218 research outputs found

    Influence of a six month endurance exercise program on the immune function of prostate cancer patients undergoing Antiandrogen or Chemotherapy: design and rationale of the ProImmun study

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    Background: Exercise seems to minimize prostate cancer specific mortality risk and treatment related side effects like fatigue and incontinence. However the influence of physical activity on the immunological level remains uncertain. Even prostate cancer patients undergoing palliative treatment often have a relatively long life span compared to other cancer entities. To optimize exercise programs and their outcomes it is essential to investigate the underlying mechanisms. Further, it is important to discriminate between different exercise protocols and therapy regimes. Methods/Design: The ProImmun study is a prospective multicenter patient preference randomized controlled trial investigating the influence of a 24 week endurance exercise program in 80–100 prostate cancer patients by comparing patients undergoing Antiandrogen therapy combined with exercise (AE), Antiandrogen therapy without exercise (A), Chemotherapy with exercise(CE) or Chemotherapy without exercise (C). The primary outcome of the study is a change in prostate cancer relevant cytokines and hormones (IL-6, MIF, IGF-1, Testosterone). Secondary endpoints are immune cell ratios, oxidative stress and antioxidative capacity levels, VO2 peak, fatigue and quality of life. Patients of the intervention group exercise five times per week, while two sessions are supervised. During the supervised sessions patients (AE and CE) exercise for 33 minutes on a bicycle ergometer at 70-75% of their VO2 peak. To assess long term effects and sustainability of the intervention two follow-up assessments are arranged 12 and 18 month after the intervention. Discussion: The ProImmun study is the first trial which primarily investigates immunological effects of a six month endurance exercise program in prostate cancer patients during palliative care. Separating patients treated with Antiandrogen therapy from those who are additionally treated with Chemotherapy might allow a more specific view on the influence of endurance training interventions and the impact of different therapy protocols on the immune function. Trial registration: German Clinical Trials Register: DRKS0000473

    Gemeinsam zum Innovationserfolg? Verbreitung und Effekte von Innovationskooperationen bei nicht forschungsintensiven Betrieben im Verarbeitenden Gewerbe

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    FĂŒr die BewĂ€ltigung der aktuellen Wirtschaftskrise wird Innovationen eine wichtige Bedeutung beigemessen. Nach dem Motto Stillstand ist RĂŒckstand ermöglichen Innovationen bei Unternehmen, gestĂ€rkt aus der Krise hervorzugehen und durch marktreife Neuentwicklungen frĂŒhzeitig von einem Wiederaufschwung zu profitieren. Produkt-, Service-, organisatorische oder technische Prozessinnovationen sind wichtige Stellhebel fĂŒr den langfristigen Unternehmenserfolg. Gerade die Entwicklung neuer Produkte kann durch erhöhte Investitionen in betriebliche Forschung und Entwicklung (FuE) gefördert werden. Viele Unternehmen in Deutschland weisen jedoch keine oder nur geringe FuE-AktivitĂ€ten auf und können daher von dieser innovationstrategischen Option in der Krise aufgrund mangelnder Ressourcen nicht in gleichem Maße Gebrauch machen wie stĂ€rker forschungsintensive Unternehmen. Die Teilnahme an FuE- bzw. Innovationskooperationen stellt daher insbesondere fĂŒr nicht forschungsintensive Unternehmen eine Möglichkeit dar, eigene fehlende FuE-Kompetenzen zu kompensieren und Innovationsprojekte zu realisieren, die aus eigener Kraft vielleicht nicht gestemmt werden könnten. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass nicht forschungsintensive Betriebe, die in FuE-Kooperationen neue Technologieimpulse aufnehmen, deutlich hĂ€ufiger Produktinnovationen hervorbringen und in vermarktbare Produkte umsetzen. --

    Service-Innovationen in der Industrie: Innovatorenquote, Umsatzrelevanz und Wachstumspotenziale

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    Innovative Dienstleistungen sind nicht nur fĂŒr Dienstleistungsbranchen, sondern zunehmend auch fĂŒr die Industrie im Wettbewerb ein mit entscheidender Faktor. Von 17 Prozent Industrieumsatz, der im Mittel - direkt und indirekt verrechnet - mit Dienstleistungen erzielt wird, entfĂ€llt mehr als die HĂ€lfte auf innovative Leistungsangebote. Damit haben Innovationen fĂŒr die mit Services erzielten UmsĂ€tze einen noch höheren Stellenwert als fĂŒr die mit materiellen Produkten erreichten UmsĂ€tze. Vor diesem Hintergrund scheint die Quote von Industriefirmen, die Service-Innovationen entwickeln, mit einem Drittel eher gering und noch ausbaufĂ€hig. Service-Innovationen zu entwickeln bedeutet einerseits, in Feldern produktbegleitender Dienstleistungen tĂ€tig zu werden, in denen man als Industriefirma bisher kein Angebot vorgehalten hatte wie z.B. die erstmalige Konzeption von Finanzierungsdiensten oder Schulungsleistungen. Service-Innovationen bedeutet jedoch andererseits auch, in etablierten Dienstleistungsfeldern wie beispielsweise der Wartung und Instandhaltung neue LeistungsbĂŒndel zu offerieren, die VerfĂŒgbarkeiten garantieren oder ĂŒber Service Level Agreements den Kunden Wahlmöglichkeiten bieten. Derartige innovative Leistungen sind geeignet, zusammen mit Produktinnovationen neue Exportchancen und Wachstumspotenziale zu erschließen. --

    Looking into meta-emotions

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    Quantifying the Simulation-Reality Gap for Deep Learning-Based Drone Detection

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    The detection of drones or unmanned aerial vehicles is a crucial component in protecting safety-critical infrastructures and maintaining privacy for individuals and organizations. The widespread use of optical sensors for perimeter surveillance has made optical sensors a popular choice for data collection in the context of drone detection. However, efficiently processing the obtained sensor data poses a significant challenge. Even though deep learning-based object detection models have shown promising results, their effectiveness depends on large amounts of annotated training data, which is time consuming and resource intensive to acquire. Therefore, this work investigates the applicability of synthetically generated data obtained through physically realistic simulations based on three-dimensional environments for deep learning-based drone detection. Specifically, we introduce a novel three-dimensional simulation approach built on Unreal Engine and Microsoft AirSim for generating synthetic drone data. Furthermore, we quantify the respective simulation-reality gap and evaluate established techniques for mitigating this gap by systematically exploring different compositions of real and synthetic data. Additionally, we analyze the adaptation of the simulation setup as part of a feedback loop-based training strategy and highlight the benefits of a simulation-based training setup for image-based drone detection, compared to a training strategy relying exclusively on real-world data

    Identification of common horsetail (<i>Equisetum arvense</i> L.; Equisetaceae) using Thin Layer Chromatography versus DNA barcoding

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    The global herbal products market has grown in recent years, making regulation of these products paramount for public healthcare. For instance, the common horsetail (Equisetum arvense L.) is used in numerous herbal products, but it can be adulterated with closely related species, especially E. palustre L. that can produce toxic alkaloids. As morphology-based identification is often difficult or impossible, the identification of processed material can be aided by molecular techniques. In this study, we explore two molecular identification techniques as methods of testing the purity of these products: a Thin Layer Chromatography approach (TLC-test) included in the European Pharmacopoeia and a DNA barcoding approach, used in recent years to identify material in herbal products. We test the potential of these methods for distinguishing and identifying these species using material from herbarium collections and commercial herbal products. We find that both methods can discriminate between the two species and positively identify E. arvense. The TLC-test is more cost- and time-efficient, but DNA barcoding is more powerful in determining the identity of adulterant species. Our study shows that, although DNA barcoding presents certain advantages, other established laboratory methods can perform as well or even better in confirming species’ identity in herbal products

    Future Potentials and Strategies of non-research-intensive Industries in Germany – Impacts on Competitiveness and Employment. Summary

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    Non-research-intensive industries and businesses have played a comparatively minor role in the economic and innovation policy debate so far. Due to the strong focus of the political discussion on research-intensive sectors, the potential of non-research-intensive industries and businesses for Germany as a business location was usually not attributed any particular significance in the past. Based on growth theory considerations, intensive research and development (R&D) was usually associated with higher economic growth and greater international competitiveness. This report focuses on non-research-intensive sectors and companies and addresses the question of what direct and, above all, indirect contributions these sectors make to Germany\u27s international competitiveness and what future potential results from this. It examines the competitive and innovation strategies pursued by research-intensive companies and the extent to which current economic developments create pressure for change that could affect the market position and survival of research-intensive companies in the future. Furthermore, the question is addressed as to which developments are foreseeable with regard to competitiveness and thus with regard to employment opportunities in non-research-intensive industries. Finally, it is clarified which effects on the qualification requirements of these employees are foreseeable due to current developments. The analysis of the macroeconomic importance of non-research-intensive industries is based on official statistical data at the national and international level. The analyses at the company level are based on a telephone survey of more than 200 non-research-intensive companies and 88 particularly research-intensive companies in the German manufacturing sector. Supplementary evaluations are carried out using data from the survey "Modernisation of Production 2009" by the Fraunhofer ISI. The data includes information on topics such as the market environment, the competitive strategy, the specific innovation patterns, the competence equipment, the ability to absorb and implement external information, the protection and importance of different forms of knowledge or the future opportunities and risks of these enterprises

    uncertainty and complexity in the context of COVID-19

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    Although the first coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) wave has peaked with the second wave underway, the world is still struggling to manage potential systemic risks and unpredictability of the pandemic. A particular challenge is the “superspreading” of the virus, which starts abruptly, is difficult to predict, and can quickly escalate into medical and socio-economic emergencies that contribute to long-lasting crises challenging our current ways of life. In these uncertain times, organizations and societies worldwide are faced with the need to develop appropriate strategies and intervention portfolios that require fast understanding of the complex interdependencies in our world and rapid, flexible action to contain the spread of the virus as quickly as possible, thus preventing further disastrous consequences of the pandemic. We integrate perspectives from systems sciences, epidemiology, biology, social networks, and organizational research in the context of the superspreading phenomenon to understand the complex system of COVID-19 pandemic and develop suggestions for interventions aimed at rapid responses.publishersversionpublishe

    The Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Healthcare Utilization in Switzerland Was Strongest Among Young Females—Retrospective Study in 2018–2020

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    Objectives: To provide a thorough assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the utilization of inpatient and outpatient mental healthcare in Switzerland. Methods: Retrospective cohort study using nationwide hospital data (n &gt; 8 million) and claims data from a large Swiss health insurer (n &gt; 1 million) in 2018–2020. Incidence proportions of different types of psychiatric inpatient admissions, psychiatric consultations, and psychotropic medication claims were analyzed using interrupted time series models for the general population and for the vulnerable subgroup of young people. Results: Inpatient psychiatric admissions in the general population decreased by 16.2% (95% confidence interval: −19.2% to −13.2%) during the first and by 3.9% (−6.7% to −0.2%) during the second pandemic shutdown, whereas outpatient mental healthcare utilization was not substantially affected. We observed distinct patterns for young people, most strikingly, an increase in mental healthcare utilization among females aged &lt;20 years. Conclusion: Mental healthcare provision for the majority of the population was largely maintained, but special attention should be paid to young people. Our findings highlight the importance of monitoring mental healthcare utilization among different populations
