15 research outputs found

    Actions paysannes et développement rural dans les régions cacaoyères ivoiriennes : le cas des espaces ruraux du département de Méagui, Sud-Ouest de la Côte d’Ivoire

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    Considéré comme l’épine dorsale de l’actuelle boucle de cacao, le département de Méagui détient à lui seul environ 36 % de la production nationale (396 000 tonnes), soit 15 % de l’offre mondiale de cacao (Tano, 2012, p 88). Malgré cette performance économique, les villages, unités de résidence des producteurs, sont en proie d’une pauvreté persistante. De 41,3 % en 2002, le niveau de pauvreté passe à 45,5 % en 2008 (Tano, op cit, p 105). Cependant, les actions des populations semblent anodines pour renverser la tendance. Cette étude se propose alors d’analyser les initiatives locales, principalement les actions des populations, en faveur du développement des espaces ruraux. L’exploitation documentaire et l’enquête de terrain (l’observation directe, l’entretien et l’enquête par questionnaire) sont les méthodes ayant servi à la collecte des données dans cette étude. L’étude montre que la population rurale caractérisée par sa grande diversité ethnique est à près de 98 % dominée par les communautés migrantes. L’intérêt de cette importante communauté de migrants pour les régions d’origine, auquel s’ajoute la baisse des revenus des paysans, réduisent les possibilités d’investissements locaux. Ainsi, en dehors des équipements collectifs notamment les secteurs de l’hydraulique villageoise et de l’éducation qui ont enregistré les taux de participations les plus élevés, soit respectivement 96,63 % et 89,88 %, les investissements privés suscitent peu d’intérêt au sein de la communauté rurale. Seulement 22,22% des paysans ont investi dans la construction d’habitats modernes dans les villages. Quant à la création d’activités économiques non agricoles, elle n’a concerné que 25,1% de la population rurale. Considered as the backbone of the current cocoa loop, the department of Méagui alone holds around 36% of national production (396,000 tonnes), or 15% of the world's cocoa supply (Tano, 2012, p 88). Despite this economic performance, villages, producer residences, are plagued by persistent poverty. From 41.3% in 2002, the poverty level rose to 45.5% in 2008 (Tano, op cit, p 105). However, the actions of the populations seem trivial to reverse the trend. This study then proposes to analyze local initiatives, mainly the actions of the populations, in favor of the development of rural areas. Document processing, direct observation, interview and questionnaire survey are the methods used to collect data in this study. The study shows that the rural population, characterized by its great ethnic diversity, is almost 98% dominated by migrant communities. The interest of this large migrant community in the regions of origin, coupled with the decline in peasant incomes, reduces the possibilities for local investment. Thus, apart from collective facilities, in particular the village water supply and education sectors, which recorded the highest participation rates, at 96.63% and 89.88% respectively, private investment generates little interest in the rural community. Only 22.22% of the peasants invested in the construction of modern housing in the villages. As for the creation of non-agricultural economic activities, it concerned only 25.1% of the rural population

    Profil Socio-Économique Et Démographique Des Populations Issues De La Migration Sur Le Littoral Ôdjoukrou. (Sud De La Côte d’Ivoire)

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    The rural country of ôdjoukrou, or lôdjoukrou, is part of the Ivorian coastline. It is a space with enormous economic potential. Agricultural space, the boom in the plantation economy, will mobilize a large foreign workforce. This paper focuses on analyzing the socio-economic and demographic characteristics of populations resulting from migration. To meet the objective of this study, the methodological approach used is based on a literature search. We also used a field survey motivated by a questionnaire administered to 1000 migrants. An interview was also conducted with the chieftaincies of the various localities. The study reveals that the majority of migrants are West African immigrants with 79.8%. The majority of migrants, estimated at 38%, work in agriculture. In addition, the study allows us to relate the type of activity carried out in relation to the migrant's geographical origin. Most unhealthy incomes are considered satisfactory, to the point of encouraging regular monthly transfers to other family members of the starting spaces


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    The department of Soubré was struck by a sub settlement observed over a long period in the history of Côte d'Ivoire. The immense natural potential, the decline of the "cocoa Loop" in the regions of Eastern and Central East and the start of the South West Development Project (ARSO) initiated by the State ended up upsetting the departmental space. Indeed, the department of Soubré has become a reception area where the plantation economy takes a boom since the 1975/1980 year. The study shows that immigration that was particularly intensified in the department of Soubré is the origin of socio-demographic change and urban socio-economic department. However, it retains the light of the above that the farmers through their major agricultural income from the plantation economy have a real grip on the urban extension


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    The department of Soubré was struck by a sub settlement observed over a long period in the history of Côte d'Ivoire. The immense natural potential, the decline of the "cocoa Loop" in the regions of Eastern and Central East and the start of the South West Development Project (ARSO) initiated by the State ended up upsetting the departmental space. Indeed, the department of Soubré has become a reception area where the plantation economy takes a boom since the 1975/1980 year. The study shows that immigration that was particularly intensified in the department of Soubré is the origin of socio-demographic change and urban socio-economic department. However, it retains the light of the above that the farmers through their major agricultural income from the plantation economy have a real grip on the urban extension

    Les Déterminants De L’accès Aux Services De Santé À Grand Bassam

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    State of complete physical, mental and social well-being, health is fundamental for man. Yet global figures for access to health are alarming. According to Gijs (2011) 2.5 billion people in the world do not have access to basic health care. In Côte d'Ivoire, the State has made population access a priority. Thus, sanitary infrastructures were built and equipped (PNDS, 2016). However, the problem of access to health services remains. The city of GrandBassam, located in the south-east of Côte d'Ivoire, has a wide range of health structures. Yet there are still people who still do not have access to health care. According to the RASS (2015), 25% of the population of Grand-Bassam still does not use health services. The purpose of this article is to identify the determinants of the access of the population of Grand-Bassam to health services. The methodological approach adopted to conduct this study took into account a bibliographic synthesis and the administration of a questionnaire. This study shows that perception of distance, income of head of household, perception of cost of care, household size, educational level, and age of households are the factors that determine access health services in the city of Grand-Bassam

    Analyse De La Contribution Des Collectivités Territoriales Au Développement Local En Côte D’ivoire : Cas Du Département D’agboville

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    This study focuses on the contribution of local authorities to the development of the Agboville department. It allows the two (02) levels of communities involved in the planning and development of that department. These are the former general counsel of Agboville and the regional council of Agneby-Tiassa. The first was involved in the planning and development department said 2002 to 2012. The second takes over from 2013. The main objective of this study is to highlight the ability of these local entities to provide basic services to the population for their well-being. The methodological approach was to assess the triennial programs and administrative accounts of local authorities and conducting field surveys, to conduct interviews with local authorities and direct observation of the actions carried. The results show that investments by local authorities are poor. This deficiency is linked to the lack of financial resources, which therefore does not allow them to ensure adequate local development

    Pression Foncière En Milieu Rural Ivoirien : Quelles Stratégies Adoptent Les Paysans Baoulé Réinstallés Dans La Forêt Des ‘‘Tos’’ À Bouaflé ?

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    La construction du barrage hydro-électrique de Kossou en 1970 a nécessité la réinstallation de 11000 paysans baoulé, en majorité Ayaou, dans la forêt des ‘‘Tos’’, située dans le département de Bouaflé. Cette zone enregistrait au préalable une forte concentration de populations agricoles qui exerçaient une pression sur l’espace cultivable. Avec l’arrivée massive des déguerpis, cette pression foncière s’est accentuée au fil des années, au point où l’espace cultivable s’est raréfié. Cette étude se propose d’analyser les stratégies mises en place par les déplacés face aux difficultés d’accès à l’espace cultivable. Pour ce faire, la démarche méthodologique repose sur la recherche documentaire et l’enquête de terrain (observation directe et questionnaire) réalisée en Mai 2015. La technique du choix raisonné fut retenue pour le choix des villages enquêtés et la méthode des quotas pour celui des chefs de ménage. Sur cette base, 1/10è soit 504 chefs de ménage ont été enquêtés. Il ressort de cette étude que pour faire face à cette contrainte foncière, certains individus (50,79 %) ont migré vers d’autres régions du pays à la recherche de mieux être. Pour ceux qui sont restés sur le site d’accueil, l’heure est aujourd’hui à une réorientation géographique des objectifs de production. Elle consiste pour certains, à repenser le modèle cultural par l’intensification (54 %) et l’association culturale (95 %) sur les espaces en leur possession. D’autres exploitants (41 %), se consacrent aux activités alternatives à l’agriculture génératrices de revenus telles que l’élevage et le secteur informel. The construction of the Kossou hydroelectric dam in 1970 necessitated the resettlement of 11,000 Baoulé farmers, most of them Ayaou, in the forest of ‘‘Tos’’, located in the department of Bouaflé. This zone previously recorded a high concentration of agricultural populations which exerted pressure on the arable land. With the massive arrival of the evaders, this land pressure has increased over the years, to the point where the cultivable space has become rarefied. This study proposes to analyze the strategies put in place by the displaced people with regard to the difficulties of access to the cultivable space. To do this, the methodological approach is based on the documentary research and the field survey (direct observation and questionnaire) conducted inMay 2015.The reasoned choice technique was chosen for the choice of villages surveyed and the quota method for the heads of households. On this basis, 1 / 10th or 504 household heads were surveyed. According to this study, to cope with this land constraint, some individuals (50.79 %) migrated to other regions of the country in search of better life. For those who remained on the site of reception, the time is today to a geographical reorientation of the objectives of production. For some, it involves rethinking the cultural model through intensification (54%) and cultural association (95%) on the areas in their possession. Other farmers (41%) are engaged in alternative farming, income-generating activities such as livestock and the informal sector

    Production des Déchets et Santé des Travailleurs: Cas de la Mine d’or de Tongon (Côte d’Ivoire)

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    Cette étude porte sur la production des déchets dans l’exploitation aurifère de Tongon en Côte d’Ivoire. L’objectif visé est d’évaluer l’incidence des déchets produits dans la mine d’or de Tongon sur la santé des travailleurs. La méthodologie de collectes de données était basée sur la recherche documentaire et la réalisation d’une enquête faite à partir d’un questionnaire. Sur la base d’un sondage stratifié, 297 travailleurs ont été retenus pour cette étude. Elle a permis de mettre en évidence les différents types de déchets miniers (ou industriels) produits et les pathologies qui seraient susceptibles d’y être liées. Ces déchets miniers sont constitués de roches stériles (résidus miniers) (82%), de terres contaminées (1%) et de boues (17%) renfermant du cyanure, de l’acide chlorhydrique, de l’arsenic, du plomb, du fer, du nitrate, du peroxyde d’hydrogène qui sont très néfastes pour la santé. L’étude révèle aussi que, les pathologies et les signes cliniques tels que les irritations oculaires (8%), digestives (14%), respiratoires (11%) et auditives (4%), les céphalées fréquentes (24%) et les lésions caustiques (17%) observées chez les travailleurs de cette zone d’étude pourraient être liées à l’exposition de ceuxci et à la manipulation des intrants chimiques. This study focuses on waste production at the Tongon gold mine in Côte d'Ivoire. The objective is to assess the impact of the waste produced in the Tongon gold mine on the health of workers. The data collection methodology was based on documentary research and a questionnaire-based survey. Based on a stratified survey, 297 workers were selected for this study. It made it possible to identify the different types of mining (or industrial) waste produced and the pathologies that could be linked to it. This mining waste consists of waste rock (mine tailings) (82%), contaminated soil (1%) and sludge (17%) containing cyanide, hydrochloric acid, arsenic, lead, iron, nitrate, hydrogen peroxide which are very harmful to health. The study also reveals that clinical pathologies and signs such as eye (8%), digestive (14%), respiratory (11%) and auditory (4%) irritations, frequent headaches (24%) and caustic lesions (17%) observed in workers in this study area could be related to their exposure and to the handling of chemical inputs

    Transport Et Approvisionnement Des Produits Vivriers A Abidjan En Côte d’Ivoire

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    The population of Abidjan is growing rapidly. This demographic mass creates a food needs. To answer this demand, transport service is essential to reach the production areas. The contribution explains an overview of the transport service in a supply chain of food to Abidjan. The methodology research is based on two facts: the bibliographic research and field surveys. The study shows the meaning of transport which may vary according to the scales and levels of supply. Difficult conditions to access production sites, road traffic harassment and degradation of road infrastructure significant are problems faced by transporters in carrying out their activities