated or turned on the disease. They felt the disease was aggravated by stress causing the disease to ‘flare upp’ under great or long-term stress. Some outer factors that were perceived to cause the development of long-term stress were e.g. studies-related or work-related pressure, marital problems, negative communicative mode of health professionals, lack of understanding from the environment, and worries. Inner factors included bottled-up anger and suffering in silence, which can initially be seen as an attributional style but have longterm negative effects. A dominating attributional style among co-researchers was stamina or “not to give up.“ Factors that were perceived to increase stamina were: faith and hope, self-knowledge and self-development, true friendship, empathy, expressive arts and creative writing. The study broadens the understanding of the need for a holistic view of treatment for people suffering from RA and serious psychological trauma
Aldraðir á stofnun : fjölskyldumiðuð hjúkrun og gildi fjölskyldufunda
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenMarkmið skrifa um fjölskyldumiðaða hjúkrun eða umönnun (family centered care /FCC) er að varpa ljósi á áhugaverðan kost fyrir aldraða á hjúkrunar- eða öldrunarlækningadeildum. Flestir þekkja fjölskyldufundi en þeir falla undir hugmyndafræði fjölskyldumiðaðrar hjúkrunar ásamt fleiri kunnuglegum þáttum. Skoðað er gildi fjölskyldufunda fyrir starfsfólk, skjólstæðinga og aðstandendur. Við heimildaleit fundust nokkrar heimildir, yfirlitsgreinar, myndbönd og rannsóknir um fjölskyldumiðaða hjúkrun en örfáar um gildi fjölskyldufunda fyrir aldraða á stofnun, aðstandendur og starfsfólk. Efniviðurinn er fléttaður saman við eigin sýn og áratuga reynslu af hjúkrun aldraðra
Fyrst manneskja þar á eftir sjúklingur : ákvarðanir um meðferðarúrræði
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenTilgangurinn að baki skrifa um „fyrst manneskja þar á eftir sjúklingur“ er að opna umræðu um meðferðarmöguleika í ljósi laga um réttindi sjúklinga. Það er ekki unnt að skoða meðferðarmöguleika án þess að hugleiða jafnhliða mannleg samskipti innan heilbrigðiskerfisins
Characteristics and challenges associated with managing and leading clever people: A case study of the Icelandic Meteorological Office (IMO)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to explore the challenges that have been related to managing and leading clever people and the characteristics that are unique for them. This was done by reviewing the available literature and summarizing the main findings. The literature is scarce and inadequately researched. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to explore the main characteristics of the clever employees at the IMO and the challenges associated with managing and leading them. Furthermore, if the characteristics and challenges were the same as found in the literature, with a special focus on eight known challenges we identified. Finally, if the case study at the IMO would reveal any new characteristics or challenges, as it would be of value to this knowledge frame
Results from glucose tolerance tests
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenTíðni meðgöngusykursýki er talin vera allt frá 0,6% í 15%. Þrátt fyrir auknar vísindarannsóknir á meðgöngusykursýki eru menn ekki sammála um hvort eða hvernig ber að skima konur fyrir sykursýki og hver greiningargildi skulu vera. Klínískum leiðbeiningum frá Landspítala er fylgt á höfuðborgarsvæðinu. Konur eru skimaðar á grundvelli a.m.k. eins áhættuþáttar. Þeir eru m.a.: 1) saga um meðgöngusykursýki áður; 2) fjölskyldusaga; 3) BMI ≥ 35; 4) áður fætt barn yfir 4500 gr og 5) sykur í þvagi. Greining fer fram með sykurþolsprófi (glucose tolerance test, GTT) sem öllu jafnan er gert á 24.-28. viku meðgöngu. Rannsókn þessi var gerð til að greina niðurstöður úr sykurþolsprófum, hvað margar konur voru greindar jákvæðar og hvaða áhættuþættir höfðu mest forspárgildi. Niðurstöður: Af þeim 670 konum sem fóru í sykurþolspróf á Göngudeild sykursjúkra, LSH á tveggja ára tímabili, fengu 82,1% kvennanna greininguna eðlilegt sykurþol en 17.9% kvenna greindist með meðgöngusykursýki. Mestar líkur á að greinast jákvæðar voru ef konan hafði áður fengið meðgöngusykursýki (52%); sykur í þvagi (24.3%), og fjölskyldusaga (22.5%) komu þar á eftir. Ef það væri regla að senda einungis konur sem eru með a.m.k. tvo áhættuþætti mundi sykurþolsprófum fækka um 61%. Umfjöllun: Þegar niðurstöður rannsóknarinnar eru skoðaðar sést að stærsti hluti kvenna sem fer í sykurþolspróf (GTT) fer án þess að miklar líkur séu á að hún greinist með meðgöngusykursýki. Það er því nauðsynlegt fyrir ljósmæður og lækna að vinna saman að því að finna nákvæmari greiningaraðferð fyrir meðgöngusykursýki og t.d. að ganga út frá því að a.m.k. tveir áhættuþættir séu forsenda þess að kona sé beðin um að fara í sykurþolspróf (GTT).Frequency of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is found to be between 0.6 – 15.0%. Despite many researches on GDM there is no agreement if or how pregnant women should be screened or which diagnostic values should be used. Clinical guidelines from Landspitali- University hospital (LSH) in Reykjavik Iceland recommend a screening for women, based on at least one risk factor. Among the risk factors that are listed are: 1) GDM in a previous pregnancy; 2) family history; 3) BMI > 35; 4) previous macrosomia (≥ 4500gr) and 5) glucosuria. Diagnosis is usually done with glucose tolerance test (GTT) between 24th to 28th weeks of pregnancy. The purpose of this research was to analyse results of GTT and to find out how many women were diagnosed with GDM and to evaluate if some risk factors had more predictive value than others. Results: Of the 670 women who had a GTT at the Diabetic Clinic at LSH, 82.1 % had negative results and 17.9% where diagnosed with GDM. The most predictive value had the risk factors of: GDM in earlier pregnancy (52%); glucosuria (24.3%) and family history (22.5%). If the clinical guideline was that women with at least two risks factor should have a GTT, we would decrease the frequency of GTT of 61%. Discussion: The majority of women go for GTT for a negative test. These results indicate that midwives and physicians need to find a solution for a more specific diagnostic test for GDM. Two risk factors would give us a more positive GTT
The link between post-partum depression syndrome, parental stress and physical health, psychosocial situation and emotional health of pregnantwomen
Neðst á síðunni er hægt að nálgast greinina í heild sinni með því að smella á hlekkinn View/OpenÍ þessari grein er fjallað um rannsókn sem framkvæmd var á Heilsugæslustöðinni á Akureyri í þeim tilgangi að reyna að vapa ljósi á það hvort upplýsingar sem safnað er á meðgöngu kvenna hafi tengsl við fæðingarþunglyndiseinkenni og foreldrastreitu við þriggja mánaða aldur barna. Í þeim hluta rannsóknarinnar sem greint er frá hér voru gögn sem safnað var á meðgöngu þeirra kvenna sem svöruðu lýðbreytulista, Edinborgarþunglyndisog foreldrastreitukvarða við þriggja mánaða aldur barns, keyrð saman við gögn sem safnað hafði verið á meðgöngu þeirra. Þeim gögnum hafði verið safnað í þeim tilgangi að meta þjónustuþörf þeirra í mæðra- og ungbarnavernd og tengdust meðal meðal annars félagslegar aðstæður, líkamlega- og tilfinningalega líðan og bakgrunni og bernsku þeirra. Af þeim 152 konum sem svöruðu spurningalistum um þunglyndiseinkenni og foreldrastreitu þegar þær komu í ungbarnavernd með þriggja mánaða gömul börn sín á meðan á gagnasöfnun stóð, lágu fyrir upplýsingar úr mæðraverndinni um viðtöl við 99 konur. Þegar tíðni þunglyndiseinkenna þessara 99 kvenna eru borin saman við þunglyndiseinkenni frá öllum 152 konunum sem svöruðu við þriggja mánaða aldur barna þeirra kom í ljóst að tíðni mikilla þunglyndiseinkenna (≥ 12 stig á EPDS) er nánast hin sama hjá þessum 99 konum, það er 15,8% og þeim sem áttu ekki upplýsingar frá meðgöngu og höfðu ekki fengið þjónustu eftir þjónustumat hvorki í mæðra- né ungbarnavernd, þ.e. 16,2%. Tíðni foreldrastreitu (≥ 75 stig ) er hins vegar verulega lægri í hópnum þar sem hægt var að tengja niðurstöður við upplýsingar á meðgöngu, þ.e. 12,1% borið saman við 16,9% í hópnum öllum (n=148). Tíðni foreldrastreitu í hópnum sem fékk ekki þjónustumat í upphafi meðgöngu (n=49) er 26,5%, eða rúmlega tvöfalt hærri en í þeim hóp sem átti upplýsingar úr mæðraverndinni. Þau atriði sem höfðu marktækta fylgni, SM 75 scores on PSI/SF) on the other hand showed that the group who was screened during pregnancy, scored much less, 12.1% vs. 26.5% than the women who were not screened. The issues with significant positive correlation SM<0, 05 (symmetric measures) regarding PPD were: less than optimal health; history of psychiatric problems and history of emotional problems. Other issues that significantly (SM<0, 05) increases the likelihood of PPD is: living with parents or in-laws; smoking during pregnancy; or express worries regarding financial - housing or work condition. Results of the PSI / SF questionnaire showed that women scored significantly higher if they reported insufficient support from their psychosocial surroundings. The same is the fact if the mother expresses worries regarding financial -housing or work condition, or if alcoholic problem exists in the family. Significant parental stress is also seen among women who rapport sleeping difficulties during early pregnancy or women who have less than elementary education
Adverse drug reaction reports in Iceland from 2013 to 2016. A comparison with other Nordic countries
To access publisher's full text version of this article, please click on the hyperlink in Additional Links field or click on the hyperlink at the top of the page marked FilesInngangur: Niðurstöður rannsókna á takmörkuðum hópi fólks liggja til grundvallar upplýsingum um aukaverkanir nýrra lyfja á markaði. Aukaverkanatilkynningar gegna mikilvægu hlutverki í uppfærslu þessara upplýsinga sem ná þá til breiðari hóps sjúklinga. Markmið þessarar rannsóknar var að skoða fjölda og eðli aukaverkanatilkynninga á Íslandi og bera saman við nágrannalöndin. Efniviður og aðferðir: Farið var yfir aukaverkanatilkynningar í gagnagrunni Lyfjastofnunar árin 2013 til 2016 og þær bornar saman við upplýsingar úr ársskýrslum lyfjastofnana í Svíþjóð, Noregi og Danmörku fyrir árin 2013 til 2015. Samanburðurinn tók til fjölda og flokkunar tilkynntra aukaverkana eftir alvarleika og eftir ATC-flokkum lyfjanna. Sala lyfja í þessum löndum var skoðuð. Niðurstöður: Fjöldi aukaverkanatilkynninga á Íslandi var á bilinu 36-104 tilkynningar á hverja 100.000 íbúa á ári. Heildarfjöldi tilkynninga á Norð- urlöndunum var 58-133 á 100.000 íbúa á ári. Innan við 10% tilkynninga á Íslandi flokkuðust sem alvarlegar aukaverkanir meðan þetta hlutfall var frá 38-64% á hinum Norðurlöndunum. Hérlendis voru aukaverkanatilkynningar mun algengari í ATC-flokki A, en fátíðari í flokkum B, J og L, heldur en á hinum Norðurlöndunum. Sala lyfja eftir ATC-flokkum var sambærileg milli landanna. Ályktun: Mikill breytileiki er á fjölda tilkynntra aukaverkana á Íslandi milli ára á tímabilinu. Í samanburði við hin Norðurlöndin er dreifing aukaverkana eftir ATC-flokkum lyfja önnur og hlutfall alvarlegra aukaverkana lágt. Sölutölur skýra ekki þennan mismun.Introduction: Information regarding adverse drug reactions (ADRs) of new medications is based on clinical studies of selected populations. The reporting of ADRs from real-life use following the marketing of new active substances is instrumental for the continuous evaluation of their benefit-risk balance. The aim of this study was to determine the number and nature of ADR reports in Iceland and compare with other Nordic countries. Materials and methods: Reports of ADRs from 2013 to 2016 were examined using the Icelandic Medicines Agency´s database. The total number and seriousness of ADRs by ATC-classification of drugs were compared with data published in the 2013 to 2015 annual reports from the Swedish, Danish and Norwegian Medicines Agencies. Comparison of sales between countries was examined. Results: The number of ADR reports in Iceland was between 36 to 104 per 100 thousand inhabitants/year, with less than 10% defined as serious. This compares to 58 to 133 ADR reports per 100 thousand inhabitants in the other Nordic countries, with 38% to 64% of ADRs classified as serious. In Iceland, ADR reports were more common for medications in ATC-class A and less common for classes B, J and L compared to the other Nordic countries. Sales of medications were comparable between these nations. Conclusion: There is great variability in the number of ADRs reported annually in Iceland. The drugs reported are within different ATC-classes and the proportion of serious ADRs is low compared to the other Nordic countries. This is not explained by different sales volumes
Seasickness among Icelandic seamen
Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Arnardottir et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.Introduction The working environment abroad a ship is unique, with constant stimuli such as rolling of the vessel, noise, and vibration. Fishing industry is important for Icelandic economy, still the effect of seasickness-related symptoms on seamen´s health is not fully understood. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore the impact of seasickness-related symptoms, i.e., seasickness, seasickness symptoms and mal de débarquement on seaman´s health, and how their working environment may affect those factors. Methods Cross-sectional data was collected from 262 seamen answering questionnaire. Majority of the seamen participated while attending a compulsory course held by the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre. The majority of participants were men. A chi-square test was used to detect the difference between variables. Results The majority of seamen had experienced seasickness (87.8%) or mal de débarquement (85.8%). Having a history of tension headache (38.1%) and tinnitus (37.9%) was quite common. A total of 30.6% of the participants had been admitted to hospital once or more due to mishaps or accidents on land. Discussion Seasickness and seasickness symptoms together with mal de débarquement are common in Icelandic seamen. Working conditions at sea are demanding and seam to affect the seamen´s health both at sea and ashore, making further research needed.Introduction The working environment abroad a ship is unique, with constant stimuli such as rolling of the vessel, noise, and vibration. Fishing industry is important for Icelandic economy, still the effect of seasickness-related symptoms on seamen´s health is not fully understood. Thus, the objective of this study is to explore the impact of seasickness-related symptoms, i.e., seasickness, seasickness symptoms and mal de débarquement on seaman´s health, and how their working environment may affect those factors. Methods Cross-sectional data was collected from 262 seamen answering questionnaire. Majority of the seamen participated while attending a compulsory course held by the Maritime Safety and Survival Training Centre. The majority of participants were men. A chi-square test was used to detect the difference between variables. Results The majority of seamen had experienced seasickness (87.8%) or mal de débarquement (85.8%). Having a history of tension headache (38.1%) and tinnitus (37.9%) was quite common. A total of 30.6% of the participants had been admitted to hospital once or more due to mishaps or accidents on land. Discussion Seasickness and seasickness symptoms together with mal de débarquement are common in Icelandic seamen. Working conditions at sea are demanding and seam to affect the seamen´s health both at sea and ashore, making further research needed.Peer reviewe
Digital solutions to follow up on discharged new parents - a systematic literature review
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.New parents and their newborns are followed up after discharge either through home visits from midwives/nurses or using information and communication technology. This follow-up focuses on individual needs related to breastfeeding and infant feeding, practical advice on caring for babies, supporting and strengthening the new mother’s knowledge and self-confidence concerning child development and parenting skills, and supporting the relationship between parents and baby. This systematic review aims to integrate available research results that describe new parents’ experiences when health and care providers used telemedicine as a platform for follow-up after discharge from the childbirth department. This literature review was conducted following the PRISMA statement and was prospectively registered in PROSPERO CRD42021236912. The studies were identified through the following databases: AMED, Academic, EMBASE, Google Scholar, Ovid MEDLINE via PubMed, Cochrane database, and CINAHL. Results from these studies were compiled using thematic analysis. A total of 886 studies were identified. Screening resulted in eight studies that met the inclusion criteria. Thematic analysis produced the following themes: a) Flexibility and convenience of digital support, b) Digital literacy, c) Parents feeling safe with digital support, and d) Adequate substitute for physical meetings. New parents who live in a home environment with a relaxed atmosphere and around-the-clock digital support experience a sense of control, security, full attention, and encouragement. Digital follow up at home has proven effective because it can meet the support needs of new parents when necessary.publishedVersio
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